Minutes 2-15-2008

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FDC/CDC Combined Tracking Meeting

Date: Feb. 15, 2008

Participants: Daniel, Elke, Sasha, Mark, Elton, Simon, Curtis, David, Tim

Next Meeting: February 22, 2008 @ 11:00 a.m.

Tracking Review

 - The combined FDC/CDC/Charged particle PID review is scheduled to take place on March 27 and 28.  We
   discussed the pre-briefing documentation that we would like to have.
 - The first item is a document on the physics motivations for the resolution capabilities to carry out
   a PWA.  We have decided that our approach will be to compare the resolutions for GlueX to those for
   BNL E852, which was able to put out signatures for exotic mesons with cross section at about 3% of 
   the non-exotics.  We will also study with our parametric Monte Carlo the missing mass and invariant 
   mass resolutions as a function of detector resolutions.  In this area we also need to study the 
   effect of acceptance holes on the reconstructions.  This includes (but is not limited to) the size 
   of the beam hole in the FDC.  One stringent reaction on studying these impacts is rho production.  
   Finally, we need to compare acceptance functions for GlueX to E852.
 - Curtis discussed his plans for updating the documentation for the CDC and aims to complete this work
   within the next two weeks. Full details are on the 
   <a href="http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/wiki/index.php/Feb._15%2C_2008_Tracking_CDC/FDC">agenda 
   page</a> for this meeting.
 - DSC will update the FDC TDR to address quench issues, rails and support system, ASIC characterization  
   and studies, and cables runs.  The document is due to Elke by March 14.
 - We agreed that studies of the overall tracking system (with combined CDC+FDC tracking) will be ready
   for the May detector review.  In addition we plan on completing studies of the overall system
   optimization, including the length of the CDC and the number of packages/layers for the FDC.
 - Other documentation will be provided by Fernando for the electronics, David on the
   tracking/reconstruction work, and Alex on the FTOF/PID.

Minutes prepared by Daniel. Send any comments or corrections along.