February 29, 2008 Calorimetry
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Reference Documents
- Previous minutes: January 25, 2008 Calorimetry
- Schedule, Tracker and Drawings (gluex pass)
DRAFT Agenda
- Input to the DC and PID Review
- Timing for tof measurements (charged tracks)
- I suggest we use 200 ps for mip timing resolution. Note from cosmics: sigma(cell)=425 ps -> sigma(mip)=425/sqrt(6) = 175 ps. (Consistent with Alex's plot).
- See the last slide of this talk on charged particle kinematics by Alex
- Timing for tof measurements (charged tracks)
- Fiber Specifications
- Fiber measurements (JLab and Regina)
- BCAL Scintillating Fiber Emission Spectra Analysis - Alex, George and Zisis
- Work in progress - new emission spectra measurements and analysis.
- FCAL Update
- BCAL Update
- Timing resolution for photons using Run2334 from the Hall B Beam Test by Alex
- Talk by A. Semenov and I. Semenova on Testing SiPM with a Sr90 Source
- Positive charged particle multiplicity as function of momentum at different z-poisitons in BCAL and polar angle passing through TOF. These momentum distributions are also shown agains the event multiplicity. Ratios of these multiplicities as a function of momentum in z (BCAL) and polar angle (FCAL) respectively are also shown. The file AAAREADME contains a description of all the files in: [1]
- Calibration Update / Discussion
- Goals for calibration
- Deployment in various subsystems
- Any other business
- Input to the DC and PID Review
- Timing for tof measurements (charged tracks)
- Elton suggested we use 200 ps for mip timing resolution. Note from cosmics: sigma(cell)=425 ps -> sigma(mip)=425/sqrt(6) = 175 ps. (Consistent with Alex's plot). Agreed to use this value for the upcoming DC/PID review.
- See the last slide of this talk on charged particle kinematics by Alex
- Timing for tof measurements (charged tracks)
- Fiber Specifications
- Fiber measurements Regina. Attenuation lengths of BCF-20 and BCF-60 were measured. The measured 2m long BCF-20 pieces have significantly smaller attenuation lengths (~ 130 cm) thant the BCF-20 4m long pieces obtained last year (~ 270cm). The BCF-60 samples show attenuation lengths of about 300 cm.
- BCAL Scintillating Fiber Emission Spectra Analysis - Alex, George and Zisis
- Work in progress - new emission spectra measurements and analysis.
- FCAL Update
- BCAL Update
- Timing resolution for photons using Run2334 from the Hall B Beam Test by Alex
- Talk by A. Semenov and I. Semenova on Testing SiPM with a Sr90 Source
- Positive charged particle multiplicity as function of momentum at different z-poisitons in BCAL and polar angle passing through TOF. These momentum distributions are also shown agains the event multiplicity. Ratios of these multiplicities as a function of momentum in z (BCAL) and polar angle (FCAL) respectively are also shown. The file AAAREADME contains a description of all the files in: [2]
- Calibration Update / Discussion
- Goals for calibration
- Deployment in various subsystems
- Any other business