November 10,2010 Tracking CDC/FDC

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Revision as of 16:36, 10 November 2010 by Pentchev (Talk | contribs) (Production)

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Meeting Time and Place

Wednesday November 9, 2010 at 11:00am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


To connect from the outside, please use ESNET
1.) ESNET: 8542553
2.) Phone:
+1-800-377-8846 : US
+1-888-276-7715 : Canada
+1-302-709-8424 : International
then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#")


  1. Announcements
  2. FDC Update logbook
  3. CDC Update [1]
    1. Production Status of the CDC.
    2. High surface-resistance straws.
  4. CDC Prototype Studies
    1. Afterpulses Event pics
    2. Flow rate
    3. Fe55 peak shape
    4. 55Fe vs cosmics


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Eugene, Beni, Mark, Simon, and Lubomir.

FDC Update


23 wire frames are laminated with Rohacell. All 32 will be done by Thanksgiving. 14 are back from the company after fly cut, ready for the PCB lamination. Problems: low temperatures in the off-site building, if below 60deg F we can't use the glue. There was delamination (~1-2cm diameter spots) on two of the populated PCBs and we suspect no proper heating cycle used for soldering.

Beni was working on the movement system to control the wire stringing. JLab controller doesn't work with our stepper motor and we are considering buying one.

Full-scale prototype tests

Beni: using fADC125 on the wires. Preliminary results: one can achieve ~200 microns resolution with 90/10 Ar/CO2 gas mixture. To calculate the drift time from fADC125, he has also the trigger signal connected to the input of fADC125. Noise from a discriminator card turned out to be related to a bad low voltage connector (Fernando).

CDC Update