June 9, 2008 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
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Reference Documents
- Previous minutes: May 27, 2008 Calorimetry
- Schedule, Tracker and Drawings (gluex pass)
- Schedule
- Updates
- Calibration system update
- Absolute light output of fibers
- Preparations for Lehman Review
- Alternative readout
- Detailed schedule and plans for Construction
- Review of Action-Item Tracker for Calorimetry
- Any other business
Participants: Elton, Beni, Elke, Tim, Matt, Zisis, Andrei, George
- Calibration System (no update)
- Flash ADC simulation - in progress, report soon. (Pulsed detection and resolution).
- New grad student on prototype work (grad student in fall) - will be in charge of building prototype. John is working on a revision of the design (PrimeX model). Cost accounting for cell wall material is much cheaper with this design, but savings will go to labor and outsourcing. Overall cost savings are expected.
- Absolute fiber light output: work in progress at Regina.
- Beni: one month before results come out based on arrival of remaining equipment.
- Regina: very soon using green fiber, laser, calibrated photodiode, 1x1 and 3x3mm^2 fibers.
- SiPMPlus on green fibers with Winston Cone and EMI green PMT on other side. Trigger slightly different than past to give clean tracks. Report will follow in a few days and it will be discussed.
- Lehman Preparations
- Alternative readout
- Elton posted information on Wiki. Discussion on outer and inner layers (coarser readout? wire mesh PMTs?). Cost vs performance. Impact on material budget. Discussion on updating the reconstruction code by mid July for different readout segmentation (Matt will coordinate with Blake). Regina to summarize GlueX-doc-659. Elton has lost enthusiasm for Planacons (low gain, reliability, etc...).
- Detailed plans for construction
- Module and crate weights estimated. Ross Industrial in Regina may be able to machine ends as well as sides. They can handle 4 modules at a time off a flat bed truck. Next: work with shipping companies and get customs info. Pull together detailed construction schedule.
- Next meeting: June 23.
- Brief to-do-list added by Elton based on the summary discussion. Given the limited manpower and time, we decided to come up with a conceptual design based on wire-mesh pmts as an "alternative" backup for the Lehman Review.
- Review segmentation requirements, especially for inner calorimeter (Zisis report on work to date)
- Clarify geometry in current files (Beni)
- Assess impact of material in current geometry compared to geometry used for cal review. (Matt and Mihajlo).
- Design team (Tim) will develop some layouts at the end of the calorimeter which could accommodate the wire-mesh pmt alternative.
- Cost estimates (Elton and Tim)