Mattione Update 06202011

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Revision as of 00:09, 20 June 2011 by Pmatt (Talk | contribs)

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b1pi Overview

  • Generated 10000 X(2000) -> b1π-; events following the instructions here.
  • Decay chain:
 gamma p -> p X(2000)0
               |-> b1(1235)+ π-
                    |-> ω π+
                          |-> ρ0 π0
                               |   |-> γ γ
                               |-> π+ π-

b1pi Event Count

# Generated events = 10000

# Events with 2+ photons = 9660
# Events with 2+ π+'s = 7642
# Events with 2+ π-'s = 8156
# Events with 2+ protons = 1040 (should only be 1 !!)
# Events with enough tracks for the X (2+ photons, 2+ π+'s, 2+ π-'s) = 6076

b1pi Invariant Masses

Mattione Study b1pi InvMass PiZero.gif
Mattione Study b1pi InvMass RhoZero.gif
Mattione Study b1pi InvMass Omega.gif
Mattione Study b1pi InvMass B1Plus.gif
Mattione Study b1pi InvMass X2000.gif


Current Class Structure

                                  /      |       \
 vector < DVertex::shower_info_t >    DVertex     vector < vector < DVertex::track_info_t > >
                                    /         \
   vector < DVertex::shower_info_t >           vector < vector < DVertex::track_info_t > >

*DVertex::shower_info_t is a class that inherits from DKinematicData and contains pointers to DBCALShower and DFCALShower objects
*DVertex::track_info_t is a struct that contains a DTrackTimeBased object, along with the projected time at the vertex and the FOM

Proposed Class Structure