GlueX Software Meeting, October 11, 2021
GlueX Software Meeting
Monday, October 11, 2021
9:30 am EDT
BlueJeans: 968 592 007
- Announcements
- Review of Minutes from the Last Software Meeting (all)
- Review of Minutes from the Last HDGeant4 Meeting (all)
- FAQ of the Fortnight: How do I restart the automatic pull-request test?
- Review of recent issues and pull requests:
- halld_recon
- halld_sim
- MCwrapper
- gluex_root_analysis
- Review of recent discussion on the GlueX Software Help List (all)
- Meeting time change? (all)
- Action Item Review (all)
Present: Alex Austregesilo, Thomas Britton, Sean Dobbs, Mark Ito (chair), Richard Jones, Simon Taylor, Beni Zihlmann
There is a recording of this meeting. Log into the BlueJeans site first to gain access (use your JLab credentials).
- Doxygen sites for halld_recon and halld_sim. Mark announce the working Doxygen sites for halld_recon and halld_sim. We discussed how we might improve them.
- We will try educate ourselves on what is possible to do with Doxygen. Beni and Alex posted link which Mark will collect into a wiki page.
- Richard suggested asking people in the High Energy community if they have developed best practices for configuring Doxygen, or indeed whether they are using Doxygen as a code documentation tool still.
- Advanced support versions, bug fixes, and a new version set: 5.0.1 We are now back with advanced versions of ROOT and Geant4 as the default.
Review of Minutes from the Last Software Meeting
We went over the Minutes from the September 27th meeting. Alex pointed out that we need a new set of recon-launch compatible builds to go with the current master branch of halld_sim. There are fixes to the beam properties class, used by some of our generators, that is not captured in the last tagged version.
Review of Minutes from the Last HDGeant4 Meeting
We went over the minutes from the meeting on October 4th. We need to verify that the current version of Geant4, 10.04, fixes HDGeant4 Issue #195: Crash adding daughters on RHEL/CentOS 8.
FAQ of the Fortnight: How do I restart the automatic pull-request test?
We went over the FAQ that describes the procedure. This action is appropriate when it is known that a pull-request test failed due to external circumstances, those unrelated to the content of the code in the request, and the issue with those circumstances have been resolved. Note that the restart requires admin privileges on the repository in question (halld_recon or halld_sim). Only members of the gluex_admin team have this privilege. Collaborators without admin privilege can trigger a re-test by pushing an additional change (including changes which do not affect the operation of the code) to the branch on GitHub which is the subject of the pull request.
Review of recent issues and pull requests
Alex reported that he is still seeing crashes described in halld_recon Issue #81, DL1MCTrigger Crashes With mysql rcdb/ccdb, first reported in January 2019 by Jon Zarling. The odd thing about this one is that failures only occur on RCDB access to the MySQL server and not when using an SQLite file. Alex will put together a simple test case and Richard will have a look at it.
Action Item Review
- Create a Wiki page of Doxygen links. (Mark)
- Ask the HEP Software Foundation about code documentation best practices.
- Create new tagged version of halld_sim and corresponding recon-launch compatible version sets. (Mark)
- Add Alex to the gluex_admin team on GitHub. (Mark)
- Add non-privileged pull-request-re-test procedure to the FAQ.
- See if hdgeant4 issue #195 is solved by using Geant4 10.04.