HallD Online IP Name And Address Conventions

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This page provides the information on conventions on IP name and address on the devices routed off the Hall D main Cisco router.

Hall D Internal Networks

Purpose Network VLAN Number of Addresses Broadcast Address
Controls VLAN 526 512
DAQ / General VLAN 672 1024
Development VLAN 694 256
Infiniband Local 256

IP Name Conventions

Desktop Computers and Servers

  • Use gluonxx.jlab.org for the online servers main IP addresses. The name comes from GLUex ONline abbreviation.
    If we want to keep the same name for Lelvel 3 farm servers, then we will need to use gluonxxx.jlab.org.
  • The additional Ethernet ports will be labeled gluonxx_y.jlab.org for servers with multiple interfaces.
  • We can divide the numbers into ranges for different types of servers, see the table below.
    Note that Level3 is the only one with three digits after "gluon"
Type Name Range
Desktops gluon00 - gluon19
General Purpose Servers gluon20 - gluon39
EMU gluon40 - gluon59
Level3 gluon100 - gluon999

Controllers and fan trays for VXS/VME crates

  • Use "rocname" for interface 0 which will be used by the fast DAQ. For instance rocfdc1
  • For controls and monitoring we can use interface 1 on the controller called "iocname". For instance, iocfdc1 .
  • For the fan trays we can use "vmename". For instance, vmefdc1 .

Embedded devices

  • Continue notation "hallddevice", where device is the name that describes the device type and the number of that device. For instance, hallden2t2.jlab.org or halldbrooks1.jlab.org. Or for High Voltage and Low Voltage devices halldcaen1, halldmpod1, halldcan1. For the main file server we can use halldfs1, and for fast the RAID file servers we can use halldraid1, halldraid2.

Crate Names

  • Each major detector component will have a number of crates named based on its GlueX name, followed by one or two digits specifying the number of the crate.
  • If more than one detector component is a part of one crate only one name is assigned, preferably of the larger one or a name that can characterize both detectors, e.g. use "tagx" for TAGM&TAGH crates.
  • Numbering assignment with respect to the geographical location (the map) will need to be created out before requesting IP names. The map should define one-to-one corresponds between this detector-based scheme and one based on the geographical location ordering of the crates in the racks and the Hall.
  • The VME crates with the JLab discriminators are separated from the other VXS crates, they are considered as a separate "detector" for the naming purposes.

Detector Crate Names Possible modules
TAGM/TAGH tag1 - tag3 fADC250/F1TDC
PS/PSC ps1 - ps2 fADC250/F1TDC
ST st1 - st2 fADC250/F1TDC
TRIG trig1 - trig2 GTP/TS/TD
BCAL bcal1 - bcal12 fADC250/F1TDC
CDC cdc1 - cdc4 fADC125
FDC fdc1 - fdc14 fADC125/F1TDC
TOF tof1 - tof2 fADC250/CAEN TDC
FCAL fcal1 -fcal12 fADC250
DISC dscr1 -dscr8 JLab Discriminators