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Revision as of 12:02, 9 August 2013

Currently the solenoid test PLC archive data resides on gluon01 (Aug-2013). At some point we will move it to a more accessible area. The script below will be modified appropriately.

You can dump PLC archive data using the following script from any account on gluon01:


To run the script you have to give it the database name, tag number within the database and a time range. The output file contains a time (unix time + msec), value, and ascii time per line (you can suppress the ascii time to save space, see below). Be sure to carefully follow the date format convention shown below.

Use the "--index" option to get an index of all database names and tag numbers.

$ /home/halld/solenoid/DumpPLCArchiveChannel.py --help

  DumpPLCArchiveChannel.py [options]

Dumps selected PLC archive data from database into file. Based on database name, tag index and date range.

  Example:  $ DumpPLCArchvieChannel --tag=26 --db=Solenoid_OnChange --start='2013:08:01 00:00' --end='2013:08:01 00:10'

 -h, --help       show this help message and exit

 Database Options:
   --tag=TAG      Tag index
   --db=DATABASE  Solenoid_OnChange, Solenoid_100ms, Solenoid_1s
   --host=HOST    Database host name
   --user=USER    User name
   --pwd=PWD      Password
   --start=START  Start time, "yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm"
   --end=END      End time,   "yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm"

 Miscellaneous Options:
   --index        Just print tag index for all three databases
   --noTime       Suppress ascii times in output file
   --debug        Turn on debug options


$ /home/halld/solenoid/DumpPLCArchiveChannel.py --tag=26 --db=Solenoid_OnChange --start='2013:08:01 00:00' --end='2013:08:01 00:10'

database:           Solenoid_OnChange
tag index:          26
tag name:           [Logix5562]Coil2.TCR2
start time:         2013:08:01 00:00
end time:           2013:08:01 00:10
MySQL version:      5.1.61
output file:        Logix5562Coil2TCR2.txt
noTime:             False

$ more Logix5562Coil2TCR2.txt
1375329603.017   2795.738770          2013-08-01 00:00:03  0.017
1375329604.110   2795.113281          2013-08-01 00:00:04  0.110
1375329605.161   2791.985107          2013-08-01 00:00:05  0.161
1375329605.379   2794.331299          2013-08-01 00:00:05  0.379
1375329606.428   2795.269775          2013-08-01 00:00:06  0.428
1375329607.473   2790.421143          2013-08-01 00:00:07  0.473
1375329608.516   2796.833740          2013-08-01 00:00:08  0.516
1375329609.563   2793.862061          2013-08-01 00:00:09  0.563
1375329610.608   2794.487549          2013-08-01 00:00:10  0.608
1375329611.612   2794.018311          2013-08-01 00:00:11  0.612

You can suppress the ascii times in the output file:

$ /home/halld/solenoid/DumpPLCArchiveChannel.py --tag=26 --db=Solenoid_OnChange --start='2013:08:01 00:00' --end='2013:08:01 00:10' --noTime

database:           Solenoid_OnChange
tag index:          26
tag name:           [Logix5562]Coil2.TCR2
start time:         2013:08:01 00:00
end time:           2013:08:01 00:10
MySQL version:      5.1.61
output file:        Logix5562Coil2TCR2.txt
noTime:             True

$ more Logix5562Coil2TCR2.txt
1375329603.017   2795.738770
1375329604.110   2795.113281
1375329605.161   2791.985107
1375329605.379   2794.331299
1375329606.428   2795.269775
1375329607.473   2790.421143
1375329608.516   2796.833740
1375329609.563   2793.862061
1375329610.608   2794.487549
1375329611.612   2794.018311
1375329612.641   2791.985107
1375329613.689   2795.113281