Feb 26, 2015 Calorimetry

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Video Conferencing Information

Meeting Time: 11 a.m.

  1. To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/907185247.
  2. To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: (bjn.vc) and enter the meeting ID: 907185247.
  3. To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 907185247.
    • US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
    • US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
  4. Upon connection all microphones are automatically muted. To unmute your mike on a Polycom or equivalent unit, enter *4. Unmuting on a computer is trivial as there is a microphone button than can be clicked.
  5. More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.

Participant Direct Lines

  • JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
  • JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
  • Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
  • Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947

Action Items

  1. BCAL pedestals: Tegan (UofR) will summarize the determination of pedestals in a note with plots in preparation for the collaboration meeting.
  2. Wish-list of action items: discuss attached document (Media:BCAL_Action_Items-2015.pdf) and add chosen items to Wiki page.


Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. FCAL HDFCAL log book
  4. BCAL HDBCAL log book
  5. Configuration setup for spring run
    1. FCAL
    2. BCAL
      • Parameters include overbias (1.4V?), temperature setting (10degC?) , fan speed, DAQ threshold (<105? possibly variable)
  6. Reconstruction and Simulation
  7. Calibration
  8. Any other business


Attendees: Adesh, Manuel, Elton, Will, Noemi, Ahmed (JLab); Zisis, Tegan (UofR); Matt (IU)

  1. Announcements
    • JLab closed due to inclement weather
  2. Action Items
    • Tegan continues to compile information on pedestals taking account of data shown by Mark at the collaboration meeting
    • Zisis has updated previous lists of items that need work. Those interested can stay on the conference call after the meeting to go over the list in more detail.
  3. FCAL HDFCAL log book
    1. Adesh
      • Working on calibration issues to reproduce and extend studies by Matt
      • Hardware fixes are completed and ready to turn on
      • Planned to work with Sasha to take data with FCAL end of this week or beginning of next
      • LED pulser setup in VME needs software implementation. Orlando has replied to Elton with information on where to apply these changes. Elton needs to meet with Hovanes to discuss implementing the new changes. In the meantime, the NIM pulser setup can be used.
      • VESDA changes to the dark room are not yet complete. It may be that the plumbing is finished but the sensors are not yet installed. We need to check with Tom.
      • Replacement bases have been received at JLab but are still in shipping and receiving.
    2. Manuel
      • Working on including the FCAL into the JInventory data base. This will include all the hardware including all the electronic boards.
      • This will increase the JInventory data base from about 6k to 23k entries. Manuel has tested a script to input the data using the JInventory test file. He will continue to work with Sergey to implement the changes once a complete plan is developed
      • Elton: Send out the plan to the online list server in case anyone has any feedback.
  4. BCAL HDBCAL log book
    1. Data runs
      • Noemi and Elton have taken pulser data with the north side and checked that all sensors are operational (ADC and TDC) including fixes.
      • South data could not be taken because a TI module in one TDC crate is not functioning correctly. Sasha and Sergey are replacing the module.
      • Noemi started a data run yesterday with the FADC crate fans speeds at 6000 rpm (nominal is 4000 rpm) to see if the baseline shifts are reduced.
    2. Analysis of overbias runs
      • Ahmed has determined the efficiency of the the data taken at different overbias settings (last November).
      • The efficiencies for layers 2 and 3 are unaffected.
      • The efficiency for layer 1 improves with higher overbias. The improvement in efficiency needs to be evaluated in comparison with increases in dark rate or other parameters, but we should consider this for operation during the spring run. Ahmed is investigating the behavior of pedestals and temperature on these runs.
      • Elton: Ahmed should post the plots of efficiency in the log book for reference.
    3. Clustering algorithm
      • Single-ended hits: From the collaboration meeting presentation, we see that the efficiency is improved if single-ended hits are included in the clusters. Mark is planning to incorporate these additional hits into the clustering algorithm.
  5. Configuration setup for spring run
    1. FCAL
    2. BCAL
      • Parameters include overbias (1.4V?), temperature setting (10degC?) , fan speed, DAQ threshold (<105? possibly variable)
      • These hardware parameters were discussed without coming to final conclusions about settings, as we continue to study relevant data.
  6. Reconstruction and Simulation
      • Regina has put this effort on hold pending further studies of the fall data
      • Andrei/Irina are updating the calibration constants from the cosmic runs to include more cells. (Not all cells are accessible due to the external paddle geometry for triggering).
  7. Calibration
    • Will continues to work on adjusting gain constants by minimizing the pi0 width for BCAL
    • Currently the gain ratio (up/down) is fixed to be one
    • One constant per cell is determined by the minimization procedure
    • As of the collaboration meeting, the width was 17 MeV. A new iteration has reduced that to 15 MeV
    • The plan is to incorporate the gain ratios obtained from cosmic-ray runs, which also determine the attenuation lengths (Mark). So far this has not been done.
    • Matt: Asked about how many hits per cell are used in the minimization procedure and whether the background is being distorted, as seen in the FCAL. Will: No selection on minimum number of hits, but no distortion of background seen. Each cell uses about couple of thousand hits (higher statistics than in the FCAL). However, small eigenvalues are eliminated cutting by eye. These cuts need to be systematized. At the moment about 50 cells from layer 4 do not have sufficient hits to determine gains.
    • Elton: Will should develop some plots to show the determine the number of pi0s and measured width for use in the online monitoring plots.
  8. Any other business
    1. Tegan: Investigating the shower curvature in simulation but program is bombing because it could not access mysql db. Elton suggests sending an email to Dave Lawrence and Mark Ito, as it might have something to do with recent changes to hallweb1 server.
    2. Note: Tegan, Ahmed, Noemi, Elton and Zisis stayed after the meeting and reviewed the 'action item' list summarized by Zisis. Zisis took note and will update the list.