Workshop on Polarized Target Studies with Real Photons in Hall D
Wednesday 21 February 2024, Hybrid
The workshop will explore opportunities to build on the approved polarized target program in Hall D utilizing the GlueX spectrometer. A tagged photon beam with energy 3 to 12 GeV and circular polarization up to 85% is available. The approved target is 10 cm long and capable of achieving large longitudinal vector polarization for hydrogen (up to 90%), deuterium (up to 75%) and certain other nuclear species. It can also achieve a high tensor polarization for deuterons. Coupled with an 80 kHz data rate in Hall D, a high figure of merit for many processes can be achieved.
The Workshop will be held jointly online and in person at Florida State University in Tallahassee and will consist of a plenary session with significant time dedicated to discussion.
Everyone participating in the workshop should register using this link. There is no registration fee for either in person or remote participation.
Meeting ID: 160 639 7151
Passcode: 701601
Agenda: Wednesday, February 21
- Session: (Chair: Justin Stevens)
- 09:30 - 09:40: Stand up Break
- 09:40 (20+5): Exclusive photoproduction reactions for nucleon structure (GPDs) (Zhite Yu)
- 10:05 (20+5): Polarized target for spectroscopy (Vincent Mathieu)
- 10:30 - 11:00: Coffee Break
- Session: (Chair: Matt Shepherd)
- Flash Talks and discussion
- 11:50 (10): Flash Talks
- Flash Talk: Tracking Helicity in Hall D (Ken Livingston)
- Flash Talk: Flash Talk: AI optimized polarization (Naomi Jarvis)
- 11:50 (10): Flash Talks
- 12:00 (30): Discussion and planning
- 12:30 Adjourn