Nov 5, 2015 Calorimetry
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Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m.
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- More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.
Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
- Update BCAL clusterizer to improve agreement between simulated and generated MC (Mark)
- Modify covariance matrix for FCAL and BCAL to correspond to the current resolution of the detectors (Matt).
- Investigate response of TOF to hadron Fcal showers matched to DC tracks (Elton)
- Change F250 simulation code to match firmware and add flexibility for new algorithms (Mike)
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Commissioning
- FCAL Update
- BCAL Update
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Energy Spectra from Muon Decays in BCAL (Andrei & Irina) GlueX-doc-2881
- Energy spectra from muon decays in BCAL, data (Will M) [2]
- Log Entry 3358054 FCAL response to hadrons matched to TOF (Elton)
- Calibration
- e-mail Draft process for determining gains with Michel spectrum (Elton)
- e-mail Comments on BCAL timing constants (Mike)
- Calibration Challenge
- Any other business
Attendees: Elton, Adesh, Mark, David (JLab); Sean (NW); Noemi, Tegan, Zisis (UofR); Will, Mike, Curtis (CMU); George (Athens)
- Announcements
- Zisis: All Regina students have passed the written part of their exams.
- Accelerator refrigerator problem fixed
- Expect beam to dumplet Nov 20, beam to tagger Dec 4. Schedule subject to day to day developments
- Target date for completion of HCO list is before Thanksgiving.
- Action Items
- Commissioning
- FCAL Update
- 20 bases returned to IU. Found problem with solder under resistor that controls HV generation. Half bases fixed with component replacement, half by replacement of multiplier board. Jon is testing the repairs.
- FCAL has been on and monitored with EPICs for about a week.
- 30-40 additional bases in the detector are symptomatic. Adesh will replace them next week and ship back to IU. Half a dozen are having communication problems with EPICs; when loosing communication they shut themselves off. Working with Hovanes to investigate this problem.
- Base HVs will be adjusted based on the determined gains next week. Elton: caution should be taken on setting voltages for channels where the gain calibrations are difficult (e.g. near beam line, and outer edge of detector, etc).
- BCAL Update
- Elton: BCAL bias is on and chiller T=18 deg, while nitrogen is used for solenoid work
- Zisis: Suggestion is to continue fill in the wiki with information about the run as a basis for run conditions
- Andrei: Would like 1-2 days of cosmic running with Vover=1.4 V, B=0 and external counters in the data stream. Chiller temperature may be limited to 18 deg till nitrogen flow is available.
- FCAL Update
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Energy Spectra from Muon Decays in BCAL (Andrei & Irina) GlueX-doc-2881
- Electron decay energies shown when 1 and 2 points are required and for various thresholds.
- Elton: Suggest that the plots be made with the axis labeled in reconstructed energy units for comparison with data.
- Energy spectra from muon decays in BCAL, data (Will M) [3]
- Distributions showing electron energies when 1 and 2 points are required. The data (compared to MC) show much larger difference between 1 and 2 point requirements. The 1 point distributions are peaked at low energy and this is not understood. Will asks for suggestions on how to understand this problem.
- Mark: The large tail on the layer 4 data could be due to a few channels with poor calibrations. Will has not checked this yet, but he will.
- Log Entry 3358054 FCAL response to hadrons matched to TOF (Elton)
- This is a work in progress. Not discussed due to lack of time. Log entry is available for those interested.
- Energy Spectra from Muon Decays in BCAL (Andrei & Irina) GlueX-doc-2881
- Calibration
- e-mail Draft process for determining gains with Michel spectrum (Elton)
- Elton outlined a procedure for determining the gain constants using the Michel spectrum, by plotting the extracted constant as a function the fraction of energy in the cell with most energy. There was discussion and decided that we should try this out.
- e-mail Comments on BCAL timing constants (Mike)
- Mike proposed a new arrangement of timing constants. This will require changing tables in ccdb as well as modifying code to match the new tables.
- This group decided it should be implemented.
- Everyone is invited to look at the discussion in more detail offline and give feedback to Mike.
- The new tables will be clearly documented to clarify procedure and additional feedback before full implementation.
- Effective velocity (George)
- George has started using the ptrack flag for the cosmic-ray runs with B=0, as suggested by Mike. This implements a special tracking algorithm for straight tracks. The new tracking algorithm does not seem to resolve the problems of extracting veff with B=0 cosmic runs.
- Calibration Challenge
- Everyone and all systems are encouraged to include new plugins in the calibration challenge.
- e-mail Draft process for determining gains with Michel spectrum (Elton)
- Any other business