July 23, 2012 PID Upgrade

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Revision as of 14:20, 23 July 2012 by Cmeyer (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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Meeting Time and Place

Monday July 23, 2012 at 1:30pm At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


To connect from the outside, please use ESNET

  1. ) ESNET: 8542553
  2. ) EVO: A conference has been booked under "GlueX PID Upgrade" from 12:30pm until 4:00pm (EDT).
    1. ) To phone into an EVO meeting, from the U.S. call (626) 395-2112 and then enter the EVO meeting code, 138802. Instructions for the
    2. )Phone Bridge to EVO.
    3. ) Skype Bridge to EVO
  3. )To connect by telephone, dial:
    1. ) You can look up toll-free number at http://www.readytalk.com/intl
    2. ) US and Canada: (866)740-1260 (toll free)
    3. ) International: (303)248-0285 (toll call)
    4. ) enter access code followed by the # sign: 3421244#


  1. Announcements
  2. Status of Hardware Designs in GEANT
  3. Status of Kinematic Fitting:
  4. Status of parameters for the proposed PID systems.
  5. AOT


  1. The meeting started at 1:33pm with CMU, IU FSU and JLab members present.
  2. Curtis announced that Mike Williams would not be connecting today as his son was born this morning.
  3. Matt reported that he had received an XML design from Yi that they had put into HDGEANT. When Tom and Matt ran the Monte Carlo, it appeared to show no effect on the photon reconstruction. Using the the visualization tools, they verified that the elements are in the Monte Carlo. They are now in the process of verifying that the material is also present. With regard to the LHCb design, the LHCb XML files do not appear like they will be useful in getting the detector material into the Monte Carlo. It appears that the best approach would be to simply describe the material that is in the tracking volume and try to put that into the Monte Carlo. It was requested that Mike Williams try and distill this into a very short document so that Matt and Richard can add it to the Monte Carlo.
  4. Paul reported that he is working on a more general kinematic fitter that includes both vertex and timing constraints. He expects that this will take a couple additional weeks to complete. He has not looked at the results of four-constraint fitting with kinematic fitting.
  5. Nathan reported that he is continuing to try and see why the efficiency that he is finding for the old threshold cherenkov system do not agree with what Eugene found. He thinks that it may be the fact that the photon efficiency curves that he has and what Eugene used are different. In particular, what is in the Monte Carlo has low efficiency in the ultraviolet.