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(Details for Developers and for writing Custom DAnalysisActions)
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== DAnalysisAction Objects ==
== DAnalysisAction Objects ==
=== Details for Developers and for writing Custom DAnalysisActions ===
* '''Construction''': Each class deriving from <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> should be designed so that no user input is required after calling the constructor. 
** For example, the constructor should contain the <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span> that the action is to be performed on, the values of the cuts to be performed, whether to operate on pre-kinematic-fit or post-kinematic-fit data, etc.
*** However, the user should be allowed to perform "optional" modifications outside of the constructor (e.g. changing the default histogram range and binning).
** The default <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> constructor has been disabled (made private), so each constructor of each class deriving from <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> must explicitly call the <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> public constructor.  This is to enforce proper setup of each <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>. 
** Within a <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span>, each <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> needs to have a unique name (for safe multi-threaded creation of histograms).  This name is composed of a base-name built into the class itself that is unique to that class, and an optional unique identifier string that should be passed into the constructor by the user if more than one instance of a given class is performed in a given <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span> (e.g. make two different invariant mass histograms).
* '''Execution''': Each <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> is executed by calling the function-call operator (<span style="color:#008000">operator()</span>). 
** In addition to the <span style="color:#0000FF">JEventLoop</span>, this operator needs to be passed a deque of pair<const <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span>*, bool>: these contain the <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> objects that the <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> should be executed on, and boolean flags that afterwards will indicate if the given <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> objects passed or failed the cuts performed by that action (if any).
** If the <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> has not yet been initialized, the function-call operator will first call the <span style="color:#008000">Initialize</span>() function (see "Initialization").
** The <span style="color:#008000">Perform_Action</span>() function is then called on each of the input <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> (see "Perform Action").
* '''Initialization''': The <span style="color:#008000">Initialize</span>() function is called by the function-call operator and is used to create histograms, <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> objects, setup cuts, or any other operations that are needed to prepare the object for performing the desired action.
** This function must be defined in each class deriving from <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>, and should be declared as private.
* '''Creating ROOT Objects''': In the Initialize() function, the following rules should be followed to create directories, histograms, etc. in the output ROOT file in an organized, thread-safe manner:
** Acquire and release a JANA ROOT lock before (<span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Get_Application</span>()-><span style="color:#008000">RootWriteLock</span>()) and after (<span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Get_Application</span>()-><span style="color:#008000">RootUnLock</span>()) reading/creating/changing directories and creating histograms.
** Special care should be taken when creating directories in the output file, because they may have already been created by another thread.  Follow these rules for creating directories:
*** Call <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>::<span style="color:#008000">CreateAndChangeTo_ActionDirectory</span>() to create and change-to a directory that is unique to this analysis action (but NOT to this <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> (important multi-threading distinction!: each thread will have it's own unique instance of the <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> object)), yet is shared between threads.  If the directory already exists (created by another thread), it just changes to it.  This directory (and any desired sub-directories) should be used to store any histograms, trees, etc. that are created by this analysis action.  This is why each <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span> needs to have a unique name, and each <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span> within a given <span style="color:#0000FF">DReaction</span> needs to have a unique name. 
*** Call <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>::<span style="color:#008000">CreateAndChangeTo_Directory</span>() to create and change-to new sub-directories within the main action directory.  If the directory already exists (created by another thread), it just changes to it. 
** Before creating a histogram, check the directory to make sure that it hasn't already been created by another thread (if so, just grab the preexisting pointer from the directory rather than creating a duplicate histogram).
* '''Perform Action''': The <span style="color:#008000">Perform_Action()</span> function is called by the function-call operator and is used to execute the action on a given <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span>.  It returns true/false if the <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> passes/fails the action.
** In addition to the <span style="color:#0000FF">JEventLoop</span> and the <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> to be acted-upon, this function is passed in a deque of pair<const <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span>*, bool>: these contain the <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> objects that the action has ALREADY acted upon, and boolean flags that indicate whether they passed or failed the action.
*** The previous combos can be used (for example) to determine whether or not the quantities to be histogrammed are identical to those from a previous <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> and should be skipped to prevent double-counting (e.g. when histogramming the momentum of K<sup>+</sup> candidates, two different <span style="color:#0000FF">DParticleCombo</span> objects can have the same track used as the K<sup>+</sup> candidate (but be unique otherwise)).
** This function must be defined in each class deriving from <span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>, and should be declared as private.
* '''Filling ROOT Objects''': In the <span style="color:#008000">Perform_Action</span>() function, a JANA ROOT lock should be acquired before (<span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Get_Application</span>()-><span style="color:#008000">RootWriteLock</span>()) and released after (<span style="color:#0000FF">DAnalysisAction</span>::<span style="color:#008000">Get_Application</span>()-><span style="color:#008000">RootUnLock</span>()) filling any ROOT <span style="color:#0000FF">TTree</span> objects or histograms.
** To reduce bottlenecks, the lock should be held for the minimum amount of time possible: perform all calculations prior to acquiring the lock, and release it immediately after filling everything. 
** To reduce overhead, try to acquire the lock only once per action if possible.
== DParticleCombo ==
== DParticleCombo ==

Revision as of 20:32, 17 February 2013


Analysis Procedure Details

Analysis Overview

  • Generate every possible combination of particles (DParticleCombo) that can represent the desired DReaction objects.
    • This can yield many DParticleCombo objects per event.
    • This is regardless of PID, # of remaining tracks, timing, track position or momentum, etc.
      • Only extremely loose cuts are placed by default on PID, track-vertex-z, and beam photon time prior to creating DParticleCombo objects: this is to avoid memory spikes from events with too many particles.
        • These can be changed by modifying the command line parameters defined in DParticleComboBlueprint_factory::brun() and DParticleCombo_factory_PreKinFit::brun().
  • User-specified cuts are then used to eliminate DParticleCombo objects that do not much the desired DReaction objects (e.g. PID, kinematic fit, invariant mass, etc.)
    • This is done by executing DAnalysisActions (e.g. histogramming, cutting) in sequence on each DParticleCombo until it fails a cut.
    • The kinematic fit (if specified) is not performed until the kinematic fit results are required for a DAnalysisAction (DAnalysisAction::Get_UseKinFitResultsFlag() == true). This saves time and memory by letting users cut DParticleCombo objects prior to fitting.
  • Save the results to disk further analysis (currently not built-in (except for histograms)).

Reaction Analysis

  • NOTE: These are located in sim-recon/src/libraries/ANALYSIS/
  • DReaction_factory: Creates DReaction objects to be analyzed. Needs to be created in each analysis plugin.
  • DParticleComboBlueprint_factory: Creates a DParticleComboBlueprint object for each possible track combination, excluding any possible multiplicity from multiple beam photons. These DParticleComboBlueprint objects store pointers to which DChargedTrack and DNeutralShower objects will be used for each particle in the reaction. The beam photon multiplicity is handled in DParticleCombo_factory_PreKinFit.
  • DTrackTimeBased_factory_Reaction: If none of the existing DTrackTimeBased objects for a given reconstructed track have the needed PID for a particle in a DReaction, this creates new DTrackTimeBased objects for them (e.g. e-, or if one of the default PIDs (e.g. π+) fails reconstruction while the others don't (e.g. K+)). This uses the reconstructed momentum from the DTrackTimeBased object with the closest mass, and re-swims the track.
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis_factory_Reaction: Creates DChargedTrackHypothesis objects for the DTrackTimeBased objects created by DTrackTimeBased_factory_Reaction.
  • DParticleCombo_factory_PreKinFit: Creates a DParticleCombo object for each DParticleComboBlueprint, setting the data with the measured DChargedTrackHypothesis, DNeutralParticleHypothesis, and DBeamPhoton objects. A loose timing cut is placed between the DEventRFBunch time and the DBeamPhoton objects, and additional DParticleCombo objects are created if more than one DBeamPhoton object survives the cut.
  • DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit: Loops over the DAnalysisAction objects stored in each DReaction, executing them on the corresponding DParticleCombo objects until the kinematic fit results are needed for an action (DAnalysisAction::Get_UseKinFitResultsFlag() == true). This allows DAnalysisAction objects to reject background combinations prior to kinematic fitting to save time and memory. This creates and fills histograms of the number of events and DParticleCombo objects that survive each cut. This also creates and fills several reaction-independent histograms, such as thrown and reconstructed particle kinematics, and track multiplicity.
  • DKinFitResults_factory: For each DParticleCombo that survived all of the cuts executed in DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit, perform the kinematic fit specified by the DReaction objects (if desired). See the "DKinFitResults_factory" section of GlueX Kinematic Fitting for more details.
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis_factory_KinFit: Create DChargedTrackHypothesis objects containing the kinematically fit track parameters. New, unique objects are created for each charged particle in each kinematically fit DParticleCombo.
  • DNeutralParticleHypothesis_factory_KinFit: Create DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects containing the kinematically fit track parameters. New, unique objects are created for each neutral particle in each kinematically fit DParticleCombo.
  • DBeamPhoton_factory_KinFit: Create DBeamPhoton objects containing the kinematically fit track parameters. New, unique objects are created for each beam photon in each kinematically fit DParticleCombo.
  • DParticleCombo_factory: Creates a new DParticleCombo object in each DParticleCombo that survived all of the cuts executed in DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit, but containing the kinematically fit track parameters (in addition to the original, measured parameters).
  • DAnalysisResults_factory: Loops over the DAnalysisAction objects stored in each DReaction, skipping those that were executed by DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit, and executing the remaining ones on the corresponding DParticleCombo objects created by DParticleCombo_factory. This creates and fills histograms of the number of events and DParticleCombo objects that survive each cut.

Analysis Utilities

  • DParticleID: Collection of functions used to match charged tracks to hits in the BCAL, FCAL, SC, and TOF, and to calculate the PID FOM from the TOF and DC dE/dx information.
  • DMCThrownMatching: Matches reconstructed particles to generated particles.
  • DAnalysisUtilities: Collection of utility functions used to facilitate physics analyses. These include methods for calculating invariant mass, missing mass, DOCA, etc., as well as methods for determining whether a DParticleCombo is in some ways similar to other DParticleCombo objects (e.g. the same track hypotheses make up a given decay chain) (useful for preventing double-counting when histogramming (e.g. invariant mass)).
  • DKinFitter_GlueX: See GlueX Kinematic Fitting

Factories Tree

  • This tree was generated using the b1pi_hists plugin on December 8, 2012.
Mattione AnalysisFactories b1piFactoryTree.png

DAnalysisAction Objects


  • Located in src/libraries/ANALYSIS/


  • Particle data is contained in either DChargedTrackHypothesis, DNeutralParticleHypothesis, DBeamPhoton, or DKinematicData (for reconstructed missing or decaying particles) objects.
    • However, all of these objects are stored in DParticleComboStep as pointers to DKinematicData. If you want the DBeamPhoton, etc. objects, you need to cast them back that type.
  • The order of the particles and steps are the same as specified by the DReaction and DReactionStep objects.
  • Both the measured data and the kinematic fit data are accessible from these classes.
    • In DParticleCombo objects grabbed from the "PreKinFit" tag factory, the measured data is stored in the both the "default" and the "measured" members (e.g. dFinalParticles and dFinalParticles_Measured).
    • In DParticleCombo objects grabbed from the default (no tag) factory, the kinematic data is stored in the "default" members (e.g. dFinalParticles) and the measured data is stored in the "measured" members (e.g. dFinalParticles_Measured).
  • The source objects (DChargedTrack and DNeutralShower) and PIDs are accessible through the DParticleComboBlueprintStep.
  • Particles that are missing or are decaying may have NULL pointers stored for the objects.
    • The source and measured pointers will be NULL, and the "default" pointers will be NULL unless they are constrained by the kinematic fit (e.g. resonances are not constrained, but a Λ or a missing recoil proton will be).

Source Code

  • C++ code of class members (methods aren't shown):
class DParticleComboStep
    const DParticleComboBlueprintStep* dParticleComboBlueprintStep; //contains PIDs, source objects
    const DKinematicData* dInitialParticle; //if is null: decaying or beam particle not yet set!
    const DKinematicData* dInitialParticle_Measured; //if is null: decaying or beam particle not yet set!
    const DKinematicData* dTargetParticle; //NULL for no target
    deque<const DKinematicData*> dFinalParticles; //if particle is null: missing or decaying! //these are DChargedTrackHypothesis or DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects if detected
    deque<const DKinematicData*> dFinalParticles_Measured; //if particle is null: missing or decaying! //these are DChargedTrackHypothesis or DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects if detected
class DParticleCombo : public JObject
    const DReaction* dReaction;
    const DKinFitResults* dKinFitResults;
    deque<const DParticleComboStep*> dParticleComboSteps;

User Plugin DReaction_factory

  • This is from sim-recon/src/programs/Analysis/plugins/b1pi_hists/
// init
jerror_t DReaction_factory::init(void)
  // Setting the PERSISTANT prevents JANA from deleting
  // the objects every event so we only create them once.
  DReaction* locReaction;
  DReactionStep* locReactionStep;
  // Make as many DReaction objects as desired
  deque<DReactionStep*> locReactionSteps;
/**************************************************** b1pi Steps ****************************************************/
  //g, p -> X(2000), (p)
  locReactionStep = new DReactionStep();
  locReactionStep->Add_FinalParticleID(Unknown); //x(2000)
  locReactionStep->Set_MissingParticleIndex(1); //proton missing
  dReactionStepPool.push_back(locReactionStep); //prevent memory leak
  //x(2000) -> b1(1235)+, pi-
  locReactionStep = new DReactionStep();
  locReactionStep->Set_InitialParticleID(Unknown); //x(2000)
  locReactionStep->Set_TargetParticleID(Unknown); //no target for this step
  locReactionStep->Set_MissingParticleIndex(-1); //none missing
  dReactionStepPool.push_back(locReactionStep); //prevent memory leak
  //b1(1235)+ -> omega, pi-
  locReactionStep = new DReactionStep();
  locReactionStep->Set_TargetParticleID(Unknown); //no target for this step
  locReactionStep->Set_MissingParticleIndex(-1); //none missing
  dReactionStepPool.push_back(locReactionStep); //prevent memory leak
  //omega -> pi+, pi-, pi0
  locReactionStep = new DReactionStep();
  locReactionStep->Set_TargetParticleID(Unknown); //no target for this step
  locReactionStep->Set_MissingParticleIndex(-1); //none missing
  dReactionStepPool.push_back(locReactionStep); //prevent memory leak
  //pi0 -> gamma, gamma
  locReactionStep = new DReactionStep();
  locReactionStep->Set_TargetParticleID(Unknown); //no target for this step
  locReactionStep->Set_MissingParticleIndex(-1); //none missing
  dReactionStepPool.push_back(locReactionStep); //prevent memory leak
/**************************************************** b1pi ****************************************************/
  locReaction = new DReaction("b1pi");
  locReaction->Set_KinFitType(d_P4AndVertexFit); //defined in DKinFitResults.h
  for(size_t loc_i = 0; loc_i < locReactionSteps.size(); ++loc_i)
  //Extremely Loose Mass Cuts
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_MissingMass(locReaction, false, 0.1, 1.6, "Proton_Loose")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Pi0, false, 0.0, 0.5, "Pi0_Loose")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, omega, false, 0.2, 1.4, "omega_Loose")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, b1_1235_Plus, false, 0.6, 1.8, "b1(1235)+_Loose")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Unknown, false, 1.0, 3.0, "X(2000)_Loose")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_PID(locReaction));
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_AllPIDFOM(locReaction, 0.01)); //1%
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_TruePID(locReaction, "PostPID"));
  //Initial Mass Distributions
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_MissingMass(locReaction, false, 650, 0.3, 1.6, "PostPID")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Pi0, false, 500, 0.0, 0.5, "Pi0_PostPID")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, omega, false, 600, 0.2, 1.4, "omega_PostPID")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, b1_1235_Plus, false, 600, 0.6, 1.8, "b1(1235)+_PostPID")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Unknown, false, 1000, 1.0, 3.0, "X(2000)_PostPID")); //false: measured data
  //Kinematic Fit Results and Confidence Level Cut
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_KinFitResults(locReaction, 0.05)); //5% confidence level cut on pull histograms only
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_KinFitFOM(locReaction, 0.01)); //1%
  //Constrained Mass Distributions
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_MissingMass(locReaction, false, 650, 0.3, 1.6, "PostKinFitConLev")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Pi0, false, 500, 0.0, 0.5, "Pi0_PostKinFitConLev")); //false: measured data
  //omega cut
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, omega, false, 600, 0.2, 1.4, "omega_PostKinFitConLev_Measured")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, omega, true, 600, 0.2, 1.4, "omega_PostKinFitConLev_KinFit")); //true: kinfit data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, omega, true, 0.6, 1.0, "omega_PostKinFit")); //true: kinfit data
  //b1(1235)+ cut
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, b1_1235_Plus, false, 600, 0.6, 1.8, "b1(1235)+_PostKinFitConLev_Measured")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, b1_1235_Plus, true, 600, 0.6, 1.8, "b1(1235)+_PostKinFitConLev_KinFit")); //true: kinfit data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, b1_1235_Plus, true, 1.1, 1.5, "b1(1235)+_PostKinFit")); //true: kinfit data
  //Signal Mass Hist
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Unknown, false, 1000, 1.0, 3.0, "X(2000)_PostKinFitConLev_Measured")); //false: measured data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Unknown, true, 1000, 1.0, 3.0, "X(2000)_PostKinFitConLev_KinFit")); //true: kinfit data
  //Final Track Kinematics & PID Check
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_TrackVertexComparison(locReaction, "Final"));
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_ParticleComboKinematics(locReaction, true, "Final")); //true: kinfit data
  locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_TruePID(locReaction, "Final"));
  _data.push_back(locReaction); //save the DReaction
  return NOERROR;

User Plugin DEventProcessor

  • The DEventProcessor itself can be extremely minimal in content.
  • This is from sim-recon/src/programs/Analysis/plugins/b1pi_hists/
// Routine used to create our DEventProcessor
extern "C"
  void InitPlugin(JApplication *app)
    app->AddProcessor(new DEventProcessor_b1pi_hists());
    app->AddFactoryGenerator(new DFactoryGenerator_DReaction());
} // "C"
// evnt
jerror_t DEventProcessor_b1pi_hists::evnt(JEventLoop *locEventLoop, int eventnumber)
  vector<const DAnalysisResults*> locAnalysisResultsVector;
  return NOERROR;

Program Output

  • Other than the built-in histograms, you are currently on your own for this. Output any data you want in either your own DAnalysisAction or in your DEventProcessor::evnt() method.

Tricks for saving time and memory

  • Change the binning and/or range of the built-in histograms after constructing the corresponding DAnalysisAction object.
  • Because there may be many DParticleCombo objects for an event, perform as many cuts as possible prior to kinematic fitting.
    • This includes extremely-loose cuts (well beyond the range at which your final cut will be) on all of the physical quantities of interest (e.g. mass peaks).
  • To branch an analysis, create a new (but identical) DReaction object (with the same DReactionStep pointers), then simply repeat or change any of the DAnalysisActions.
    • If the DReactionStep objects are re-used, the framework will realize that the DParticleComboBlueprintStep objects will be the same, and will simply reuse them.
      • Note that the DParticleCombo objects will not be identical since they will contain a pointer to a different DReaction.
      • If the kinematic fit type is also the same, it will skip the kinematic fit of the new DParticleCombo objects entirely and just copy the previous results since they will be identical.

RF Beam Bunch Selection & PID Details

  • Note: These routines assume high-luminosity running (i.e. too many tagger photons to distinguish the RF bunch).

How RF bunch selection works for an event (creating a single DEventRFBunch object)

  • The measured RF time and variance are assumed to be zero (until actual measured values are introduced).
  • In DEventRFBunch_factory: loop over DTrackTimeBased objects, determine the matching TOF/BCAL/ST hits, propagate the matching time to the target center and select the closest-matching RF bunch (+/- multiples of the RF bunch frequency).
    • Note: Hit-use order: use TOF hit if present, else use BCAL hit if present and track momentum > 250 MeV/c. Only use ST hit if present and no tracks have good TOF/BCAL hits to use.
      • TOF-hit resolution (80ps) is good enough to pick RF bunch regardless of momentum or if correct PID is used to propagate the time (e.g. won't reconstruct protons below 300 MeV/c anyway, etc.)
      • BCAL resolution is ~310ps at 250 MeV/c, pi/K delta-t error is ~40ps (proton too slow): 3sigma + delta-t error = ~970ps < 1.002 ns
      • ST resolution projected 350ps - 400ps: not good enough to select RF bunch (OK if enough voting tracks)
    • Note: tracks with bad vertex-z are ignored, and tracks with low track-reconstruction FOM are ignored unless there's no good tracks.
    • Note: if there are no TOF/BCAL/ST hits with good tracks, then tracks with low tracking FOM are used.
      • If still no good hits, then the track times from time-based tracking is used (first from good-tracking-FOM tracks, then all).
  • Vote: select the RF bunch that matches the most tracks (tie broken by highest average tracking FOM).

How DChargedTrackHypothesis PID FOM calculation works

  • Determine the track start time:
    • Try: match the track to its RF bunch using the method described above.
    • Else try: use the DEventRFBunch RF time if it was matched to other tracks.
    • Else try: use the measured track t0 time (ST, CDC) (will fail if t0 time = t1 time (e.g. both CDC (e.g. no ST/TOF/etc. hits of any kind)))
    • Note: each track may match to a different RF bunch: this allows the correct PID to be determined for background tracks originating from nearby beam buckets.
  • Propagate both the TOF/BCAL/etc. time and the RF time to the track vertex, and compare them to calculate FOM.

How DNeutralParticleHypothesis PID FOM calculation works

  • Propagate shower times to the target center, compare them to the DEventRFBunch time.