Feb 23, 2017 Calorimeter
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Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m.
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Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084 (usual room)
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Run preparations
- Fcal Shift Information (Fcal)
- Log Entry 3461536 Monitorng (Ahmed)
- FCAL update
- BCAL update
- Preliminary Energy Resolution plots - George
- Calibrations
- pi0 calibrations
- Bcal timing calibrations
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Log Entry 3461457 Shower containment (Will)
- NIM articles
- Any other business
Attendees: Elton, Zisis, Adesh, Mark (JLab); George, Georgios, Christina (Athens); Will, Curtis (CMU); Ahmed (UofR); Matt (IU)
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Run preparations
- Fcal Shift Information (Fcal)
- This page is out of date. Jon will update it.
- Bcal environment
- https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3461258 Log Entry 3461258] Bcal humidity is at about 14%. Need to watch it. Tim and Tom have been alerted.
- Fcal
- Base communication issue. Fixed by cycling power remotely. There are also a few FADC channels that are bad and limited FADC spares. Will probably wait till the end of the run to replace electronics.
- Matt: Asked about monitoring data, as failures may show up here. Occupancy plots may catch most of them. Adesh has not looked at it yet.
- Log Entry 3461536 Monitorng (Ahmed)
- We have found that there are quadrant-dependent shifts (396 channels). We will renormalize to eliminate this as a source of shift.
- New spring 2017 file has been created for the Log Entry plot. Previously we had been using a file generated for spring 2016.
- Elton suggested that we take some pulsing data at a fixed voltage (to avoid systematics due to resetting to a specific value). Ahmed will check how many saturation/underflows exist in the present data samples.
- Ahmed will run his script to plot the standard deviation over the first week of running. Also one needs to investigate outliers in the plots that were shown.
- Fcal Shift Information (Fcal)
- FCAL update Log Entry 3460909 (Adesh)
- pi0 calibration almost complete. Corrected for a shift in the pi0 peak down by a few MeV
- Propose change to HV tomorrow at the run coordinator meeting. Discussion of changes (Delta HV ~ 10 Volts, but some outliers). Outliers should be inspected.
- Matt: Notice that there is a number of 2017 gains at one that stands out and should be checked.
- Status of timing calibration for Fcal is shown on the monitoring plots. Relative to the RF there is a satellite peak at -2n that is not understood.
- BCAL update
- Preliminary Energy Resolution plots - George
- Showed update on BCAL resolution from pi0->e+e-g events since the collaboration meeting. Preliminary results
- Plotted dE/E ~ (Pe - Eshower)/Pe (i.e. compared momentum of positron to positron shower).
- Finds that both BCAL and FCAL shower energies are lower than expected from the momentum determination by about 50 MeV.
- Matt: Pe at vertex? Yes. Elton: Simon has routines that return the momentum at various detector planes, e.g. front to BCAL and FCAL, which should be used to compare with Eshower.
- Plan to repeat plots with MC. At the moment genr8 is setup, moving to hdgeant4 is desirable, but it may be useful to use genr8 to check some results quickly.
- Will: Is this the same pi0 sample as before? George: Starting from the same sample, but cuts have been relaxed so as not to bias analysis. Then cut hard around the pi0 mass.
- Preliminary Energy Resolution plots - George
- Calibrations
- pi0 calibrations
- Bcal: Preliminary peaks shown at the collaboration meeting, sufficient for monitoring. Plans to wait till low level calibrations are completed before starting a new iteration. Elton will check with Mark/Sean regarding status/plans for low level calibrations (gain rations, ztrack and veff calibrations, attenuation lengths).
- Tegan will shadow Will for pi0 calibrations this spring so he can take over the calibration for the fall. (They will both be at JLab for shifts in a couple of weeks)
- Bcal timing calibrations
- Sean, Mark and Elton have had a few informal discussions regarding ccdb constants. There are overlapping fields and we would like to streamline/purge unnecessary tables.
- (Zisis) Andrei is working through more systematics on his approach to timing, and is addressing issues with muon MC events. Goal is to wrap up this project in the next couple of weeks.
- pi0 calibrations
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Log Entry 3461457 Shower containment (Will)
- Dave Mack asked a question as to whether one can understand the "crumb" of energy in the spectrum shown by Shuang Han at the collaboration meeting on 4g final states.
- Will generated a few 1 GeV photons at 10.5 deg and showed that most of the energy is lost out the end. Only about 50-100 MeV is reconstructed, but the reconstructed angle is between 11 and 12.5 deg. These angles are included in Suang's fiducial volume.
- Options for addressing this problem are to modify the fiducial volume or change missing energy cuts.
- Zisis encouraged Will to extend the initial study to map out the problem.
- Log Entry 3461457 Shower containment (Will)
- NIM articles
- BCAL (Zisis): Uploaded very preliminary and crude draft to git repository. Draft sections from George (Lolos) and Zisis. Some sections may be drastically reduced/changed or eliminated. Figures are screen shots as placeholders until we decide on which plots we actually wish to include. Goal is to have a formed document before the next collaboration meeting. Zisis and Elton will meet and discuss tomorrow.
- Any other business