Dec 1, 2016 Calorimeter
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Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m.
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Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
- Produce documentation for implementation of timing algorithms and constants (Andrei)
Andrei to send reference to Will for BCAL_mevPerPE constantSend a couple of weeks ago -
Will will extend the range of the plot for simulated resolutions to higher energy (e.g. 5 GeV)Updated Log Entry -
Check that the charged track extrapolation inside the BCAL follows the magnetic field.The tracking is following tracks through the magnetic field.
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Run preparations
- FCAL update
- BCAL update
- Calibrations
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- BCAL Clustering charged particles try1 (Will M.)
- Any other business
Attendees: Elton, Jon, George, Adesh, Mark (JLab); Matt (IU); Christina (Athens); Curtis, Will (CMU); Andrei (UofR)
- Announcements
- Accelerator is running smoothly for Hall A at 5 pass. The decision has been made not to reinstall the separator cavities during the run. We have requested to get at least on week of beam before the shutdown.
- Action Items
- Several items completed.
- Run preparations
- Long cosmic-ray run completed over Thanksgiving. Beni is planning to take more comics this weekend.
- We should check that LED pulsers are on for both Bcal and Fcal.
- FCAL update
- Bases (Jon)
- Matt stresses that Chris should diligently continue repairing bases
- Chris is repairing about 5 bases per day.
- Identified the first verified case of a bases with nominal fixes (by Chris) has failed after about 60 hours of testing
- Base has rebounded on its own. Waiting for continuous failure to remove from test setup and let Chris diagnose failure.
- Fernando continues to check design for possible weaknesses.
- Studies using omega decays (Jon)
- Work in progress
- Updated software has been used to look at omega->pi+pi-pi0, pi0->g(g), and omega->pi0(g) and compare with previous results
- Considerable improvement in the use of the kinematic fit for those reactions
- Mark: Can one also look for bachelor photons? Yes, but completed yet
- Curtis: What is the beam energy selection? Eg selection is 8.1-9GeV. Could expand to lower energies and increase statistics
- Mark: What was the confidence level cut? CL cut is 1%.
- Bases (Jon)
- BCAL update
- Calibrations
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- BCAL Clustering charged particles try1 (Will M.)
- Will has completed a nice study of possible clustering strategies for charged particles.
- Initial algorithms did not perform much better than the existing neutral clustering.
- Plan to investigate clustering based on empirical shower shapes.
- Feedback is welcome on the posted log entry
- BCAL Clustering charged particles try1 (Will M.)
- Any other business
- George is looking into the pi0->ge+e- decay for calorimetry studies as well as an easy rare decay.
- With the reduction in the accelerator schedule, we should devote effort to completing NIM articles for the Bcal and Fcal.