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Raw data – halld_recon Raw data is taken in EVIO file format and processed using programs in halld_recon. Calibration databases are RCDB and CCDB. hd_root is used with plugins for event reconstruction, monitoring and to make REST files (physics quantities, no detector hit information).

Simulated data - halld_sim Event generators generates simulated physics data (particle, momentum, track angle) Geant4 models the measurements (detector hits) produced by those tracks mcsmear models the detector resolution which makes the measurements less exact. MCWrapper runs the above on demand.

Reaction channel analysis ReactionFilter plugin is used to find the events corresponding to a particular reaction to make Analysis Trees. Requests for analysis trees are bundled together into launches, to generates the trees together.

Analysis Tree analysis DSelectors are used to apply filters to the data and generate histograms of invariant mass etc. FSRoot is an alternative to DSelectors and generates flat trees.

AmpTools is used for partial wave analysis