Mattione GlueX Analysis Factories

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Reaction Analysis Factories

  • NOTE: These are located in sim-recon/src/libraries/ANALYSIS/

User Input

  • DReaction_factory: Creates DReaction objects to be analyzed. Needs to be created in each analysis plugin.

Objects for PreKinFit DParticleCombo

  • DParticleComboBlueprint_factory: Creates a DParticleComboBlueprint object for each possible track combination, excluding any possible multiplicity from multiple beam photons. These DParticleComboBlueprint objects store pointers to which DChargedTrack and DNeutralShower objects will be used for each particle in the reaction. The beam photon multiplicity is handled in DParticleCombo_factory_PreKinFit.
  • DTrackTimeBased_factory_Combo: If none of the existing DTrackTimeBased objects for a given reconstructed track have the needed PID for a particle in a DReaction, this creates new DTrackTimeBased objects for them (e.g. e-, or if one of the default PIDs (e.g. π+) fails reconstruction while the others don't (e.g. K+)). This uses the reconstructed momentum from the DTrackTimeBased object with the closest mass, and re-swims the track.
  • DEventRFBunch_factory_Combo: Determines the RF bunch that corresponds to each DParticleComboBlueprint (currently always t = 0). These are created separately for each DParticleCombo because extra ghost and/or accidental tracks in the event that are not in the DParticleCombo are excluded from the determination, improving the RF bunch selection. Uses the weighted average of the track and shower times (shower-vertex-z determined from weighted average of track vertex-z's) at their POCA to the beamline to determine the RF bunch.
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis_factory_Combo: Creates DChargedTrackHypothesis objects for the DTrackTimeBased objects created by DTrackTimeBased_factory_Combo. Also, creates new DChargedTrackHypothesis objects using the "Combo"-tagged version of DEventRFBunch to compute new PID FOMs.
  • DNeutralParticleHypothesis_factory_Combo: Creates new DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects using the "Combo"-tagged version of DEventRFBunch to compute new PID FOMs.

Pre-Kinematic Fit

  • DParticleCombo_factory_PreKinFit: Creates a DParticleCombo object for each DParticleComboBlueprint, setting the data with the "Combo"-tagged versions of the DChargedTrackHypothesis, DNeutralParticleHypothesis, and DEventRFBunch objects, as well as the measured DBeamPhoton objects. Additional DParticleCombo objects are created if more than one valid DBeamPhoton object is available.
  • DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit: Loops over the DAnalysisAction objects stored in each DReaction, executing them on the corresponding DParticleCombo objects until the kinematic fit results are needed for an action (DAnalysisAction::Get_UseKinFitResultsFlag() == true). This allows DAnalysisAction objects to reject background combinations prior to kinematic fitting to save time and memory. This creates and fills histograms of the number of events and DParticleCombo objects that survive each cut. This also creates and fills several reaction-independent histograms, such as thrown and reconstructed particle kinematics, and track multiplicity.

Objects for Post-Kinematic Fit (Default Tag) DParticleCombo

  • NOTE: if no kinematic fit is requested/performed, then these objects aren't created.
  • DKinFitResults_factory: For each DParticleCombo that survived all of the cuts executed in DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit, perform the kinematic fit specified by the DReaction objects (if desired). See the "DKinFitResults_factory" section of GlueX Kinematic Fitting for more details.
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis_factory_KinFit: Create DChargedTrackHypothesis objects containing the kinematically fit track parameters. New, unique objects are created for each charged particle in each kinematically fit DParticleCombo.
  • DNeutralParticleHypothesis_factory_KinFit: Create DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects containing the kinematically fit track parameters. New, unique objects are created for each neutral particle in each kinematically fit DParticleCombo.
  • DBeamPhoton_factory_KinFit: Create DBeamPhoton objects containing the kinematically fit track parameters. New, unique objects are created for each beam photon in each kinematically fit DParticleCombo.

Post-Kinematic Fit

  • NOTE: these objects are created regardless of whether a kinematic fit is requested.
  • DParticleCombo_factory: Creates a new DParticleCombo object in each DParticleCombo that survived all of the cuts executed in DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit, but containing the kinematically fit track parameters (in addition to the original, measured parameters).
  • DAnalysisResults_factory: Loops over the DAnalysisAction objects stored in each DReaction, skipping those that were executed by DAnalysisResults_PreKinFit, and executing the remaining ones on the corresponding DParticleCombo objects created by DParticleCombo_factory. This creates and fills histograms of the number of events and DParticleCombo objects that survive each cut.

Thrown Factories

  • DReaction_factory_Thrown: Creates a DReaction object representing the thrown reaction. Final state particles listed in DMCThrown are ignored if they have decayed from pions, kaons, or other "typical" final state particles (e.g. muons, electrons, pions, and neutrinos are ignored if they decay from a kaon, etc.). Also, particles not defined in sim-recon/src/libraries/include/particleType.h are ignored.
  • DParticleCombo_factory_Thrown: Creates a DParticleCombo object representing the thrown reaction. The DMCThrown objects are used for the particle data, except pure DKinematicData objects are used for the beam particle and target objects (from DMCReaction). Final state particles listed in DMCThrown are ignored if they have decayed from pions, kaons, or other "typical" final state particles (e.g. muons, electrons, pions, and neutrinos are ignored if they decay from a kaon, etc.). Also, particles not defined in sim-recon/src/libraries/include/particleType.h are ignored.
  • DEventRFBunch_factory_Thrown: Creates a DEventRFBunch object for the simulated event. Always t = 0.

Analysis Utilities

  • DParticleID: (Located in the PID library) Collection of functions used to match charged tracks to hits in the BCAL, FCAL, SC, and TOF, and to calculate the PID FOM from the TOF and DC dE/dx information.
  • DMCThrownMatching: Matches reconstructed particles to generated particles. Also matches thrown and reconstructed BCAL, FCAL, and TOF hits, although currently only the TOF hits have been vetted.
  • DAnalysisUtilities: Collection of utility functions used to facilitate physics analyses. These include methods for calculating invariant mass, missing mass, DOCA, etc., as well as methods for determining whether a DParticleCombo is in some ways similar to other DParticleCombo objects (e.g. the same track hypotheses make up a given decay chain) (useful for preventing double-counting when histogramming (e.g. invariant mass)).
  • DKinFitter_GlueX: See GlueX Kinematic Fitting

Factories Tree

  • This tree was generated using the b1pi_hists plugin on December 8, 2012.
Mattione AnalysisFactories b1piFactoryTree.png