Jul 05, 2011 Calorimetry

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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST

  • ESNET (Number is 8542553) and EVO session (GlueX Calorimetry meeting room)
  • JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6337; JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
  • Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
  • Regina Phone: in LB228 is 306-585-4204
  • Phone connection only upon request.
    • +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
    • +1-303-248-0285 : International
    • then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
    • or www.readytalk.com (and code without the #)

Items for followup from previous meeting(s)

  1. Monitoring
    • Fcal: Review if cross talk experience from other detectors is relevant to this geometry and, if needed, suggest test/simulations to investigate.

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. Monitoring
  4. FCAL
    1. Construction Status: mechanical, bases
  5. BCAL
    1. Construction Status: builds, fibre QA
  6. Simulations
  7. Beam tests in Hall B (fall 2011)?
  8. Any other business


Attending: Zisis, Andrei (UofR); Elton, John, Beni, Yi (Jlab); Will (USM); Christina, Stratos (Athens); Matt (IU)

  1. Announcements
    • Note: Network communications are not working at JLab and the phone line was used.
    • Due to the JLab "cyber event," the meeting was held using ReadyTalk conferencing
  2. Bcal Update
    • Modules 41 and 42 will be completed next week
    • Expect to complete modules through 46 this summer, leaving only 47 and 48 for the reduced workforce this fall
    • Scheduled from machining next batch of 4 modules will be decided this week
    • All lead has been moved from cold storage to the lab. Will reserve latest batch of lead for module 49
    • Fiber shipment is delayed but expected this week
    • SiPM PDE test setup has been upgraded and will be hooked up to a DAQ system borrowed from T2K colleagues
  3. Monitoring
    1. Bcal
      • New LEDs have arrived from UofR and are expected to be ones used in final system, if tests are successful
      • To test the new LEDs, a mounting board will be coupled to an existing electronics board will be coupled to simulate the final production board (but be twice as thick)
      • The LED system will be tested on the new trapezoidal guides.
      • We discussed the cabling going to the control board. The decided on the following division, based on further compatibility checks: JLab would be responsible for the cable to the readout enclosure and the penetration. Athens would propose the connector and cable to run between the control board and the patched connector.
    2. Fcal
      • Design requires a decision on how often the 4 colors will be pulsed and interval between pulses
      • Elton suggested that the different colors be supplied from different (programmable) LV sources, so switching should not be a problem
      • John asked about the range of bias voltages: expect 6-15 V.
  4. USM update
    1. Electronics
      • Progress on testing of big electronics board.
      • Populating a second big board with components for further testing
      • Modifying the design of the big board to increase modularity by moving some circuitry to a daughter board
    2. Light guides
      • Two guides were sent to Athens last week. They should have arrived, but it appears there is a problem with the address
    3. SiPM contract with Hamamatsu
      • PO has been issued to Hamamatsu. Hamamatsu has sent USM a proforma invoice. Invoice is in the process of being co-signed by the rector, so payment can be issued. Once that cycle is complete, Hamamatsu will sign the JLab mod to drop 2800 units from their contract.
  5. Fcal update
    • Quiet last couple of weeks with John and Paul on vacation. They are both back
    • Paul will continue investigating the few base failures. Final schedule for the production run is complete
    • JLab has been reviewing IU drawings and has promised feedback by tomorrow
    • PO has been issued for the CAN-ethernet controllers. Will send one unit to JLab together with a home-built power supply.
  6. Readout assembly
    • Mechanical cooling prototype has been built and is used to measure cooling scheme.
    • Elton reported that JLab is trying to setup the readout for SiPM production testing. We need 8 VME CAEN 792 QDCs, but at the moment we have only identified 5. Asked Will to send information regarding the USM multiplexing scheme for evaluation.
  7. Beam tests
    • UofR would like to instrument a baby cal with a production SiPM readout for testing in a realistic beam environment.
    • Eugene had promised to touch base with Volker on general guidelines for tests in Hall B.
    • If we decide to move forward on this project, UofR could easily build a baby cal in early Sep for use in the tests
    • Matt suggested that the Bcal be mounted vertically allowing one axis of rotation to position module perpendicular to incident degraded electron "beam".
    • Matt summarized the status of Fcal beam test preparations
      • Kei has investigated the space in Hall B during a recent visit
      • Tagger geometry and particle trajectory reconstruction is being obtained from Richard and Franz
      • Concern about "clean" electron events, as many particles may interact first in the tagger hodoscope.
      • To alleviate this concern, they are planning to build a small (10x10cm2) scintillators to be used for triggering and identifying the electron beam energy (~1%). Use of this scintillator will also eliminate the need to access Hall B tagger information.
  8. General:
    • Could run Fcal and Bcal roughly at the same time by mounting both systems in a row, or one could reuse the same space by alternating detectors. Both would use "final" electronic modules, including FADCs.