HOWTO create a ROOT tree of detector hits and display event data with the tree

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The data in an evio file can be coverted into a ROOT tree by using the janaroot plugin. Suppose you want to look at the CDC hits in more detail. To do so, invoke the JANA framework using the following command line:

hd_ana -PPLUGINS=DAQ,TTab,janaroot file.evio -PAUTOACTIVATE=DCDCHit

The DAQ plugin converts the evio data into raw detector objects in memory. The TTab plugin applies the translation tables. The janaroot plugin fills a ROOT tree and writes it out to a file called janaroot.root in the current working directory. The -PAUTOACTIVATE command-line parameter invokes the code that produces the DCDCHit object in memory.

To look at the janaroot.root file, run root (root janaroot.root) and at the root command line invoke the browser:

root [1] TBrowser T

In the browser window, select the