GlueX Data Classes

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Generated Data

  • NOTE: These definitions are spread throughout sim-recon/src/libraries/
  • DMCThrown: The generated particles for the event.
  • DMCThrown, tag "Primary": The generated primary particles for the event. This excludes all decay products of known particles. For example, the decay products of π0's, Λ's, and K0's are excluded.
  • DMCThrown, tag "FinalState": The generated final-state particles for the event. This excludes decay products of other final-state particles (e.g. neutrinos from pion decay). Excludes π0's.
  • DMCThrown, tag "Decaying": The generated decaying particles for the event. Only includes particle types defined in sim-recon/src/libraries/include/particleType.h. Excludes final-state particles that decay. Includes π0's.
  • DBeamPhoton, tag "MCGEN": The generated beam photon that started the event. The time is reported at the target center.
  • DBeamPhoton, tag "TAGGEDMCGEN": The tagger version of the generated beam photon that started the event. Energy is reported at center of tagger counter. The time is reported at the target center.
  • DBeamPhoton, tag "TRUTH": Corresponds to the union of DTAGMHit tag "TRUTH" and DTAGHHit tag "TRUTH".
  • DMCReaction: The generated reaction. The times are reported at the target center.
  • DMCTrigger: The generated trigger signal

Reconstructed Detector Data

  • NOTE: These definitions are spread throughout sim-recon/src/libraries/
  • DTAGMHit: The detected hits in the tagger microscope. Times are reported at the center of the target.
  • DTAGHHit: The detected hits in the tagger hodoscope. Times are reported at the center of the target.
  • DRFTime: The detected RF time reported at the center of the target. This is different from the true RF time by +/- N*2.004 ns, where N = a to-be-determined integer.
  • DSCHit: The detected SC hits.
  • DBCALShower: The reconstructed showers in the barrel calorimeter.
  • DFCALShower: The reconstructed showers in the forward calorimeter.
  • DTOFPoint: The reconstructed hit in the time-of-flight scintillators.
  • DTrackTimeBased: The particles reconstructed from time-based tracking. One DTrackTimeBased object is created per PID hypothesis (defaults are π+, K+, and p for positively charged tracks, and π-, K- for negatively charged tracks).
  • DDetectorMatches: Information about the matching between DTrackTimeBased objects and the various hit and shower objects.
  • DDetectorMatches, tag "WireBased": Information about the matching between DTrackWireBased objects and the various hit and shower objects.

Reconstructed Particles - Reaction-Independent (default tag) Factories

  • NOTE: These are located in sim-recon/src/libraries/PID/
  • NOTE: The default (non-tagged) factories for these objects create them in a reaction-independent manner. However, this includes the following problems, which are only truly solvable in a reaction-dependent analysis:
    • The combo-specific vertex is not known when creating the default DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects, so they are assumed to originate from the DVertex.
    • When selecting the DEventRFBunch, it is unknown which tracks are ghosts or accidentals, and the factory cannot always do a thorough job of identifying them. Therefore, the selected RF bunch is occasionally incorrect, resulting in incorrect PID FOM determinations for the DChargedTrackHypothesis and DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects.
  • DBeamPhoton: The reconstructed beam photons for the event. The times are reported at the target center.
  • DEventRFBunch: The RF bunch corresponding to the event. The time is reported at the center of the target. More details on RF bunch selection are located at: RF Beam Bunch Selection
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis: Kinematic data for each DTrackTimeBased object (one per PID hypothesis, can be more than one per particle). When creating the DChargedTrackHypothesis objects, the best-matching-hit/shower objects for each track are selected, and the PID FOM is calculated.
  • DChargedTrack: One for each reconstructed charged particle. Contains all of the DChargedTrackHypothesis objects for this particle.
  • DVertex: One object for each event: the best-guess for the event start position & time. It uses all "good" DTrackTimeBased objects, and does a vertex-constraint kinematic fit if there are > 2 tracks. If there is only 1 track, it uses the POCA of that track to the beamline. If there are no tracks, it uses the target center. The time is from DEventRFBunch, but is propagated to the vertex position.
  • DNeutralShower: One for each DBCALShower and DFCALShower object that is not matched to any of the DTrackTimeBased objects.
  • DNeutralParticleHypothesis: Kinematic data for each DNeutralShower, one per PID: a photon and neutron. The particle vertex is from DVertex.
  • DNeutralParticle: One for each reconstructed neutral shower. Contains all of the DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects for this particle.

Reconstructed Event STorage (REST)

  • REST files can be used to store the generated and reconstructed detector classes.

danarest Plugin

  • sim-recon/src/programs/Utilities/plugins/danarest
  • Produces dana_rest.hddm, containing the generated and reconstructed detector data for every event.
hd_root <input_file_name> -PPLUGINS=danarest