July 12, 2018 Calorimeter

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Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m.

  1. To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/907185247.
  2. To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: (bjn.vc) and enter the meeting ID: 907185247.
  3. To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 907185247.
    • US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
    • US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
  4. Upon connection all microphones are automatically muted. To unmute your mike on a Polycom or equivalent unit, enter *4. Unmuting on a computer is trivial as there is a microphone button than can be clicked.
  5. More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.

Participant Direct Lines

  • JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084 (usual room)
  • JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460
  • Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
  • Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947

Action Items

  1. BCAL: Create non-linearity corrections for MC for gain adjustment.

Complete after new launch

  1. From Mike's work: -cos(phi) type dependence in the data and a phi dependence at the downstream end of the bcal. See Sep 21, 2017 Calorimeter Meeting.


  1. FCAL HDFCAL log book
  2. BCAL HDBCAL log book

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. Run Updates
    1. FCAL
    2. BCAL
      • Chiller status: Upstream end should be up tomorrow; Downstream end will be repaired next week.
  4. Calibrations
  5. Monitoring
  6. Reconstruction and Simulation
    1. Standard FCAL Knockouts (Curtis)
      • Data in REST
Event: 49789878
 kBlocksWide: kBlocksTall: kMaxChannels: kBeamHoleSize:
         59           59          3481          0.000 
E(GeV):   X(cm):   Y(cm):   Z(cm):   t(ns):    dE:    dx:    dy:    dz:    dt: EXcorr: EYcorr: EZcorr: ETcorr: XYcorr: XZcorr: XTcorr: YZcorr: YTcorr: ZTcorr:
  4.62    23.92   -12.17   643.12    35.38  0.157  0.650  0.649  0.107  0.274   0.112  -0.047   0.996  -0.255   0.006   0.105   0.016  -0.043  -0.012  -0.253 
  1.66   -69.55    40.40   639.82    35.97  0.079  0.887  0.754  0.158  0.279  -0.266   0.188   0.942  -0.208  -0.296  -0.240  -0.072   0.171   0.054  -0.198 
  0.64    -8.68    68.37   636.94    35.72  0.050  0.761  0.948  0.239  0.279  -0.027   0.233   1.020  -0.181  -0.055  -0.022  -0.005   0.185   0.068  -0.142 
  0.24    28.11   -81.01   633.89    35.56  0.031  0.795  1.038  0.250  0.281   0.155  -0.379   1.594  -0.255  -0.205   0.078   0.032  -0.195  -0.075  -0.132 
  0.10   -15.39    68.27   631.30    35.36  0.020  0.779  0.961  0.250  0.279  -0.125   0.533   2.450  -0.401  -0.098  -0.043  -0.012   0.181   0.067  -0.134 
  0.08    66.16   -76.30   630.31    42.59  0.017  0.945  1.005  0.250  0.281   0.599  -0.674   2.855  -0.470  -0.400   0.170   0.054  -0.191  -0.071  -0.13
  1. Impact of BCAL Covariance Matrices
  2. SiPM Saturation (Elton)
  3. NIM articles
  4. Any other business


Attending: Elton, Colin (JLab); Matt, Jon (IU); Christina, George (Athens); Tegan, Ahmed, Colleen (UofR); Rupesh (FIU)

  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. Run Updates
    1. FCAL
      • Summary of repaired bases that have been removed from the FCAL (Colin)
      • At the collaboration meeting, promised to categorize failures of bases that had been repaired and put back into the FCAL.
      • Details in log entry.
      • About 50% seem to have problems even though the standard fixes were applied.
      • Some of these have zero current readings even though they are on and voltage is non-zero. Jon: This is unphysical; likely produced by software or firmware bugs/problems.
      • Some bases were removed because they were "hot", but not show anomalies on the bench. Most often base replacement fixes problem. Matt: Could be a poor connection.
    2. BCAL
      • Chiller status: Upstream end should be up tomorrow; Downstream end will be repaired next week.
  4. Calibrations
    1. Calibration Dashboard
    2. Pi0 calibration plots (Tegan)
      • Showed results of iterations following the workouts.
      • Achieve about 8.5% resolution compared to 6.5% last year.
      • Tried the exclusive measurement. Getting 5.1% resolution compared to 5.8% last year. This might imply that the discrepancies from last year are due to fitting.
      • Elton: Compare fits between different years both for inclusive and exclusive and the same energy cuts. Tegan: Will prepare for the next meeting.
  5. Monitoring
    1. BCAL LED online monitoring (Ahmed)
      • Showed occupancy plot for 1k, 2k and 4k LED triggers. The time difference for upstream and downstream. Elton: Suggest that the time difference be plotted on a 2D plot (layer/sector vs module). It needs to visibly show problems that can be addressed by the shift crew.
      • The goal is to implement this into ROOTSPY in particular to track 4 ns time shifts.
  6. Reconstruction and Simulation
    1. Standard FCAL Knockouts (Curtis)
    • Matt clarified the intent of the message and we understand it as a request to define standard fiducial cuts for FCAL (and also for BCAL) and implement into the analysis library. We believe the information in the REST file is sufficient to implement fiducial cuts after reconstruction.
    • George noted that analyses of neutral showers are making separation cuts for showers in the FCAL, but not in the BCAL. This should also be part of the discussion of standard shower selection.
    • We will add this to the action item list.
      • Data in REST
Event: 49789878
 kBlocksWide: kBlocksTall: kMaxChannels: kBeamHoleSize:
         59           59          3481          0.000 
E(GeV):   X(cm):   Y(cm):   Z(cm):   t(ns):    dE:    dx:    dy:    dz:    dt: EXcorr: EYcorr: EZcorr: ETcorr: XYcorr: XZcorr: XTcorr: YZcorr: YTcorr: ZTcorr:
  4.62    23.92   -12.17   643.12    35.38  0.157  0.650  0.649  0.107  0.274   0.112  -0.047   0.996  -0.255   0.006   0.105   0.016  -0.043  -0.012  -0.253 
  1.66   -69.55    40.40   639.82    35.97  0.079  0.887  0.754  0.158  0.279  -0.266   0.188   0.942  -0.208  -0.296  -0.240  -0.072   0.171   0.054  -0.198 
  0.64    -8.68    68.37   636.94    35.72  0.050  0.761  0.948  0.239  0.279  -0.027   0.233   1.020  -0.181  -0.055  -0.022  -0.005   0.185   0.068  -0.142 
  0.24    28.11   -81.01   633.89    35.56  0.031  0.795  1.038  0.250  0.281   0.155  -0.379   1.594  -0.255  -0.205   0.078   0.032  -0.195  -0.075  -0.132 
  0.10   -15.39    68.27   631.30    35.36  0.020  0.779  0.961  0.250  0.279  -0.125   0.533   2.450  -0.401  -0.098  -0.043  -0.012   0.181   0.067  -0.134 
  0.08    66.16   -76.30   630.31    42.59  0.017  0.945  1.005  0.250  0.281   0.599  -0.674   2.855  -0.470  -0.400   0.170   0.054  -0.191  -0.071  -0.13
  1. Impact of BCAL Covariance Matrices
    • Elton will coordinate with Mark and Sean to add the covariance constants into ccdb before the upcoming analysis launch.
  2. SiPM Saturation (Elton)
    • The SiPM non-linearity has been added to the MC simulation in mcsmear. Correction to the hits has been added to BCALHit_factory. The MC generation and correction is consistent. Next steps are to look at real data to verify corrections and add a table to ccdb to hold nonlinearity constants.
  3. NIM articles
  4. Any other business