Configuring Future Simulations

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Generally, the constants in CCDB should be set so that they reflect the conditions for data already taken, and these conditions should be used when generating simulations.

When generating simulations for planned running conditions, or other future-looking studies,

First, create a new variation for your new set of conditions. The convention is to start the name with "mc" and have the base "mc" variation be a parent for your new set of constants. Example:

ccdb mkvar mc_sim1 -p mc \#Simulations for initial GlueX running

Second, several constants must be set to reflect the running conditions, as described in the following table:

CCDB table Example value Description
Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_map The solenoid field map corresponding to the expected magnet current Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1200A_poisson_20140520
/PHOTON_BEAM/endpoint_energy The electron beam energy, which defines the endpoint of the photon energy spectrum. 12. (in GeV)