February 20, 2007 Software

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  1. Review minutes from February 13, 2007 Software meeting
  2. Resolution Studies Slides.pdf (Alex)
  3. FCAL status (Mihajlo)
  4. Lab-wide software meetings (Elliott)
  5. Action items


Attendees:David L.(chair), Elke A., Simon T., Elliott W., Eugene C., Alex D., Elton S., Mark I. On the phone: Matt S., Mihajlo K.

Resolution Studies

Alex reported on a series of studies he's been doing on GlueX detector resolutions for varies reaction channels. In his method, he takes resolutions from GEANT-based simulation and tracking and combines that with knowledge of how the resolutions should scale with angle to produce an analytic form for the resolution of a charged particle with a given momentum and angle. He applies a similar methodology for the FCAL, but using known resolutions of the detector.

FCAL Status

Mihajlo continues to look into the nature of the multi-cluster issue at 10 degrees. He reported looking at the cluster to cluster separation which was often around 50-60cm. The distance of these from the projected cluster location was on the order of 100cm. More investigation is needed.

Lab-wide software meetings

Elliott reported that Sandy Philpott of the IT division is organizing a series of presentations/discussions on general software issues that will include experts from across the lab. The intent is to bring programmer type folks from the accelerator, physics, and IT divisions together to share knowledge and create connections with other local experts. Information will be passed on to the GlueX software group as it becomes available.

Action Items

  1. Put tarballs of external packages on Wiki(David)
  2. SVN web interface for browsing change logs(Mark I.)
  3. Experiment with shared pointers
  4. 12GeV Software Group meetings
  5. Place BCAL info on Wiki