Gams reconstruction

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Short description of the reconstruction package developed for GAMS

(with changes and updates)

Code location:

svn ls

Package includes: common with output reconstruction common with shower profile parameters common with control keys, flags and other aux. variables

addhits_lib.F generates hits based on shower library data

addhits_sim.F performs hits generation using fast simulation based on profile functions

isim.F main routine calling others to generate hits

recon_sim.F contains reconstruction package itself

guout.F call recon_sim() from here to get event reconstruction

gustep.F call isim(chdet,chsimopt) to simulate and store hits. Normally, after that particle stops in GUSTEP (ISTOP = 1) to avoid multiple counting

Files description: Reconstruction common looks like:


energy_adcgam(1,i) - energy in GeV
     x_adcgam(1,i) - log. method x-coord (angular correction applied)
     y_adcgam(1,i) - log. method y-coord (angular correction applied)
     z_adcgam(1,i) - z-coord
    xc_adcgam(1,i) - center of gravity x-coord (no angular correction and global alignment - internal ref. syst.)
    yc_adcgam(1,i) - center of gravity y-coord (no angular correction and global alignment - internal ref. syst.)
  chi2_adcgam(1,i) - chi2


  type_adcgam(1,i) - type of the gamma:
 = 0 default value
+= 1 or 2 for clusters selected by splitting single maxima shape
+= 10 for clusters selected from mutlimaxima island
+= 100 for LG clusters in hybrid detector
 = 50 + type1 + type2 for merged together subclusters 1 and 2 (transition case)
(hole size is hardcoded to 5x5 cells for PWO and 3x3 cells for LG)
dime_adcgam(1,i) - number of counters in the gamma id_adcgam(1,i) - id of the cell with the max energy deposition: = 10*col+row nadcgam - number of reconstructions in event (i = 1 ... nadcgam)

isim.F - control keys and options:

chdet = hybrid or lg, - simulate Hybrid (120x120cm pwo and LG outer part) or "regular" LG FCAL

chsimopt = simfast, libr or libs for fast profile simulation or to read clusters from library (sequentially or randomly) To use library option enviroment LIB_DIR must be set to directory containing library files. Files currently located at /w/work/hallb/primex/pdisk/ilarin/tmp/lib and also stored at /mss/hallb/primex2/mcdata/ilarin/simplified_shower_libary_for_pwo.tar.gz

addhits_sim.F and addhits_lib.F: generate response for

e+/e-/gamma - library read or simfast,

other types - for now simfast only:

MIP - gaussian energy deposition in single cell
neutral hadrons - parametrized ugly shape from GAMS,
                  probab. of shower is given by nulc. length
charged hadrons = neutral hadrons + MIP

 isim.F - flags and options:

zmcplane = 625.0506cm - FCal upstream surf. z

main settings are in init_sim_geom (file isim.F):

     min_energy = 0.1        - [GeV] clusters energy threshold
     global_gain= 1.000      - global energy gain, useful to quickly correct energy scale
     delch      = 4.         - minimum chi2 improvement sufficient for algorithm to decide to split 2 clusters from the signle maximum shape
     xm2cut     = 1.2        - min inv. mass over e cut to split hits
     minpk      = 9          - (in 10MeV units) minimum cell energy to be good for the peak of the island, note that this cut indirectly affects on cluster min energy. Not recomended to set to less than 3.
     chisq1     = 3          - min chi2 to try to split shape at preliminary stage
     chisq2     = 1.4 (was 0.4)  - min chi2 to try to split shape at final stage
     event_display = 0       - whether to run event display (option removed to allow hybrid)

Some things to be done:

*) implement shower library for LG
*) restore Event Display for hybrid option
*) switch from chi2 to loglikelihood in reoncstruction
*) introduce chi2x and chi2y for x and y reconstruction
*) switch from rndm,rannor,etc to grndm,granor,etc

Other things which could / should be useful:

*) timing information usage
*) improve MIP and hadronic simulations
*) MC matching
*) minpk parameter dependent on total "island" energy