EventStore Administration

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Revision as of 19:24, 3 February 2015 by Sdobbs (Talk | contribs) (Adding new data to EventStore)

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This page describes procedures used in administering an EventStore installation.


Each admin user should have configuration file in $HOME/.esdb.conf, which contains user:password entries and several other setting as illustrated below:

# sample .esdb.conf file

The users and passwords are used to control access to the master MySQL databases - management of SQLite databases is not access controlled. Note that the authentication is performed by the EventStore scripts themselves.

NOTE: authentication will change in upcoming versions

Adding new data to EventStore

The scripts for EventStore data management in GlueX are located (assuming the root EventStore directory is given by ESBASEDIR):


Build input files and directories

The batch scripts that drive the indexing and cataloging of data use several text files as inputs:

  • data_location - this specifies the full path to the data files. The glob wildcard "*" can be used to [describe how we use the cache disk]
  • eventstore_location - this directory is where the EventStore files (indices, sqlite DB's, log files) are stored. Nothing else should be stored in these directories - they are deleted whenever the injection script is run.
  • idxa_location - this specifies the mapping between skim name and event list for the given run.

We generate versions of these files for both EVIO and REST data on disk. Examples of these files are given below.

The main script for generating these files at JLab is located in misc/ Before you run the script, make sure that the run period and revision are properly set in the script itself, e.g.

RUNPERIOD = "RunPeriod-2014-10"

By default, the script generates these files processes all available runs and overwrites any existing files. The script also supports running over a user-defined set of runs. For instance, if processing new runs 3500-3510, the following command line could be used:

./ -b 3500 -e 3510