Online release

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How To Make an Online Release

Official online releases must be made from the hdsys account. You can make a release in your own area by following the instructions below, with the obvious modifications.

1. Log into the hdsys account on the Hall D online computing cluster. If you don't know how to do this then you should not be making official releases!

2. Get a copy of the release script:

$ svn cat > create_online_release

    create_online_release [-noBuild] [-noCheckout] [-noCPP] [-noJava] [-noInstall]

3. Set PATH to point to gcc 4.8.0 (or whatever compiler you want) and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly:

$ setenv PATH /apps/gcc/4.8.0/bin:"$PATH"
$ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /apps/gcc/4.8.0/lib64:/apps/gcc/4.8.0/lib:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

4. Set environment variables needed for the build. We are working on a script to do this, until then:

$ setenv CMSGROOT       /gluex/coda_install_dir/Linux-x86_64
$ setenv EVIOROOT       /gluex/coda_install_dir/Linux-x86_64
$ setenv ETROOT         /gluex/coda_install_dir/Linux-x86_64
$ setenv CODAOBJECTROOT /gluex/coda_install_dir/Linux-x86_64

5. Create release dirs, check out, build and install everything

$ create_online_release myRelease