• test   ?
    DB ID::   1
    Full path :    /test
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
    Author :    2
    Comment :    Soft test directory
    • subtest   ?
      DB ID::   2
      Full path :    /test/subtest
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
      Author :    2
      Comment :    Soft test first subdirectory
    • test_vars   ?
      DB ID::   3
      Full path :    /test/test_vars
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
      Author :    2
      Comment :   
      • test_table  ?
        DB ID::   1
        Full path :    /test/test_vars/test_table
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
        Author :    2
        Comment :    Test type
      • test_table2  ?
        DB ID::   2
        Full path :    /test/test_vars/test_table2
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:01
        Author :    2
        Comment :    Test type 2
    • demo   ?
      DB ID::   20
      Full path :    /test/demo
      Created :    2013-02-22 13:39:03
      Modified :    2013-02-22 13:39:03
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
      • mytable  ?
        DB ID::   81
        Full path :    /test/demo/mytable
        Created :    2013-02-22 13:39:31
        Modified :    2013-02-22 13:39:31
        Author :    1
        Comment :    My table
    • PHOTON_BEAM   ?
      DB ID::   43
      Full path :    /test/PHOTON_BEAM
      Created :    2015-12-03 10:04:47
      Modified :    2015-12-03 10:04:47
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
      • coherent_energy  ?
        DB ID::   335
        Full path :    /test/PHOTON_BEAM/coherent_energy
        Created :    2015-12-03 10:05:15
        Modified :    2015-12-03 10:05:15
        Author :    122
        Comment :    test table defining coherent peak range
    • mydir   ?
      DB ID::   62
      Full path :    /test/mydir
      Created :    2020-01-15 12:15:26
      Modified :    2020-01-15 12:15:26
      Author :    3
      Comment :   
      • mytable  ?
        DB ID::   668
        Full path :    /test/mydir/mytable
        Created :    2020-01-15 12:15:28
        Modified :    2020-01-15 12:15:28
        Author :    3
        Comment :   
      • square_vs_channel  ?
        DB ID::   680
        Full path :    /test/mydir/square_vs_channel
        Created :    2020-04-06 14:14:36
        Modified :    2020-04-06 14:14:36
        Author :    322
        Comment :   
      • square_vs_channel2  ?
        DB ID::   681
        Full path :    /test/mydir/square_vs_channel2
        Created :    2020-04-06 14:23:00
        Modified :    2020-04-06 14:23:00
        Author :    322
        Comment :   
      • square_vs_channel3  ?
        DB ID::   682
        Full path :    /test/mydir/square_vs_channel3
        Created :    2020-04-06 14:24:42
        Modified :    2020-04-06 14:24:42
        Author :    322
        Comment :   
  • CDC   ?
    DB ID::   4
    Full path :    /CDC
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:25
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:25
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • MC   ?
      DB ID::   26
      Full path :    /CDC/MC
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:07:04
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:07:04
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • drift_func_parms  ?
        DB ID::   108
        Full path :    /CDC/MC/drift_func_parms
        Created :    2014-01-27 18:07:05
        Modified :    2014-01-27 18:07:05
        Author :    124
        Comment :    drift function parameters used in simulation
    • dedx_theta   ?
      DB ID::   63
      Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta
      Created :    2020-07-22 21:54:18
      Modified :    2020-07-22 21:54:18
      Author :    169
      Comment :   
      • dedx_amp_corr_22July2020  ?
        DB ID::   703
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/dedx_amp_corr_22July2020
        Created :    2020-07-22 22:00:29
        Modified :    2020-07-22 22:00:29
        Author :    169
        Comment :   
      • dedx_amp_theta_correction  ?
        DB ID::   704
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/dedx_amp_theta_correction
        Created :    2020-07-22 22:04:47
        Modified :    2020-07-22 22:04:47
        Author :    169
        Comment :   
      • mc_dedx_amp_corr_22July2020  ?
        DB ID::   707
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/mc_dedx_amp_corr_22July2020
        Created :    2020-07-28 14:13:43
        Modified :    2020-07-28 14:13:43
        Author :    124
        Comment :   
      • dedx_amp_corr_9October2020  ?
        DB ID::   724
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/dedx_amp_corr_9October2020
        Created :    2020-10-09 14:07:07
        Modified :    2020-10-09 14:07:07
        Author :    114
        Comment :   
      • dedx_int_theta_correction  ?
        DB ID::   727
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/dedx_int_theta_correction
        Created :    2021-01-19 17:33:42
        Modified :    2021-01-19 17:33:42
        Author :    114
        Comment :   
      • dedx_corrections_integral_5_Jan_2021  ?
        DB ID::   728
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/dedx_corrections_integral_5_Jan_2021
        Created :    2021-01-19 17:33:58
        Modified :    2021-01-19 17:33:58
        Author :    114
        Comment :   
      • mc_dedx_int_corr_28Jan2021  ?
        DB ID::   745
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/mc_dedx_int_corr_28Jan2021
        Created :    2021-01-28 16:49:18
        Modified :    2021-01-28 16:49:18
        Author :    114
        Comment :   
      • dedx_amp_scale  ?
        DB ID::   765
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/dedx_amp_scale
        Created :    2021-04-29 14:58:37
        Modified :    2021-04-29 14:58:37
        Author :    114
        Comment :    Extra scaling factor for dEdx from amplitude
      • dedx_int_scale  ?
        DB ID::   766
        Full path :    /CDC/dedx_theta/dedx_int_scale
        Created :    2021-04-29 14:58:43
        Modified :    2021-04-29 14:58:43
        Author :    114
        Comment :    Extra scaling factor for dEdx from integral
    • cdc_parms  ?
      DB ID::   3
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:25
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:25
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • cdc_drift  ?
      DB ID::   4
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_drift
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:25
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:25
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   82
      Full path :    /CDC/timing_offsets
      Created :    2013-12-06 16:24:55
      Modified :    2013-12-06 16:24:55
      Author :    1
      Comment :    timing offset, t0 (ns)
    • wire_alignment  ?
      DB ID::   83
      Full path :    /CDC/wire_alignment
      Created :    2013-12-06 16:44:09
      Modified :    2013-12-06 16:44:09
      Author :    1
      Comment :    upstream and downstream wire end displacement
    • wire_gains  ?
      DB ID::   84
      Full path :    /CDC/wire_gains
      Created :    2013-12-11 11:07:59
      Modified :    2013-12-11 11:07:59
      Author :    1
      Comment :    gain correction factor
    • alignment  ?
      DB ID::   105
      Full path :    /CDC/alignment
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:07:02
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:07:02
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • drift_params  ?
      DB ID::   106
      Full path :    /CDC/drift_params
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:07:03
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:07:03
      Author :    124
      Comment :    index for which row of cdc_gas_drift should be used
    • cdc_gas_drift  ?
      DB ID::   107
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_gas_drift
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:07:03
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:07:03
      Author :    124
      Comment :    time-to-distance lookup tables
    • fit_parms  ?
      DB ID::   109
      Full path :    /CDC/fit_parms
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:07:06
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:07:06
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • cdc_gas_drift_info  ?
      DB ID::   124
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_gas_drift_info
      Created :    2014-03-25 14:38:11
      Modified :    2014-03-25 14:38:11
      Author :    124
      Comment :    meta information for /CDC/cdc_gas_drift
    • dEdxSigma  ?
      DB ID::   130
      Full path :    /CDC/dEdxSigma
      Created :    2014-05-05 09:23:49
      Modified :    2014-05-05 09:23:49
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Parameters for computing dEdx sigma
    • dEdxMean  ?
      DB ID::   131
      Full path :    /CDC/dEdxMean
      Created :    2014-05-05 09:24:40
      Modified :    2014-05-05 09:24:40
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Parameters for computing dEdx mean
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   142
      Full path :    /CDC/pedestals
      Created :    2014-05-16 17:49:53
      Modified :    2014-05-16 17:49:53
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC pedestals
    • cdc_resolution_parms  ?
      DB ID::   165
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_resolution_parms
      Created :    2014-06-02 15:05:05
      Modified :    2014-06-02 15:05:05
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Parameters for resolution function
    • cdc_drift_parms  ?
      DB ID::   166
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_drift_parms
      Created :    2014-06-02 15:05:20
      Modified :    2014-06-02 15:05:20
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Parameters for scaling drift table
    • cdc_drift_table  ?
      DB ID::   167
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_drift_table
      Created :    2014-06-02 15:05:35
      Modified :    2014-06-02 15:05:35
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Time-to-distance table for cdc
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   246
      Full path :    /CDC/digi_scales
      Created :    2014-08-15 16:22:32
      Modified :    2014-08-15 16:22:32
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC scale factors
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   254
      Full path :    /CDC/base_time_offset
      Created :    2014-09-17 22:23:15
      Modified :    2014-09-17 22:23:15
      Author :    124
      Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
    • sag_parameters  ?
      DB ID::   325
      Full path :    /CDC/sag_parameters
      Created :    2015-10-15 14:40:45
      Modified :    2015-10-15 14:40:45
      Author :    26
      Comment :    Parametrization of straw sag
    • drift_parameters  ?
      DB ID::   326
      Full path :    /CDC/drift_parameters
      Created :    2015-10-15 14:40:50
      Modified :    2015-10-15 14:40:50
      Author :    26
      Comment :    Parameters for functional form for time-to-distance relationship
    • wire_mc_efficiency  ?
      DB ID::   482
      Full path :    /CDC/wire_mc_efficiency
      Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:26
      Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:26
      Author :    124
      Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
    • global_alignment  ?
      DB ID::   535
      Full path :    /CDC/global_alignment
      Created :    2017-03-27 17:04:46
      Modified :    2017-03-27 17:04:46
      Author :    152
      Comment :    CDC global offsets
    • cdc_resolution_parms_v2  ?
      DB ID::   541
      Full path :    /CDC/cdc_resolution_parms_v2
      Created :    2017-04-18 17:21:02
      Modified :    2017-04-18 17:21:02
      Author :    152
      Comment :    New format for CDC resolutions (4/18/2017)
    • hit_thresholds  ?
      DB ID::   566
      Full path :    /CDC/hit_thresholds
      Created :    2017-08-29 15:46:03
      Modified :    2017-08-29 15:46:03
      Author :    124
      Comment :    hit thresholds
    • timing_cut  ?
      DB ID::   580
      Full path :    /CDC/timing_cut
      Created :    2018-03-06 15:08:15
      Modified :    2018-03-06 15:08:15
      Author :    34
      Comment :    CDC drift time cut lowT (left t-cut) highT (right t-cut)
    • gain_doca_correction  ?
      DB ID::   589
      Full path :    /CDC/gain_doca_correction
      Created :    2018-08-01 18:14:14
      Modified :    2018-08-01 18:14:14
      Author :    169
      Comment :   
    • ElectrondEdxMean  ?
      DB ID::   616
      Full path :    /CDC/ElectrondEdxMean
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:08:58
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:08:58
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • ElectrondEdxSigma  ?
      DB ID::   617
      Full path :    /CDC/ElectrondEdxSigma
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:10:04
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:10:04
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • diffusion_parms  ?
      DB ID::   667
      Full path :    /CDC/diffusion_parms
      Created :    2019-12-02 15:02:02
      Modified :    2019-12-02 15:02:02
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • dEdxNdep  ?
      DB ID::   699
      Full path :    /CDC/dEdxNdep
      Created :    2020-06-16 11:33:10
      Modified :    2020-06-16 11:33:10
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • gain_doca_corr_ext  ?
      DB ID::   763
      Full path :    /CDC/gain_doca_corr_ext
      Created :    2021-03-30 14:58:29
      Modified :    2021-03-30 14:58:29
      Author :    114
      Comment :    parameters for 3rd line segment used in gain doca correction for simulation
  • FCAL   ?
    DB ID::   5
    Full path :    /FCAL
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:26
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:26
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • MC   ?
      DB ID::   59
      Full path :    /FCAL/MC
      Created :    2019-07-26 15:25:57
      Modified :    2019-07-26 15:25:57
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • integral_peak_ratio  ?
        DB ID::   638
        Full path :    /FCAL/MC/integral_peak_ratio
        Created :    2019-07-26 16:16:24
        Modified :    2019-07-26 16:16:24
        Author :    124
        Comment :    Scaling factor to convert fADC signal peak to integral values
      • threshold  ?
        DB ID::   639
        Full path :    /FCAL/MC/threshold
        Created :    2019-07-26 16:18:28
        Modified :    2019-07-26 16:18:28
        Author :    124
        Comment :    fADC readout threshold (fADC units)
      • threshold_scaling  ?
        DB ID::   640
        Full path :    /FCAL/MC/threshold_scaling
        Created :    2019-07-26 16:20:32
        Modified :    2019-07-26 16:20:32
        Author :    124
        Comment :    fADC readout threshold scaling factor
      • pedestal_rms  ?
        DB ID::   641
        Full path :    /FCAL/MC/pedestal_rms
        Created :    2019-07-26 16:22:06
        Modified :    2019-07-26 16:22:06
        Author :    124
        Comment :    r.m.s. of pedestal fluctuations (fADC units)
      • mc_escale  ?
        DB ID::   642
        Full path :    /FCAL/MC/mc_escale
        Created :    2019-07-26 16:28:05
        Modified :    2019-07-26 16:28:05
        Author :    124
        Comment :    Scale factor applied to hit energies
      • digi_scales  ?
        DB ID::   661
        Full path :    /FCAL/MC/digi_scales
        Created :    2019-09-26 10:52:53
        Modified :    2019-09-26 10:52:53
        Author :    124
        Comment :    fADC scale factors, should track default variation of /FCAL/digi_scales
      • energy_width_floor  ?
        DB ID::   666
        Full path :    /FCAL/MC/energy_width_floor
        Created :    2019-11-15 13:16:07
        Modified :    2019-11-15 13:16:07
        Author :    130
        Comment :    FCAL energy resolution, constant or floor term
    • cluster_merging  ?
      DB ID::   5
      Full path :    /FCAL/cluster_merging
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:26
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:26
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • fcal_parms  ?
      DB ID::   6
      Full path :    /FCAL/fcal_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:26
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:26
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • gains  ?
      DB ID::   88
      Full path :    /FCAL/gains
      Created :    2014-01-17 15:27:09
      Modified :    2014-01-17 15:27:09
      Author :    124
      Comment :    block gain correction factor
    • timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   89
      Full path :    /FCAL/timing_offsets
      Created :    2014-01-17 15:27:10
      Modified :    2014-01-17 15:27:10
      Author :    124
      Comment :    block timing offsett
    • block_quality  ?
      DB ID::   90
      Full path :    /FCAL/block_quality
      Created :    2014-01-17 15:27:10
      Modified :    2014-01-17 15:27:10
      Author :    124
      Comment :    block quality factor
    • alignment  ?
      DB ID::   91
      Full path :    /FCAL/alignment
      Created :    2014-01-17 15:27:11
      Modified :    2014-01-17 15:27:11
      Author :    124
      Comment :    alignment parameters
    • shower_calib  ?
      DB ID::   92
      Full path :    /FCAL/shower_calib
      Created :    2014-01-17 15:27:12
      Modified :    2014-01-17 15:27:12
      Author :    124
      Comment :    shower energy calibration constants
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   135
      Full path :    /FCAL/pedestals
      Created :    2014-05-15 14:42:28
      Modified :    2014-05-15 14:42:28
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC pedestals
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   244
      Full path :    /FCAL/digi_scales
      Created :    2014-08-15 16:22:26
      Modified :    2014-08-15 16:22:26
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC scale factors
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   261
      Full path :    /FCAL/base_time_offset
      Created :    2014-09-25 21:48:45
      Modified :    2014-09-25 21:48:45
      Author :    124
      Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
    • shower_calib_piecewise  ?
      DB ID::   480
      Full path :    /FCAL/shower_calib_piecewise
      Created :    2016-06-24 14:54:45
      Modified :    2016-06-24 14:54:45
      Author :    164
      Comment :    New table for piecewise FCAL shower correction. Contains parameters for cutoff energy, linear and a non-linear fit.
    • block_mc_efficiency  ?
      DB ID::   481
      Full path :    /FCAL/block_mc_efficiency
      Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:25
      Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:25
      Author :    124
      Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
    • shower_covariance  ?
      DB ID::   498
      Full path :    /FCAL/shower_covariance
      Created :    2016-09-20 11:56:34
      Modified :    2016-09-20 11:56:34
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • mc_timing_smear  ?
      DB ID::   502
      Full path :    /FCAL/mc_timing_smear
      Created :    2016-11-29 17:21:05
      Modified :    2016-11-29 17:21:05
      Author :    124
      Comment :    FCAL timing resultion for mcsmear
    • Timewalk_corr  ?
      DB ID::   545
      Full path :    /FCAL/Timewalk_corr
      Created :    2017-05-22 12:52:43
      Modified :    2017-05-22 12:52:43
      Author :    164
      Comment :    Timewalk correction slope
    • ADC_Offsets  ?
      DB ID::   546
      Full path :    /FCAL/ADC_Offsets
      Created :    2017-05-22 12:52:56
      Modified :    2017-05-22 12:52:56
      Author :    164
      Comment :    4 ns ADC offsets
    • shower_timing_corrections  ?
      DB ID::   573
      Full path :    /FCAL/shower_timing_corrections
      Created :    2017-11-02 16:06:16
      Modified :    2017-11-02 16:06:16
      Author :    124
      Comment :    shower-level timewalk corrections
    • shower_timing_correction  ?
      DB ID::   574
      Full path :    /FCAL/shower_timing_correction
      Created :    2017-11-09 08:02:40
      Modified :    2017-11-09 08:02:40
      Author :    124
      Comment :    shower-level timewalk corrections
    • TimeSigmas  ?
      DB ID::   622
      Full path :    /FCAL/TimeSigmas
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:22:28
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:22:28
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • EOverPMean  ?
      DB ID::   631
      Full path :    /FCAL/EOverPMean
      Created :    2019-05-24 08:52:58
      Modified :    2019-05-24 08:52:58
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • EOverPSigma  ?
      DB ID::   632
      Full path :    /FCAL/EOverPSigma
      Created :    2019-05-24 08:53:25
      Modified :    2019-05-24 08:53:25
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • depth_correction_params  ?
      DB ID::   637
      Full path :    /FCAL/depth_correction_params
      Created :    2019-06-21 17:48:49
      Modified :    2019-06-21 17:48:49
      Author :    294
      Comment :   
    • square_vs_channel  ?
      DB ID::   685
      Full path :    /FCAL/square_vs_channel
      Created :    2020-04-06 14:30:35
      Modified :    2020-04-06 14:30:35
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • energy_dependence_correction_vs_ring  ?
      DB ID::   690
      Full path :    /FCAL/energy_dependence_correction_vs_ring
      Created :    2020-04-26 12:40:34
      Modified :    2020-04-26 12:40:34
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • TimeMeans  ?
      DB ID::   725
      Full path :    /FCAL/TimeMeans
      Created :    2020-12-10 12:54:38
      Modified :    2020-12-10 12:54:38
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • fcal_lightguide_scale_factor  ?
      DB ID::   791
      Full path :    /FCAL/fcal_lightguide_scale_factor
      Created :    2023-10-05 15:17:47
      Modified :    2023-10-05 15:17:47
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • fcal_mc_timing_parms  ?
      DB ID::   792
      Full path :    /FCAL/fcal_mc_timing_parms
      Created :    2023-10-12 12:06:18
      Modified :    2023-10-12 12:06:18
      Author :    124
      Comment :    parameters for the simulation of the time resolution dependence on pulse size
    • nonlinear  ?
      DB ID::   799
      Full path :    /FCAL/nonlinear
      Created :    2023-11-30 13:59:11
      Modified :    2023-11-30 13:59:11
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • nonlinear_corr_version  ?
      DB ID::   809
      Full path :    /FCAL/nonlinear_corr_version
      Created :    2024-01-29 14:43:24
      Modified :    2024-01-29 14:43:24
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • nonlinear_correction_type  ?
      DB ID::   810
      Full path :    /FCAL/nonlinear_correction_type
      Created :    2024-01-29 15:00:21
      Modified :    2024-01-29 15:00:21
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • nonlinear_correction  ?
      DB ID::   811
      Full path :    /FCAL/nonlinear_correction
      Created :    2024-01-29 15:11:35
      Modified :    2024-01-29 15:11:35
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • block_to_square  ?
      DB ID::   813
      Full path :    /FCAL/block_to_square
      Created :    2024-02-14 14:43:23
      Modified :    2024-02-14 14:43:23
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • nonlinear_correction_cpp  ?
      DB ID::   814
      Full path :    /FCAL/nonlinear_correction_cpp
      Created :    2024-02-14 14:44:24
      Modified :    2024-02-14 14:44:24
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    DB ID::   6
    Full path :    /START_COUNTER
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • start_parms  ?
      DB ID::   7
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/start_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • tdc_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   136
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/tdc_timing_offsets
      Created :    2014-05-16 16:04:33
      Modified :    2014-05-16 16:04:33
      Author :    124
      Comment :    TDC timing offset (ps)
    • adc_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   137
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/adc_timing_offsets
      Created :    2014-05-16 16:04:36
      Modified :    2014-05-16 16:04:36
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC timing offset (ns)
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   138
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/pedestals
      Created :    2014-05-16 16:04:38
      Modified :    2014-05-16 16:04:38
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC pedestals (counts)
    • gains  ?
      DB ID::   139
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/gains
      Created :    2014-05-16 16:04:41
      Modified :    2014-05-16 16:04:41
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC gain factors
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   249
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/digi_scales
      Created :    2014-08-15 16:22:40
      Modified :    2014-08-15 16:22:40
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC/TDC scale factors
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   258
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/base_time_offset
      Created :    2014-09-17 22:23:43
      Modified :    2014-09-17 22:23:43
      Author :    124
      Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
    • timewalk_parms  ?
      DB ID::   281
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/timewalk_parms
      Created :    2014-12-07 17:13:30
      Modified :    2014-12-07 17:13:30
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • attenuation_factor  ?
      DB ID::   288
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/attenuation_factor
      Created :    2015-01-29 17:45:35
      Modified :    2015-01-29 17:45:35
      Author :    124
      Comment :    attenuation correction factors
    • propagation_speed  ?
      DB ID::   289
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/propagation_speed
      Created :    2015-01-29 17:45:49
      Modified :    2015-01-29 17:45:49
      Author :    124
      Comment :    propagation speed correction factors
    • timewalk_parms_v2  ?
      DB ID::   330
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/timewalk_parms_v2
      Created :    2015-11-17 16:42:26
      Modified :    2015-11-17 16:42:26
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Calibration challenge table
    • time_resol_paddle  ?
      DB ID::   334
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/time_resol_paddle
      Created :    2015-11-23 17:04:12
      Modified :    2015-11-23 17:04:12
      Author :    1
      Comment :    time resolution for each paddle
    • propagation_time_corr  ?
      DB ID::   338
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/propagation_time_corr
      Created :    2016-01-16 12:22:03
      Modified :    2016-01-16 12:22:03
      Author :    1
      Comment :    ST propagation time constants
    • paddle_mc_efficiency  ?
      DB ID::   483
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/paddle_mc_efficiency
      Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:27
      Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:27
      Author :    124
      Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
    • time_resol_paddle_v2  ?
      DB ID::   571
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/time_resol_paddle_v2
      Created :    2017-10-23 17:02:16
      Modified :    2017-10-23 17:02:16
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • mc_time_resol_corr  ?
      DB ID::   572
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/mc_time_resol_corr
      Created :    2017-10-23 21:58:27
      Modified :    2017-10-23 21:58:27
      Author :    124
      Comment :    Correction factors to remove effect of tracking resolutions when applying data resolutions to MC
    • global_alignment_parms  ?
      DB ID::   583
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/global_alignment_parms
      Created :    2018-05-25 16:29:30
      Modified :    2018-05-25 16:29:30
      Author :    124
      Comment :    global alignment parameters, 3 translations, 3 rotations
    • paddle_alignment_parms  ?
      DB ID::   585
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/paddle_alignment_parms
      Created :    2018-05-25 17:24:48
      Modified :    2018-05-25 17:24:48
      Author :    124
      Comment :    individual paddle alignment parameters
    • PTC_Boundary  ?
      DB ID::   588
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/PTC_Boundary
      Created :    2018-07-30 11:33:07
      Modified :    2018-07-30 11:33:07
      Author :    170
      Comment :    Boundaries for propagation time corrections
    • TRvsPL  ?
      DB ID::   590
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/TRvsPL
      Created :    2018-08-08 11:50:22
      Modified :    2018-08-08 11:50:22
      Author :    170
      Comment :    Fit parameters for TR vs Path length along the paddle
    • dEdxProtonMean  ?
      DB ID::   623
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/dEdxProtonMean
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:24:43
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:24:43
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • dEdxProtonSigma  ?
      DB ID::   624
      Full path :    /START_COUNTER/dEdxProtonSigma
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:32:31
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:32:31
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
  • PID   ?
    DB ID::   7
    Full path :    /PID
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • photon_track_matching  ?
      DB ID::   8
      Full path :    /PID/photon_track_matching
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:27
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
  • FDC   ?
    DB ID::   8
    Full path :    /FDC
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:28
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:28
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • package1   ?
      DB ID::   22
      Full path :    /FDC/package1
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:03:00
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:03:00
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • strip_gains  ?
        DB ID::   171
        Full path :    /FDC/package1/strip_gains
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:31
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:31
        Author :    124
        Comment :    gain correction factors
      • strip_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   172
        Full path :    /FDC/package1/strip_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:32
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:32
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_pedestals  ?
        DB ID::   173
        Full path :    /FDC/package1/strip_pedestals
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:34
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:34
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • wire_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   174
        Full path :    /FDC/package1/wire_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:36
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:36
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   486
        Full path :    /FDC/package1/strip_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:30
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:30
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • wire_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   487
        Full path :    /FDC/package1/wire_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:32
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:32
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • strip_gains_v2  ?
        DB ID::   536
        Full path :    /FDC/package1/strip_gains_v2
        Created :    2017-03-27 17:06:10
        Modified :    2017-03-27 17:06:10
        Author :    152
        Comment :    Cathode strip gains. Handles split strips in central region.
    • package2   ?
      DB ID::   23
      Full path :    /FDC/package2
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:03:03
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:03:03
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • strip_gains  ?
        DB ID::   175
        Full path :    /FDC/package2/strip_gains
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:37
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:37
        Author :    124
        Comment :    gain correction factors
      • strip_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   176
        Full path :    /FDC/package2/strip_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:39
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:39
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_pedestals  ?
        DB ID::   177
        Full path :    /FDC/package2/strip_pedestals
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:40
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:40
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • wire_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   178
        Full path :    /FDC/package2/wire_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:42
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:42
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   488
        Full path :    /FDC/package2/strip_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:33
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:33
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • wire_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   489
        Full path :    /FDC/package2/wire_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:35
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:35
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • strip_gains_v2  ?
        DB ID::   537
        Full path :    /FDC/package2/strip_gains_v2
        Created :    2017-03-27 17:06:31
        Modified :    2017-03-27 17:06:31
        Author :    152
        Comment :    Cathode strip gains. Handles split strips in central region.
    • package3   ?
      DB ID::   24
      Full path :    /FDC/package3
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:03:06
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:03:06
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • strip_gains  ?
        DB ID::   179
        Full path :    /FDC/package3/strip_gains
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:43
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:43
        Author :    124
        Comment :    gain correction factors
      • strip_pedestals  ?
        DB ID::   180
        Full path :    /FDC/package3/strip_pedestals
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:46
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:46
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • wire_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   181
        Full path :    /FDC/package3/wire_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:48
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:48
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   186
        Full path :    /FDC/package3/strip_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:51:36
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:51:36
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   490
        Full path :    /FDC/package3/strip_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:36
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:36
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • wire_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   491
        Full path :    /FDC/package3/wire_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:38
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:38
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • strip_gains_v2  ?
        DB ID::   538
        Full path :    /FDC/package3/strip_gains_v2
        Created :    2017-03-27 17:06:41
        Modified :    2017-03-27 17:06:41
        Author :    152
        Comment :    Cathode strip gains. Handles split strips in central region.
    • package4   ?
      DB ID::   25
      Full path :    /FDC/package4
      Created :    2014-01-27 18:03:09
      Modified :    2014-01-27 18:03:09
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • strip_gains  ?
        DB ID::   182
        Full path :    /FDC/package4/strip_gains
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:49
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:49
        Author :    124
        Comment :    gain correction factors
      • strip_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   183
        Full path :    /FDC/package4/strip_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:51
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:51
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_pedestals  ?
        DB ID::   184
        Full path :    /FDC/package4/strip_pedestals
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:53
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:53
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • wire_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   185
        Full path :    /FDC/package4/wire_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 13:49:54
        Modified :    2014-06-24 13:49:54
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
      • strip_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   492
        Full path :    /FDC/package4/strip_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:40
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:40
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • wire_mc_efficiency  ?
        DB ID::   493
        Full path :    /FDC/package4/wire_mc_efficiency
        Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:41
        Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:41
        Author :    124
        Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
      • strip_gains_v2  ?
        DB ID::   539
        Full path :    /FDC/package4/strip_gains_v2
        Created :    2017-03-27 17:06:53
        Modified :    2017-03-27 17:06:53
        Author :    152
        Comment :    Cathode strip gains. Handles split strips in central region.
    • test   ?
      DB ID::   61
      Full path :    /FDC/test
      Created :    2019-11-22 14:27:03
      Modified :    2019-11-22 14:27:03
      Author :    325
      Comment :   
    • strip_calib  ?
      DB ID::   9
      Full path :    /FDC/strip_calib
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:28
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:28
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • fdc_parms  ?
      DB ID::   10
      Full path :    /FDC/fdc_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:28
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:28
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • lorentz_deflectionsMarch2007  ?
      DB ID::   12
      Full path :    /FDC/lorentz_deflectionsMarch2007
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:29
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:29
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • fdc_drift2  ?
      DB ID::   13
      Full path :    /FDC/fdc_drift2
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:29
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:29
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • drift_smear_parms  ?
      DB ID::   15
      Full path :    /FDC/drift_smear_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:30
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:30
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • lorentz_deflections  ?
      DB ID::   16
      Full path :    /FDC/lorentz_deflections
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:30
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:30
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • wire_alignment  ?
      DB ID::   123
      Full path :    /FDC/wire_alignment
      Created :    2014-03-25 13:36:32
      Modified :    2014-03-25 13:36:32
      Author :    1
      Comment :    wire plane alignment parameters
    • cathode_alignment  ?
      DB ID::   125
      Full path :    /FDC/cathode_alignment
      Created :    2014-03-28 08:43:17
      Modified :    2014-03-28 08:43:17
      Author :    1
      Comment :    cathode plane alignment parameters
    • dEdxMean  ?
      DB ID::   132
      Full path :    /FDC/dEdxMean
      Created :    2014-05-05 09:25:11
      Modified :    2014-05-05 09:25:11
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Parameters for computing dEdx mean
    • dEdxSigma  ?
      DB ID::   133
      Full path :    /FDC/dEdxSigma
      Created :    2014-05-05 09:25:24
      Modified :    2014-05-05 09:25:24
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Parameters for computing dEdx sigma
    • fdc_drift_table  ?
      DB ID::   169
      Full path :    /FDC/fdc_drift_table
      Created :    2014-06-16 15:09:57
      Modified :    2014-06-16 15:09:57
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Time-to-distance table
    • fdc_drift_parms  ?
      DB ID::   170
      Full path :    /FDC/fdc_drift_parms
      Created :    2014-06-16 15:13:15
      Modified :    2014-06-16 15:13:15
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Parameters for scaling drift table for B-field dependence
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   247
      Full path :    /FDC/digi_scales
      Created :    2014-08-15 16:22:35
      Modified :    2014-08-15 16:22:35
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC/TDC scale factors
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   256
      Full path :    /FDC/base_time_offset
      Created :    2014-09-17 22:23:29
      Modified :    2014-09-17 22:23:29
      Author :    124
      Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
    • lorentz_deflection_parms  ?
      DB ID::   276
      Full path :    /FDC/lorentz_deflection_parms
      Created :    2014-11-13 16:42:17
      Modified :    2014-11-13 16:42:17
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • strip_pitches  ?
      DB ID::   292
      Full path :    /FDC/strip_pitches
      Created :    2015-03-24 14:38:58
      Modified :    2015-03-24 14:38:58
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • cell_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   293
      Full path :    /FDC/cell_offsets
      Created :    2015-03-24 14:39:04
      Modified :    2015-03-24 14:39:04
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • fdc_resolution_parms  ?
      DB ID::   299
      Full path :    /FDC/fdc_resolution_parms
      Created :    2015-04-20 17:23:09
      Modified :    2015-04-20 17:23:09
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • drift_function_parms  ?
      DB ID::   494
      Full path :    /FDC/drift_function_parms
      Created :    2016-08-02 08:11:16
      Modified :    2016-08-02 08:11:16
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • drift_resolution_parms  ?
      DB ID::   495
      Full path :    /FDC/drift_resolution_parms
      Created :    2016-08-02 08:12:51
      Modified :    2016-08-02 08:12:51
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • strip_pitches_v2  ?
      DB ID::   534
      Full path :    /FDC/strip_pitches_v2
      Created :    2017-03-27 17:03:45
      Modified :    2017-03-27 17:03:45
      Author :    152
      Comment :    Cathode pitch for each FDC cathode foil with additional parameter for the gap between foils.
    • cell_rotations  ?
      DB ID::   540
      Full path :    /FDC/cell_rotations
      Created :    2017-04-18 16:26:30
      Modified :    2017-04-18 16:26:30
      Author :    152
      Comment :    FDC wire plane alignment rotations
    • diffusion_parms  ?
      DB ID::   565
      Full path :    /FDC/diffusion_parms
      Created :    2017-08-25 09:18:13
      Modified :    2017-08-25 09:18:13
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • drift_function_ext  ?
      DB ID::   568
      Full path :    /FDC/drift_function_ext
      Created :    2017-09-19 16:08:59
      Modified :    2017-09-19 16:08:59
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • ElectrondEdxSigma  ?
      DB ID::   618
      Full path :    /FDC/ElectrondEdxSigma
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:13:34
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:13:34
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • ElectrondEdxMean  ?
      DB ID::   619
      Full path :    /FDC/ElectrondEdxMean
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:13:46
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:13:46
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • drift_resolution_ext  ?
      DB ID::   643
      Full path :    /FDC/drift_resolution_ext
      Created :    2019-07-30 10:23:57
      Modified :    2019-07-30 10:23:57
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • dEdxNdep  ?
      DB ID::   698
      Full path :    /FDC/dEdxNdep
      Created :    2020-06-16 11:33:00
      Modified :    2020-06-16 11:33:00
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
  • Magnets   ?
    DB ID::   9
    Full path :    /Magnets
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • Solenoid   ?
      DB ID::   10
      Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
      • finemeshes   ?
        DB ID::   42
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes
        Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:36
        Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:36
        Author :    124
        Comment :   
        • solenoid_1000A_poisson_20141104  ?
          DB ID::   310
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1000A_poisson_20141104
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:37
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:37
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_100A_poisson_20140819  ?
          DB ID::   311
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_100A_poisson_20140819
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:38
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:38
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1200A_poisson_20140520  ?
          DB ID::   312
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1200A_poisson_20140520
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:39
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:39
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150213  ?
          DB ID::   313
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150213
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:40
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:40
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150330  ?
          DB ID::   314
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150330
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:41
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:41
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1350_poisson_20130925  ?
          DB ID::   315
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350_poisson_20130925
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:42
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:42
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1500A_poisson_20140520  ?
          DB ID::   316
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1500A_poisson_20140520
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:43
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:43
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_200A_poisson_20140819  ?
          DB ID::   317
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_200A_poisson_20140819
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:44
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:44
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_300A_poisson_20140819  ?
          DB ID::   318
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_300A_poisson_20140819
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:45
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:45
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_50A_poisson_20140819  ?
          DB ID::   319
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_50A_poisson_20140819
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:46
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:46
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_600A_poisson_20141118  ?
          DB ID::   320
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_600A_poisson_20141118
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:47
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:47
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_750A_poisson_20140314  ?
          DB ID::   321
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_750A_poisson_20140314
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:48
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:48
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_800A_poisson_20150427  ?
          DB ID::   322
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_800A_poisson_20150427
          Created :    2015-07-08 18:30:48
          Modified :    2015-07-08 18:30:48
          Author :    124
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222.evio  ?
          DB ID::   405
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222.evio
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:42:18
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:42:18
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222_long.evio  ?
          DB ID::   406
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222_long.evio
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:42:26
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:42:26
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222.evio  ?
          DB ID::   407
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222.evio
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:42:34
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:42:34
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   408
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:46:26
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:46:26
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   409
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:46:34
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:46:34
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   410
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:46:42
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:46:42
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   411
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:46:50
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:46:50
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   412
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:46:58
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:46:58
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   413
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:47:06
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:47:06
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   414
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:47:14
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:47:14
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   415
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:47:22
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:47:22
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   416
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:47:30
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:47:30
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   417
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:47:38
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:47:38
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   418
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:47:46
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:47:46
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   419
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:47:54
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:47:54
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   420
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:03
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:03
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   421
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:11
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:11
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   422
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:19
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:19
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   423
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:27
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:27
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   424
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:35
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:35
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   425
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:43
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:43
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   426
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:51
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:51
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   427
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:48:59
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:48:59
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   428
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:49:07
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:49:07
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   429
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:49:15
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:49:15
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   430
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:49:23
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:49:23
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   431
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:49:31
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:49:31
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   432
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:49:39
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:49:39
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   433
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:49:47
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:49:47
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   434
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:49:55
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:49:55
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   435
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:50:03
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:50:03
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   436
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:50:12
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:50:12
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   437
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:50:20
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:50:20
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   438
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:50:28
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:50:28
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   439
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:50:36
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:50:36
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   440
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:50:44
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:50:44
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   441
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:50:52
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:50:52
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   442
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:00
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:00
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   443
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:08
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:08
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   444
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:16
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:16
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   445
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:24
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:24
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   446
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:32
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:32
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   447
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:41
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:41
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   448
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:49
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:49
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   449
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:51:57
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:51:57
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   450
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:52:05
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:52:05
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   451
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:52:13
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:52:13
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   452
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:52:21
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:52:21
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   453
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:52:29
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:52:29
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   454
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:52:37
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:52:37
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   455
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:52:45
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:52:45
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   456
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:52:53
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:52:53
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   457
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:01
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:01
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   458
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:09
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:09
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   459
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:17
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:17
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   460
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:25
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:25
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   461
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:33
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:33
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   462
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:42
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:42
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   463
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:50
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:50
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   464
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:53:58
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:53:58
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   465
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:54:06
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:54:06
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   466
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:54:14
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:54:14
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   467
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:54:22
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:54:22
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   468
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:54:30
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:54:30
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   469
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:54:38
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:54:38
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222  ?
          DB ID::   470
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:54:46
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:54:46
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
          DB ID::   471
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222_long
          Created :    2016-02-25 07:54:54
          Modified :    2016-02-25 07:54:54
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531  ?
          DB ID::   478
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531
          Created :    2016-05-31 09:14:41
          Modified :    2016-05-31 09:14:41
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
        • solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601  ?
          DB ID::   587
          Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601
          Created :    2018-06-01 13:15:28
          Modified :    2018-06-01 13:15:28
          Author :    4
          Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec1  ?
        DB ID::   17
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec1
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec9  ?
        DB ID::   18
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec9
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:31
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec1  ?
        DB ID::   19
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec1
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:32
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:32
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1050_poisson_20091123_02  ?
        DB ID::   20
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1050_poisson_20091123_02
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:02:32
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:02:32
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01  ?
        DB ID::   21
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:03:16
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:03:16
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec7  ?
        DB ID::   22
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec7
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:03:59
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:03:59
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec10  ?
        DB ID::   23
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec10
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:03:59
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:03:59
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec3  ?
        DB ID::   24
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec3
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:00
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:00
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500  ?
        DB ID::   25
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:00
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:00
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_20090312-2  ?
        DB ID::   26
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_20090312-2
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:08
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:08
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1200_poisson_20091123_01  ?
        DB ID::   27
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1200_poisson_20091123_01
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:14
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:14
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec4  ?
        DB ID::   28
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec4
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:58
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:58
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_const  ?
        DB ID::   29
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_const
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:58
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:58
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec7  ?
        DB ID::   30
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec7
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:59
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:59
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1400  ?
        DB ID::   31
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1400
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:04:59
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:04:59
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500spoiledA  ?
        DB ID::   32
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500spoiledA
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:01
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:01
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec2  ?
        DB ID::   34
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec2
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:11
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:11
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec6  ?
        DB ID::   35
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec6
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:11
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:11
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1600_20090312-2  ?
        DB ID::   36
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1600_20090312-2
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:12
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:12
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec8  ?
        DB ID::   37
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec8
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:19
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:19
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec5  ?
        DB ID::   38
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec5
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:19
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:19
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec2  ?
        DB ID::   39
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec2
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:19
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:19
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params  ?
        DB ID::   40
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:20
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:20
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec8  ?
        DB ID::   41
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec8
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:20
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:20
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec3  ?
        DB ID::   42
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec3
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:20
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:20
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec6  ?
        DB ID::   43
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec6
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:21
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:21
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500kinked  ?
        DB ID::   44
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500kinked
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:21
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:21
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec4  ?
        DB ID::   45
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bz_sec4
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:29
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:29
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec9  ?
        DB ID::   46
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec9
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:29
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:29
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec10  ?
        DB ID::   47
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec10
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec5  ?
        DB ID::   48
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090814_01_params_Bx_sec5
        Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
        Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1350_poisson_20130925  ?
        DB ID::   85
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350_poisson_20130925
        Created :    2014-01-02 13:38:02
        Modified :    2014-01-02 13:38:02
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_750A_poisson_20140314  ?
        DB ID::   122
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_750A_poisson_20140314
        Created :    2014-03-14 14:27:39
        Modified :    2014-03-14 14:27:39
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1200A_poisson_20140520  ?
        DB ID::   143
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1200A_poisson_20140520
        Created :    2014-05-20 12:01:36
        Modified :    2014-05-20 12:01:36
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500A_poisson_20140520  ?
        DB ID::   144
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500A_poisson_20140520
        Created :    2014-05-20 12:02:01
        Modified :    2014-05-20 12:02:01
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_300A_poisson_20140819  ?
        DB ID::   250
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_300A_poisson_20140819
        Created :    2014-08-21 08:08:34
        Modified :    2014-08-21 08:08:34
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_200A_poisson_20140819  ?
        DB ID::   251
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_200A_poisson_20140819
        Created :    2014-08-21 08:08:47
        Modified :    2014-08-21 08:08:47
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_100A_poisson_20140819  ?
        DB ID::   252
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_100A_poisson_20140819
        Created :    2014-08-21 08:09:03
        Modified :    2014-08-21 08:09:03
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_50A_poisson_20140819  ?
        DB ID::   253
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_50A_poisson_20140819
        Created :    2014-08-21 08:09:17
        Modified :    2014-08-21 08:09:17
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1000A_poisson_20141104  ?
        DB ID::   266
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1000A_poisson_20141104
        Created :    2014-11-04 18:55:06
        Modified :    2014-11-04 18:55:06
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_600A_poisson_20141118  ?
        DB ID::   280
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_600A_poisson_20141118
        Created :    2014-11-21 11:41:05
        Modified :    2014-11-21 11:41:05
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_map  ?
        DB ID::   286
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_map
        Created :    2015-01-27 18:45:09
        Modified :    2015-01-27 18:45:09
        Author :    124
        Comment :    default solenoid field map to load
      • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150213  ?
        DB ID::   291
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150213
        Created :    2015-02-13 15:17:59
        Modified :    2015-02-13 15:17:59
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150330  ?
        DB ID::   294
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20150330
        Created :    2015-03-30 16:16:15
        Modified :    2015-03-30 16:16:15
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_800A_poisson_20150427  ?
        DB ID::   300
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_800A_poisson_20150427
        Created :    2015-04-27 10:53:11
        Modified :    2015-04-27 10:53:11
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   341
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:23:34
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:23:34
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   342
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:23:40
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:23:40
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   343
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:23:45
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:23:45
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   344
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:23:50
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:23:50
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   345
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:23:54
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:23:54
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   346
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:00
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:00
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   347
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:06
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:06
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   348
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:12
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:12
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   349
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:16
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:16
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   350
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:21
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:21
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   351
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:26
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:26
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   352
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:30
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:30
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   353
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:35
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:35
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   354
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:40
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:40
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   355
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:45
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:45
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   356
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:50
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:50
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   357
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:24:55
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:24:55
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   358
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:00
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:00
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   359
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:06
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:06
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   360
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:10
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:10
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   361
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:15
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:15
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   362
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:20
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:20
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   363
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:24
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:24
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   364
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:29
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:29
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   365
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:34
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:34
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   366
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:39
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:39
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   367
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:44
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:44
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   368
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:49
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:49
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   369
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:53
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:53
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   370
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:25:59
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:25:59
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   371
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:03
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:03
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   372
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:09
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:09
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   373
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:13
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:13
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   374
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:18
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:18
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   375
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:24
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:24
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   376
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:30
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:30
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   377
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:37
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:37
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   378
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:42
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:42
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   379
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:48
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:48
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   380
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:54
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:54
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   381
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:26:59
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:26:59
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   382
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:07
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:07
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   383
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:14
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:14
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   384
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:27
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:27
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   385
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:32
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:32
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   386
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:38
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:38
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   387
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:43
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:43
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   388
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:48
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:48
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   389
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:52
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:52
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   390
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:27:57
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:27:57
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   391
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:02
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:02
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   392
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:08
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:08
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   393
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:13
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:13
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   394
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:20
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:20
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   395
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:26
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:26
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   396
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:30
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:30
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   397
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:35
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:35
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   398
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:40
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:40
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   399
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:44
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:44
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   400
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:49
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:49
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   401
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:28:55
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:28:55
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   402
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:29:00
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:29:00
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222  ?
        DB ID::   403
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:29:04
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:29:04
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222_long  ?
        DB ID::   404
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222_long
        Created :    2016-02-22 17:29:09
        Modified :    2016-02-22 17:29:09
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531  ?
        DB ID::   477
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531
        Created :    2016-05-31 09:12:24
        Modified :    2016-05-31 09:12:24
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
      • solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601  ?
        DB ID::   586
        Full path :    /Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601
        Created :    2018-06-01 13:06:16
        Modified :    2018-06-01 13:06:16
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
    • PairSpectrometer   ?
      DB ID::   41
      Full path :    /Magnets/PairSpectrometer
      Created :    2015-05-19 15:41:20
      Modified :    2015-05-19 15:41:20
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • PS_1.8T_20150513_test  ?
        DB ID::   305
        Full path :    /Magnets/PairSpectrometer/PS_1.8T_20150513_test
        Created :    2015-05-19 15:43:39
        Modified :    2015-05-19 15:43:39
        Author :    124
        Comment :    PS magnet map based on 1.8T 2D measurements, for testing only!
      • ps_magnet_map  ?
        DB ID::   306
        Full path :    /Magnets/PairSpectrometer/ps_magnet_map
        Created :    2015-05-19 15:44:06
        Modified :    2015-05-19 15:44:06
        Author :    124
        Comment :    specifies which map to use, run-dependent
      • PS_const_field  ?
        DB ID::   307
        Full path :    /Magnets/PairSpectrometer/PS_const_field
        Created :    2015-05-19 16:02:47
        Modified :    2015-05-19 16:02:47
        Author :    124
        Comment :    constant field map
  • Material   ?
    DB ID::   11
    Full path :    /Material
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • material_map02_scattering_chamber  ?
      DB ID::   49
      Full path :    /Material/material_map02_scattering_chamber
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:30
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map42_FDC_inter2  ?
      DB ID::   50
      Full path :    /Material/material_map42_FDC_inter2
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:43
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:43
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map41_FDC_inter1  ?
      DB ID::   51
      Full path :    /Material/material_map41_FDC_inter1
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:44
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:44
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map00_target  ?
      DB ID::   52
      Full path :    /Material/material_map00_target
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:44
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:44
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map43_FDC_inter3  ?
      DB ID::   53
      Full path :    /Material/material_map43_FDC_inter3
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:45
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:45
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map31_cables  ?
      DB ID::   54
      Full path :    /Material/material_map31_cables
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:45
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:45
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map23_FDC4  ?
      DB ID::   55
      Full path :    /Material/material_map23_FDC4
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:45
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:45
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • radlen  ?
      DB ID::   56
      Full path :    /Material/radlen
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:05:46
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:05:46
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map04_startcounter_nose  ?
      DB ID::   57
      Full path :    /Material/material_map04_startcounter_nose
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:22
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:22
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map21_FDC1  ?
      DB ID::   58
      Full path :    /Material/material_map21_FDC1
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:24
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:24
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map99_course_default  ?
      DB ID::   59
      Full path :    /Material/material_map99_course_default
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:24
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:24
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map12_CDC  ?
      DB ID::   60
      Full path :    /Material/material_map12_CDC
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:25
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:25
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map03_startcounter_barrel  ?
      DB ID::   61
      Full path :    /Material/material_map03_startcounter_barrel
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:25
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:25
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map22_FDC2  ?
      DB ID::   62
      Full path :    /Material/material_map22_FDC2
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:29
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:29
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map13_CDC_outer_shell  ?
      DB ID::   63
      Full path :    /Material/material_map13_CDC_outer_shell
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:30
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:30
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map23_FDC3  ?
      DB ID::   64
      Full path :    /Material/material_map23_FDC3
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:30
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:30
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map01_target_wall  ?
      DB ID::   65
      Full path :    /Material/material_map01_target_wall
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:31
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:31
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map11_CDC_inner_shell  ?
      DB ID::   66
      Full path :    /Material/material_map11_CDC_inner_shell
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:31
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:31
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map10_CDC_endplate  ?
      DB ID::   67
      Full path :    /Material/material_map10_CDC_endplate
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:32
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:32
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map51_TOF  ?
      DB ID::   553
      Full path :    /Material/material_map51_TOF
      Created :    2017-08-21 15:37:28
      Modified :    2017-08-21 15:37:28
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map55_FCAL  ?
      DB ID::   554
      Full path :    /Material/material_map55_FCAL
      Created :    2017-08-21 15:37:28
      Modified :    2017-08-21 15:37:28
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map56_FCAL_PMT  ?
      DB ID::   555
      Full path :    /Material/material_map56_FCAL_PMT
      Created :    2017-08-21 15:37:29
      Modified :    2017-08-21 15:37:29
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map61_FMWPC  ?
      DB ID::   556
      Full path :    /Material/material_map61_FMWPC
      Created :    2017-08-21 15:37:29
      Modified :    2017-08-21 15:37:29
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • material_map71_BCAL  ?
      DB ID::   569
      Full path :    /Material/material_map71_BCAL
      Created :    2017-10-11 07:51:33
      Modified :    2017-10-11 07:51:33
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • material_map14_CDC_center  ?
      DB ID::   581
      Full path :    /Material/material_map14_CDC_center
      Created :    2018-04-13 16:43:33
      Modified :    2018-04-13 16:43:33
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • material_map15_CDC_outer_rings  ?
      DB ID::   582
      Full path :    /Material/material_map15_CDC_outer_rings
      Created :    2018-04-16 10:36:24
      Modified :    2018-04-16 10:36:24
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
  • TOF   ?
    DB ID::   12
    Full path :    /TOF
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:33
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:33
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • timing   ?
      DB ID::   27
      Full path :    /TOF/timing
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:25
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:25
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • tdc_params  ?
        DB ID::   117
        Full path :    /TOF/timing/tdc_params
        Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:27
        Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:27
        Author :    124
        Comment :    per-TDC parameters
      • right_left_offset  ?
        DB ID::   118
        Full path :    /TOF/timing/right_left_offset
        Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:29
        Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:29
        Author :    124
        Comment :    right-to-left TDC channel timing offset
      • tdc_relative_offset  ?
        DB ID::   119
        Full path :    /TOF/timing/tdc_relative_offset
        Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:31
        Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:31
        Author :    124
        Comment :    inter-TDC timing offsets
      • overall_offset  ?
        DB ID::   120
        Full path :    /TOF/timing/overall_offset
        Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:33
        Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:33
        Author :    124
        Comment :    time offset with respect to global timing (ps)
    • tof_tdc_shift   ?
      DB ID::   38
      Full path :    /TOF/tof_tdc_shift
      Created :    2014-12-07 20:47:17
      Modified :    2014-12-07 20:47:17
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • tof_parms  ?
      DB ID::   68
      Full path :    /TOF/tof_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   110
      Full path :    /TOF/timing_offsets
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:12
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:12
      Author :    124
      Comment :    timing offset (ns)
    • timing_scales  ?
      DB ID::   111
      Full path :    /TOF/timing_scales
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:14
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:14
      Author :    124
      Comment :    count-to-picosecond factors
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   112
      Full path :    /TOF/pedestals
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:15
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:15
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC pedestals (counts)
    • gains  ?
      DB ID::   113
      Full path :    /TOF/gains
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:17
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:17
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC gain factors
    • timewalk_parms  ?
      DB ID::   114
      Full path :    /TOF/timewalk_parms
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:19
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:19
      Author :    124
      Comment :    parameters for timewalk corrections
    • module_alignment  ?
      DB ID::   115
      Full path :    /TOF/module_alignment
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:21
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:21
      Author :    124
      Comment :    displacement of module centers from nominal (cm)
    • module_sizes  ?
      DB ID::   116
      Full path :    /TOF/module_sizes
      Created :    2014-02-04 18:09:23
      Modified :    2014-02-04 18:09:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    measured modules sizes (cm)
    • adc_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   168
      Full path :    /TOF/adc_timing_offsets
      Created :    2014-06-03 17:07:56
      Modified :    2014-06-03 17:07:56
      Author :    124
      Comment :    timing offset (ns)
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   248
      Full path :    /TOF/digi_scales
      Created :    2014-08-15 16:22:37
      Modified :    2014-08-15 16:22:37
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC/TDC scale factors
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   257
      Full path :    /TOF/base_time_offset
      Created :    2014-09-17 22:23:36
      Modified :    2014-09-17 22:23:36
      Author :    124
      Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
    • tdc_shift  ?
      DB ID::   282
      Full path :    /TOF/tdc_shift
      Created :    2014-12-07 20:48:46
      Modified :    2014-12-07 20:48:46
      Author :    124
      Comment :    offset to resolve 6-fold ambiguity in TDC times
    • propagation_speed  ?
      DB ID::   283
      Full path :    /TOF/propagation_speed
      Created :    2014-12-10 15:40:43
      Modified :    2014-12-10 15:40:43
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • gain_and_attenuations  ?
      DB ID::   327
      Full path :    /TOF/gain_and_attenuations
      Created :    2015-11-05 10:01:05
      Modified :    2015-11-05 10:01:05
      Author :    34
      Comment :    gain correction factor for Left and Right PMT of paddle PaddleNumber and the results from the attenuation legnth fit for Amplitude Lambda1 and Lambda2 of the form A(exp(-x/l1)+exp(-x/l2))
    • paddle_resolutions  ?
      DB ID::   472
      Full path :    /TOF/paddle_resolutions
      Created :    2016-03-25 17:51:45
      Modified :    2016-03-25 17:51:45
      Author :    124
      Comment :    per-paddle timing resolutions
    • adc2E  ?
      DB ID::   473
      Full path :    /TOF/adc2E
      Created :    2016-03-29 10:42:21
      Modified :    2016-03-29 10:42:21
      Author :    34
      Comment :    convert ADC to energy in GeV for all 176 tof PMTs at paddle center
    • attenuation_lengths  ?
      DB ID::   474
      Full path :    /TOF/attenuation_lengths
      Created :    2016-03-31 14:53:18
      Modified :    2016-03-31 14:53:18
      Author :    34
      Comment :    short and long attenuation lengths in cm
    • channel_mc_efficiency  ?
      DB ID::   484
      Full path :    /TOF/channel_mc_efficiency
      Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:28
      Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:28
      Author :    124
      Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
    • timewalk_parms_AMP  ?
      DB ID::   503
      Full path :    /TOF/timewalk_parms_AMP
      Created :    2017-02-02 14:15:57
      Modified :    2017-02-02 14:15:57
      Author :    34
      Comment :    walk correction parameters with using amplitude with 2 functions
    • timewalk_parms_NEW  ?
      DB ID::   547
      Full path :    /TOF/timewalk_parms_NEW
      Created :    2017-06-01 09:03:12
      Modified :    2017-06-01 09:03:12
      Author :    34
      Comment :    time walk function f =a + bx^-0.5 + cx^-0.333 + dx^-0.2 and ref is x=ref
    • timewalk_parms_NEWAMP  ?
      DB ID::   548
      Full path :    /TOF/timewalk_parms_NEWAMP
      Created :    2017-06-13 15:33:07
      Modified :    2017-06-13 15:33:07
      Author :    34
      Comment :    walk parameters for f1 and f2 fit regions connected to at location joint and ref is reference amplitude
    • timing_offsets_NEWAMP  ?
      DB ID::   550
      Full path :    /TOF/timing_offsets_NEWAMP
      Created :    2017-07-06 07:25:21
      Modified :    2017-07-06 07:25:21
      Author :    34
      Comment :    timing offsets from timing calibration using ADC amplitude for walk correction with new alorithm
    • propagation_speed_NEWAMP  ?
      DB ID::   551
      Full path :    /TOF/propagation_speed_NEWAMP
      Created :    2017-07-06 07:26:55
      Modified :    2017-07-06 07:26:55
      Author :    34
      Comment :    effective speed of light from timing calibration using ADC amplitude for walk correction with new alorithm
    • HitTimeCut  ?
      DB ID::   552
      Full path :    /TOF/HitTimeCut
      Created :    2017-08-10 09:03:31
      Modified :    2017-08-10 09:03:31
      Author :    34
      Comment :    Timing cut on ADC and TDC times to be used as hits in the Hit Factory
    • TimeSigmas  ?
      DB ID::   620
      Full path :    /TOF/TimeSigmas
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:18:40
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:18:40
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • walkcorr_type  ?
      DB ID::   672
      Full path :    /TOF/walkcorr_type
      Created :    2020-02-11 15:28:53
      Modified :    2020-02-11 15:28:53
      Author :    34
      Comment :    walk correction type: 1=Integral ,2=AMP ,3=NEWAMP, 4=5PAR
    • timewalk_parms_5PAR  ?
      DB ID::   676
      Full path :    /TOF/timewalk_parms_5PAR
      Created :    2020-02-28 14:18:02
      Modified :    2020-02-28 14:18:02
      Author :    34
      Comment :    first function with 5 parameter, second function with 2 parameters, chi2 of fits, start of fit1 and reference point
    • timing_offsets_5PAR  ?
      DB ID::   677
      Full path :    /TOF/timing_offsets_5PAR
      Created :    2020-02-28 14:18:50
      Modified :    2020-02-28 14:18:50
      Author :    34
      Comment :    timing offsets with new 5 parameter walk fit
    • dEdxProtonMean  ?
      DB ID::   696
      Full path :    /TOF/dEdxProtonMean
      Created :    2020-06-16 11:28:06
      Modified :    2020-06-16 11:28:06
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • dEdxProtonSigma  ?
      DB ID::   697
      Full path :    /TOF/dEdxProtonSigma
      Created :    2020-06-16 11:28:17
      Modified :    2020-06-16 11:28:17
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • tdc_bad_channels  ?
      DB ID::   819
      Full path :    /TOF/tdc_bad_channels
      Created :    2024-07-12 07:27:44
      Modified :    2024-07-12 07:27:44
      Author :    34
      Comment :    mark bad TDC channels with 1, otherwise 0
    • adc_bad_channels  ?
      DB ID::   820
      Full path :    /TOF/adc_bad_channels
      Created :    2024-07-12 07:27:57
      Modified :    2024-07-12 07:27:57
      Author :    34
      Comment :    mark bad ADC channels with 1, otherwise 0
  • BCAL   ?
    DB ID::   13
    Full path :    /BCAL
    Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
    Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • LED_monitoring   ?
      DB ID::   46
      Full path :    /BCAL/LED_monitoring
      Created :    2016-11-12 17:56:21
      Modified :    2016-11-12 17:56:21
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • reference_file  ?
        DB ID::   501
        Full path :    /BCAL/LED_monitoring/reference_file
        Created :    2016-11-12 18:08:52
        Modified :    2016-11-12 18:08:52
        Author :    124
        Comment :    ROOT file containing reference values for monitoring plot generation
    • mc_parms  ?
      DB ID::   69
      Full path :    /BCAL/mc_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • cluster_merging  ?
      DB ID::   70
      Full path :    /BCAL/cluster_merging
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:34
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • bcal_parms  ?
      DB ID::   71
      Full path :    /BCAL/bcal_parms
      Created :    2013-01-17 19:06:35
      Modified :    2013-01-17 19:06:35
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • TDC_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   161
      Full path :    /BCAL/TDC_offsets
      Created :    2014-05-22 17:39:25
      Modified :    2014-05-22 17:39:25
      Author :    124
      Comment :    TDC timing offset (ps)
    • ADC_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   162
      Full path :    /BCAL/ADC_timing_offsets
      Created :    2014-05-22 17:39:26
      Modified :    2014-05-22 17:39:26
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC timing offset (ns)
    • ADC_pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   163
      Full path :    /BCAL/ADC_pedestals
      Created :    2014-05-22 17:39:27
      Modified :    2014-05-22 17:39:27
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC pedestals (counts)
    • ADC_gains  ?
      DB ID::   164
      Full path :    /BCAL/ADC_gains
      Created :    2014-05-22 17:39:29
      Modified :    2014-05-22 17:39:29
      Author :    124
      Comment :    ADC gain factors
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   245
      Full path :    /BCAL/digi_scales
      Created :    2014-08-15 16:22:29
      Modified :    2014-08-15 16:22:29
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC/TDC scale factors
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   255
      Full path :    /BCAL/base_time_offset
      Created :    2014-09-17 22:23:22
      Modified :    2014-09-17 22:23:22
      Author :    124
      Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
    • attenuation_parameters  ?
      DB ID::   285
      Full path :    /BCAL/attenuation_parameters
      Created :    2014-12-16 14:07:20
      Modified :    2014-12-16 14:07:20
      Author :    124
      Comment :    parameters for attenutation correction
    • effective_velocities  ?
      DB ID::   287
      Full path :    /BCAL/effective_velocities
      Created :    2015-01-28 18:18:01
      Modified :    2015-01-28 18:18:01
      Author :    124
      Comment :    effective speed of light in the detector (cm/ns)
    • curvature_central  ?
      DB ID::   308
      Full path :    /BCAL/curvature_central
      Created :    2015-06-25 21:28:59
      Modified :    2015-06-25 21:28:59
      Author :    124
      Comment :    correction factors for curved showers
    • curvature_side  ?
      DB ID::   309
      Full path :    /BCAL/curvature_side
      Created :    2015-06-25 21:29:06
      Modified :    2015-06-25 21:29:06
      Author :    124
      Comment :    correction factors for curved showers
    • timewalk_tdc  ?
      DB ID::   323
      Full path :    /BCAL/timewalk_tdc
      Created :    2015-08-24 21:07:26
      Modified :    2015-08-24 21:07:26
      Author :    152
      Comment :    Constants for time walk correction
    • channel_global_offset  ?
      DB ID::   331
      Full path :    /BCAL/channel_global_offset
      Created :    2015-11-19 16:38:11
      Modified :    2015-11-19 16:38:11
      Author :    152
      Comment :   
    • tdiff_u_d  ?
      DB ID::   332
      Full path :    /BCAL/tdiff_u_d
      Created :    2015-11-19 16:38:12
      Modified :    2015-11-19 16:38:12
      Author :    152
      Comment :   
    • effective_velocities_v2  ?
      DB ID::   475
      Full path :    /BCAL/effective_velocities_v2
      Created :    2016-04-06 10:44:07
      Modified :    2016-04-06 10:44:07
      Author :    178
      Comment :    Effective speed of light in the detector (cm/ns) and Curvature Parameter
    • z_track_parms  ?
      DB ID::   476
      Full path :    /BCAL/z_track_parms
      Created :    2016-05-20 12:12:31
      Modified :    2016-05-20 12:12:31
      Author :    178
      Comment :    This table contains the parameters from fitting a quadratic function in the z_track versus Delta_t histograms, for every BCAL channel. These parameters will be used to redefine z_point.
    • channel_mc_efficiency  ?
      DB ID::   485
      Full path :    /BCAL/channel_mc_efficiency
      Created :    2016-07-13 16:40:29
      Modified :    2016-07-13 16:40:29
      Author :    124
      Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
    • shower_calib  ?
      DB ID::   496
      Full path :    /BCAL/shower_calib
      Created :    2016-08-30 17:00:22
      Modified :    2016-08-30 17:00:22
      Author :    151
      Comment :   
    • shower_covariance  ?
      DB ID::   497
      Full path :    /BCAL/shower_covariance
      Created :    2016-09-07 14:32:46
      Modified :    2016-09-07 14:32:46
      Author :    169
      Comment :    BCAL shower covariance matrix, stored as strings for flexibility
    • bcal_smear_parms  ?
      DB ID::   500
      Full path :    /BCAL/bcal_smear_parms
      Created :    2016-10-19 14:27:54
      Modified :    2016-10-19 14:27:54
      Author :    151
      Comment :   
    • timewalk_tdc_c4  ?
      DB ID::   510
      Full path :    /BCAL/timewalk_tdc_c4
      Created :    2017-03-07 15:03:29
      Modified :    2017-03-07 15:03:29
      Author :    130
      Comment :   
    • ADC_saturation  ?
      DB ID::   542
      Full path :    /BCAL/ADC_saturation
      Created :    2017-04-20 13:27:53
      Modified :    2017-04-20 13:27:53
      Author :    122
      Comment :    fADC saturation corrections for each layer and end
    • nonlinear_form  ?
      DB ID::   543
      Full path :    /BCAL/nonlinear_form
      Created :    2017-05-02 12:56:33
      Modified :    2017-05-02 12:56:33
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • shower_calib2  ?
      DB ID::   544
      Full path :    /BCAL/shower_calib2
      Created :    2017-05-02 12:58:26
      Modified :    2017-05-02 12:58:26
      Author :    151
      Comment :   
    • bcal_smear_parms_v2  ?
      DB ID::   549
      Full path :    /BCAL/bcal_smear_parms_v2
      Created :    2017-06-20 13:36:15
      Modified :    2017-06-20 13:36:15
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • SiPM_saturation  ?
      DB ID::   591
      Full path :    /BCAL/SiPM_saturation
      Created :    2018-08-29 11:15:51
      Modified :    2018-08-29 11:15:51
      Author :    6
      Comment :    Constants to correct for saturation in the BCAL SiPMs
    • TimeSigmas  ?
      DB ID::   621
      Full path :    /BCAL/TimeSigmas
      Created :    2019-02-27 11:21:25
      Modified :    2019-02-27 11:21:25
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • EOverPSigma  ?
      DB ID::   633
      Full path :    /BCAL/EOverPSigma
      Created :    2019-05-24 08:58:21
      Modified :    2019-05-24 08:58:21
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • EOverPMean  ?
      DB ID::   634
      Full path :    /BCAL/EOverPMean
      Created :    2019-05-24 08:58:47
      Modified :    2019-05-24 08:58:47
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • TimeMeans  ?
      DB ID::   726
      Full path :    /BCAL/TimeMeans
      Created :    2020-12-10 12:55:23
      Modified :    2020-12-10 12:55:23
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
    • bad_channels  ?
      DB ID::   815
      Full path :    /BCAL/bad_channels
      Created :    2024-04-18 13:26:41
      Modified :    2024-04-18 13:26:41
      Author :    124
      Comment :    Problem channels to mask out
  • Translation   ?
    DB ID::   28
    Full path :    /Translation
    Created :    2014-02-19 09:31:17
    Modified :    2014-02-19 09:31:17
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • DAQ2detector  ?
      DB ID::   121
      Full path :    /Translation/DAQ2detector
      Created :    2014-02-19 09:31:31
      Modified :    2014-02-19 09:31:31
      Author :    1
      Comment :    Translation table from DAQ to detector coordinates
    DB ID::   29
    Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM
    Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:12
    Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:12
    Author :    124
    Comment :   
    • microscope   ?
      DB ID::   30
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope
      Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:16
      Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:16
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • scaled_energy_range  ?
        DB ID::   232
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/scaled_energy_range
        Created :    2014-08-03 21:28:37
        Modified :    2014-08-03 21:28:37
        Author :    1
        Comment :    energy bounds of microscope columns in units of endpoint energy
      • fadc_gains  ?
        DB ID::   233
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/fadc_gains
        Created :    2014-08-04 17:47:48
        Modified :    2014-08-04 17:47:48
        Author :    1
        Comment :    relative gain factor, used to match gains
      • fadc_time_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   235
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/fadc_time_offsets
        Created :    2014-08-04 17:55:19
        Modified :    2014-08-04 17:55:19
        Author :    1
        Comment :    fadc time offset, ns units
      • tdc_time_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   236
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/tdc_time_offsets
        Created :    2014-08-04 17:55:33
        Modified :    2014-08-04 17:55:33
        Author :    1
        Comment :    tdc time offset, ns units
      • fiber_quality  ?
        DB ID::   237
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/fiber_quality
        Created :    2014-08-04 17:57:11
        Modified :    2014-08-04 17:57:11
        Author :    1
        Comment :    fiber quality: 0(dead or missing), 1(good), 2(bad), 3(noisy)
      • fadc_pedestals  ?
        DB ID::   238
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/fadc_pedestals
        Created :    2014-08-04 17:58:30
        Modified :    2014-08-04 17:58:30
        Author :    1
        Comment :    fadc pedestal, adc counts
      • base_time_offset  ?
        DB ID::   260
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/base_time_offset
        Created :    2014-09-17 22:23:57
        Modified :    2014-09-17 22:23:57
        Author :    124
        Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
      • tdc_timewalk_corrections  ?
        DB ID::   337
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/tdc_timewalk_corrections
        Created :    2015-12-12 22:04:06
        Modified :    2015-12-12 22:04:06
        Author :    132
        Comment :    TAGM TDC timewalk corrections
      • integral_cuts  ?
        DB ID::   479
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/integral_cuts
        Created :    2016-05-31 09:43:36
        Modified :    2016-05-31 09:43:36
        Author :    132
        Comment :    Table for TAGM pulse integral cuts and efficiencies for each channel
      • WalkCorrectionMethod  ?
        DB ID::   790
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/WalkCorrectionMethod
        Created :    2023-05-01 13:23:42
        Modified :    2023-05-01 13:23:42
        Author :    34
        Comment :    Selector to choose which walk correction method to use
    • pair_spectrometer   ?
      DB ID::   32
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer
      Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:32
      Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:32
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • coarse   ?
        DB ID::   36
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/coarse
        Created :    2014-11-07 23:39:51
        Modified :    2014-11-07 23:39:51
        Author :    124
        Comment :   
        • tdc_timing_offsets  ?
          DB ID::   267
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/coarse/tdc_timing_offsets
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:39:54
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:39:54
          Author :    124
          Comment :    TDC timing offset (ns)
        • adc_timing_offsets  ?
          DB ID::   268
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/coarse/adc_timing_offsets
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:39:57
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:39:57
          Author :    124
          Comment :    ADC timing offset (ns)
        • adc_pedestals  ?
          DB ID::   269
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/coarse/adc_pedestals
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:40:00
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:40:00
          Author :    124
          Comment :    ADC pedestals (counts)
        • adc_gain_factors  ?
          DB ID::   270
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/coarse/adc_gain_factors
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:40:04
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:40:04
          Author :    124
          Comment :    ADC gain factors
      • fine   ?
        DB ID::   37
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/fine
        Created :    2014-11-07 23:40:10
        Modified :    2014-11-07 23:40:10
        Author :    124
        Comment :   
        • adc_timing_offsets  ?
          DB ID::   272
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/fine/adc_timing_offsets
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:40:12
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:40:12
          Author :    124
          Comment :    ADC timing offset (ns)
        • adc_pedestals  ?
          DB ID::   273
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/fine/adc_pedestals
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:40:15
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:40:15
          Author :    124
          Comment :    ADC pedestals (counts)
        • adc_gain_factors  ?
          DB ID::   274
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/fine/adc_gain_factors
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:40:18
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:40:18
          Author :    124
          Comment :    ADC gain factors
        • energy_range  ?
          DB ID::   275
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/fine/energy_range
          Created :    2014-11-07 23:40:30
          Modified :    2014-11-07 23:40:30
          Author :    124
          Comment :    energy bounds of the fine PS counter in units of absolute energy
        • energy_corrections  ?
          DB ID::   336
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/fine/energy_corrections
          Created :    2015-12-07 09:23:16
          Modified :    2015-12-07 09:23:16
          Author :    132
          Comment :    Parameters to correct the PS energy in the spring 2015 run
      • lumi   ?
        DB ID::   50
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi
        Created :    2017-12-22 00:04:26
        Modified :    2017-12-22 00:04:26
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
        • tagh   ?
          DB ID::   51
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagh
          Created :    2017-12-22 00:06:12
          Modified :    2017-12-22 00:06:12
          Author :    1
          Comment :   
          • tagged  ?
            DB ID::   594
            Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagh/tagged
            Created :    2018-10-23 11:03:43
            Modified :    2018-10-23 11:03:43
            Author :    122
            Comment :    TAGH tagged flux
          • untagged  ?
            DB ID::   595
            Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagh/untagged
            Created :    2018-10-23 11:03:56
            Modified :    2018-10-23 11:03:56
            Author :    122
            Comment :    TAGH untagged flux
        • tagm   ?
          DB ID::   52
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagm
          Created :    2017-12-22 00:06:20
          Modified :    2017-12-22 00:06:20
          Author :    1
          Comment :   
          • tagged  ?
            DB ID::   592
            Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagm/tagged
            Created :    2018-10-23 11:03:16
            Modified :    2018-10-23 11:03:16
            Author :    122
            Comment :    TAGM tagged flux
          • untagged  ?
            DB ID::   593
            Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagm/untagged
            Created :    2018-10-23 11:03:29
            Modified :    2018-10-23 11:03:29
            Author :    122
            Comment :    TAGM untagged flux
        • PS_accept  ?
          DB ID::   576
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/PS_accept
          Created :    2017-12-22 00:27:56
          Modified :    2017-12-22 00:27:56
          Author :    1
          Comment :    PS acceptance
        • trig_live  ?
          DB ID::   596
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/trig_live
          Created :    2018-10-23 11:04:13
          Modified :    2018-10-23 11:04:13
          Author :    122
          Comment :    trigger livetime by bits
        • tagh_tagged  ?
          DB ID::   628
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagh_tagged
          Created :    2019-04-03 16:45:55
          Modified :    2019-04-03 16:45:55
          Author :    42
          Comment :    TAGH Tagged Flux
        • tagm_tagged  ?
          DB ID::   629
          Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/lumi/tagm_tagged
          Created :    2019-04-03 16:46:03
          Modified :    2019-04-03 16:46:03
          Author :    42
          Comment :    TAGM Tagged Flux
      • gate_threshold  ?
        DB ID::   202
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/gate_threshold
        Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:37
        Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:37
        Author :    124
        Comment :    gating threshold for coincidence between fine-grained and coarse-grained PS
      • tdc_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   224
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/tdc_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-07-01 06:56:41
        Modified :    2014-07-01 06:56:41
        Author :    8
        Comment :    relative tdc time offset (ns)
      • adc_timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   225
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/adc_timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-07-01 06:58:19
        Modified :    2014-07-01 06:58:19
        Author :    8
        Comment :    relative fadc time offset (ns)
      • adc_gain_factors  ?
        DB ID::   226
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/adc_gain_factors
        Created :    2014-07-01 06:59:49
        Modified :    2014-07-01 06:59:49
        Author :    8
        Comment :    relative adc gain
      • adc_pedestals  ?
        DB ID::   227
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/adc_pedestals
        Created :    2014-07-01 07:00:40
        Modified :    2014-07-01 07:00:40
        Author :    8
        Comment :    fadc pedestal
      • digi_scales  ?
        DB ID::   264
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/digi_scales
        Created :    2014-10-30 15:49:30
        Modified :    2014-10-30 15:49:30
        Author :    124
        Comment :    fADC/TDC scale factors
      • base_time_offset  ?
        DB ID::   265
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/base_time_offset
        Created :    2014-10-31 16:04:11
        Modified :    2014-10-31 16:04:11
        Author :    124
        Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
      • tdc_timewalk_corrections  ?
        DB ID::   324
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/tdc_timewalk_corrections
        Created :    2015-09-12 16:25:47
        Modified :    2015-09-12 16:25:47
        Author :    132
        Comment :    TDC timewalk parameters from the PSC_TW plugin and ROOT macro
      • experiment  ?
        DB ID::   705
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/pair_spectrometer/experiment
        Created :    2020-07-26 17:51:22
        Modified :    2020-07-26 17:51:22
        Author :    42
        Comment :    Hall D experiment
    • TAC   ?
      DB ID::   33
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/TAC
      Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:38
      Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:38
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   203
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/TAC/timing_offsets
        Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:39
        Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:39
        Author :    124
        Comment :    timing offset (ps)
      • gain_factor  ?
        DB ID::   204
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/TAC/gain_factor
        Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:41
        Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:41
        Author :    124
        Comment :    ADC gain factors
      • timewalk_correction  ?
        DB ID::   205
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/TAC/timewalk_correction
        Created :    2014-06-24 14:39:42
        Modified :    2014-06-24 14:39:42
        Author :    124
        Comment :    parameters for timewalk corrections
    • hodoscope   ?
      DB ID::   34
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope
      Created :    2014-08-03 07:21:41
      Modified :    2014-08-03 07:21:41
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
      • scaled_energy_range  ?
        DB ID::   231
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/scaled_energy_range
        Created :    2014-08-03 07:22:48
        Modified :    2014-08-03 07:22:48
        Author :    1
        Comment :    energy bounds of hodoscope counters in units of endpoint energy
      • fadc_gains  ?
        DB ID::   239
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/fadc_gains
        Created :    2014-08-04 18:12:58
        Modified :    2014-08-04 18:12:58
        Author :    1
        Comment :    relative gain factors for tagger hodoscope, order unity
      • fadc_time_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   240
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/fadc_time_offsets
        Created :    2014-08-04 18:13:38
        Modified :    2014-08-04 18:13:38
        Author :    1
        Comment :    fadc time offsets, ns
      • fadc_pedestals  ?
        DB ID::   241
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/fadc_pedestals
        Created :    2014-08-04 18:14:11
        Modified :    2014-08-04 18:14:11
        Author :    1
        Comment :    fadc pedestal, adc units
      • tdc_time_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   242
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/tdc_time_offsets
        Created :    2014-08-04 18:14:27
        Modified :    2014-08-04 18:14:27
        Author :    1
        Comment :    tdc time offsets, ns
      • counter_quality  ?
        DB ID::   243
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/counter_quality
        Created :    2014-08-04 18:15:14
        Modified :    2014-08-04 18:15:14
        Author :    1
        Comment :    counter quality: 0(dead or missing), 1(good), 2(bad), 3(noisy)
      • base_time_offset  ?
        DB ID::   259
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/base_time_offset
        Created :    2014-09-17 22:23:50
        Modified :    2014-09-17 22:23:50
        Author :    124
        Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
      • tdc_timewalk  ?
        DB ID::   328
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/tdc_timewalk
        Created :    2015-11-12 17:47:18
        Modified :    2015-11-12 17:47:18
        Author :    76
        Comment :    Parameters for TAGH timewalk corrections
      • counter_positions  ?
        DB ID::   505
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/counter_positions
        Created :    2017-02-20 18:43:53
        Modified :    2017-02-20 18:43:53
        Author :    76
        Comment :    Center position in FP coordinates (cm). Width,Angle in cm,deg.
      • endpoint_calib  ?
        DB ID::   662
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/endpoint_calib
        Created :    2019-10-16 19:57:47
        Modified :    2019-10-16 19:57:47
        Author :    42
        Comment :    Beam energy used to calibrate tagger
    • RF   ?
      DB ID::   40
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/RF
      Created :    2015-04-06 15:46:33
      Modified :    2015-04-06 15:46:33
      Author :    98
      Comment :   
      • rf_period  ?
        DB ID::   295
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/RF/rf_period
        Created :    2015-04-06 15:46:38
        Modified :    2015-04-06 15:46:38
        Author :    98
        Comment :    moving and renaming from ../rf_frequency
      • time_offset  ?
        DB ID::   301
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/RF/time_offset
        Created :    2015-05-14 21:41:43
        Modified :    2015-05-14 21:41:43
        Author :    98
        Comment :    time offsets relative to between systems
      • time_offset_var  ?
        DB ID::   302
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/RF/time_offset_var
        Created :    2015-05-14 21:41:47
        Modified :    2015-05-14 21:41:47
        Author :    98
        Comment :    variance of time offsets relative to between systems
      • time_resolution_sq  ?
        DB ID::   303
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/RF/time_resolution_sq
        Created :    2015-05-14 21:41:50
        Modified :    2015-05-14 21:41:50
        Author :    98
        Comment :    square of time resolution
      • beam_period  ?
        DB ID::   329
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/RF/beam_period
        Created :    2015-11-16 11:07:16
        Modified :    2015-11-16 11:07:16
        Author :    1
        Comment :   
      • reference_plane_z  ?
        DB ID::   567
        Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/RF/reference_plane_z
        Created :    2017-09-06 15:38:52
        Modified :    2017-09-06 15:38:52
        Author :    124
        Comment :   
    • endpoint_energy  ?
      DB ID::   217
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/endpoint_energy
      Created :    2014-07-01 06:30:02
      Modified :    2014-07-01 06:30:02
      Author :    8
      Comment :    bremsstrahlung end-point energy in GeV
    • coherent_energy  ?
      DB ID::   339
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/coherent_energy
      Created :    2016-02-15 11:42:20
      Modified :    2016-02-15 11:42:20
      Author :    122
      Comment :    table for coherent peak range
    • beam_spot  ?
      DB ID::   577
      Full path :    /PHOTON_BEAM/beam_spot
      Created :    2018-01-20 15:21:50
      Modified :    2018-01-20 15:21:50
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
  • TARGET   ?
    DB ID::   35
    Full path :    /TARGET
    Created :    2014-10-07 22:38:04
    Modified :    2014-10-07 22:38:04
    Author :    124
    Comment :   
    • target_parms  ?
      DB ID::   262
      Full path :    /TARGET/target_parms
      Created :    2014-10-07 22:38:06
      Modified :    2014-10-07 22:38:06
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • target_type_list  ?
      DB ID::   263
      Full path :    /TARGET/target_type_list
      Created :    2014-10-07 22:38:07
      Modified :    2014-10-07 22:38:07
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • density  ?
      DB ID::   706
      Full path :    /TARGET/density
      Created :    2020-07-27 12:11:05
      Modified :    2020-07-27 12:11:05
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
  • F1TDC   ?
    DB ID::   39
    Full path :    /F1TDC
    Created :    2014-12-13 19:38:18
    Modified :    2014-12-13 19:38:18
    Author :    26
    Comment :   
    • rollover  ?
      DB ID::   284
      Full path :    /F1TDC/rollover
      Created :    2014-12-13 19:38:24
      Modified :    2014-12-13 19:38:24
      Author :    26
      Comment :   
  • ANALYSIS   ?
    DB ID::   44
    Full path :    /ANALYSIS
    Created :    2016-02-16 11:42:58
    Modified :    2016-02-16 11:42:58
    Author :    122
    Comment :   
    • beam_asymmetry   ?
      DB ID::   45
      Full path :    /ANALYSIS/beam_asymmetry
      Created :    2016-02-16 11:43:12
      Modified :    2016-02-16 11:43:12
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
      • coherent_energy  ?
        DB ID::   340
        Full path :    /ANALYSIS/beam_asymmetry/coherent_energy
        Created :    2016-02-16 11:43:32
        Modified :    2016-02-16 11:43:32
        Author :    122
        Comment :    table for coherent peak range
    • accidental_scaling_factor  ?
      DB ID::   665
      Full path :    /ANALYSIS/accidental_scaling_factor
      Created :    2019-10-22 22:54:07
      Modified :    2019-10-22 22:54:07
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    DB ID::   47
    Full path :    /ELECTRON_BEAM
    Created :    2017-02-24 16:09:55
    Modified :    2017-02-24 16:09:55
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • current_map_epics  ?
      DB ID::   508
      Full path :    /ELECTRON_BEAM/current_map_epics
      Created :    2017-02-25 19:40:47
      Modified :    2017-02-25 19:40:47
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • timestamp_to_unix  ?
      DB ID::   509
      Full path :    /ELECTRON_BEAM/timestamp_to_unix
      Created :    2017-02-25 19:41:21
      Modified :    2017-02-25 19:41:21
      Author :    1
      Comment :   
    • ps_counts  ?
      DB ID::   764
      Full path :    /ELECTRON_BEAM/ps_counts
      Created :    2021-04-26 03:53:27
      Modified :    2021-04-26 03:53:27
      Author :    236
      Comment :   
    • ps_counts_threshold  ?
      DB ID::   767
      Full path :    /ELECTRON_BEAM/ps_counts_threshold
      Created :    2021-05-17 07:33:55
      Modified :    2021-05-17 07:33:55
      Author :    236
      Comment :   
  • GEOMETRY   ?
    DB ID::   48
    Full path :    /GEOMETRY
    Created :    2017-03-14 20:58:24
    Modified :    2017-03-14 20:58:24
    Author :    1
    Comment :   
    • ForwardEMcal_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   511
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/ForwardEMcal_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-14 22:09:24
      Modified :    2017-03-14 22:09:24
      Author :    4
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • cpp_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   512
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/cpp_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:37:59
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:37:59
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • ForwardTOF_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   513
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/ForwardTOF_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • ForwardDC_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   514
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/ForwardDC_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • main_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   515
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/main_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • UpstreamEMveto_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   516
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/UpstreamEMveto_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • CentralDC_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   517
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/CentralDC_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:22
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • StartCntr_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   518
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/StartCntr_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BarrelEMcal_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   519
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BarrelEMcal_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • Target_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   520
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/Target_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • Material_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   521
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/Material_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • DIRC_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   522
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/DIRC_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • PairSpect_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   523
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/PairSpect_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • Solenoid_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   524
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/Solenoid_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • ForwardMWPC_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   525
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/ForwardMWPC_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • CerenkovCntr_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   526
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/CerenkovCntr_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • Regions_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   527
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/Regions_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   528
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • GapEMcal_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   529
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/GapEMcal_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • ComptonEMcal_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   530
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/ComptonEMcal_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • DIRC_HDDS_original.xml  ?
      DB ID::   531
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/DIRC_HDDS_original.xml
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • HDDS-1_1.xsd  ?
      DB ID::   532
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/HDDS-1_1.xsd
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • HDDS-1_0.xsd  ?
      DB ID::   533
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/HDDS-1_0.xsd
      Created :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Modified :    2017-03-16 18:38:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • TargetCPP_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   575
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/TargetCPP_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2017-11-20 16:56:28
      Modified :    2017-11-20 16:56:28
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • cppDIRC_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   694
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/cppDIRC_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2020-05-22 17:35:00
      Modified :    2020-05-22 17:35:00
      Author :    124
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • DIRC_HDDS_v4.2.xml  ?
      DB ID::   746
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/DIRC_HDDS_v4.2.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:03
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:03
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • DIRC_HDDS_v3.1.xml  ?
      DB ID::   747
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/DIRC_HDDS_v3.1.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:03
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:03
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS_50_0.xml  ?
      DB ID::   748
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS_50_0.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • TRDGEM_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   749
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/TRDGEM_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • CylindricalGEM_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   750
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/CylindricalGEM_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS_50_75.xml  ?
      DB ID::   751
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS_50_75.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • DIRC_HDDS_v3.0.xml  ?
      DB ID::   752
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/DIRC_HDDS_v3.0.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • DIRC_HDDS_v4.3.xml  ?
      DB ID::   753
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/DIRC_HDDS_v4.3.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • hdds_prereqs_version.xml  ?
      DB ID::   754
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/hdds_prereqs_version.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:04
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS_50_750.xml  ?
      DB ID::   755
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS_50_750.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • ForwardGEM_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   756
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/ForwardGEM_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS_34_75.xml  ?
      DB ID::   757
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS_34_75.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS_0_0.xml  ?
      DB ID::   758
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS_0_0.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:05
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • DIRC_HDDS_v4.1.xml  ?
      DB ID::   759
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/DIRC_HDDS_v4.1.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:06
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:06
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS_34_750.xml  ?
      DB ID::   760
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS_34_750.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:06
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:06
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLine_HDDS_34_0.xml  ?
      DB ID::   761
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLine_HDDS_34_0.xml
      Created :    2021-02-24 22:43:06
      Modified :    2021-02-24 22:43:06
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • ForwardEMcal2_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   762
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/ForwardEMcal2_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2021-02-28 21:14:02
      Modified :    2021-02-28 21:14:02
      Author :    322
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • CppScint_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   768
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/CppScint_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2021-12-08 16:36:12
      Modified :    2021-12-08 16:36:12
      Author :    6
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • BeamLineCPP_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   769
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/BeamLineCPP_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2021-12-08 16:36:13
      Modified :    2021-12-08 16:36:13
      Author :    6
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
    • GEMTRD_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   789
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/GEMTRD_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2023-02-27 16:28:09
      Modified :    2023-02-27 16:28:09
      Author :    322
      Comment :   
    • CrystalECAL_HDDS.xml  ?
      DB ID::   818
      Full path :    /GEOMETRY/CrystalECAL_HDDS.xml
      Created :    2024-05-31 15:34:58
      Modified :    2024-05-31 15:34:58
      Author :    26
      Comment :    created with hdds_2_ccdb.py
  • TAC   ?
    DB ID::   49
    Full path :    /TAC
    Created :    2017-08-23 16:11:49
    Modified :    2017-08-23 16:11:49
    Author :    80
    Comment :   
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   557
      Full path :    /TAC/digi_scales
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:13:56
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:13:56
      Author :    80
      Comment :    fADC scale factors for TAC
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   558
      Full path :    /TAC/base_time_offset
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:14:37
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:14:37
      Author :    80
      Comment :    base time offset for TAC ADC and TDC
    • gains  ?
      DB ID::   559
      Full path :    /TAC/gains
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Author :    80
      Comment :    ADC gain factors
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   560
      Full path :    /TAC/pedestals
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Author :    80
      Comment :    ADC pedestals (counts)
    • adc_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   561
      Full path :    /TAC/adc_timing_offsets
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Author :    80
      Comment :    ADC timing offset (ns)
    • timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   562
      Full path :    /TAC/timing_offsets
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Author :    80
      Comment :    TDC timing offset (ns)
    • timewalk_parms  ?
      DB ID::   563
      Full path :    /TAC/timewalk_parms
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Author :    80
      Comment :    parameters for timewalk corrections
    • pulse_shape  ?
      DB ID::   564
      Full path :    /TAC/pulse_shape
      Created :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Modified :    2017-08-23 16:15:07
      Author :    80
      Comment :    parameters for pulse shape (in addition to pedestal)
  • CCAL   ?
    DB ID::   53
    Full path :    /CCAL
    Created :    2018-11-25 15:44:08
    Modified :    2018-11-25 15:44:08
    Author :    42
    Comment :   
    • profile_data   ?
      DB ID::   58
      Full path :    /CCAL/profile_data
      Created :    2019-01-25 15:40:00
      Modified :    2019-01-25 15:40:00
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
      • profile_data_map  ?
        DB ID::   613
        Full path :    /CCAL/profile_data/profile_data_map
        Created :    2019-01-25 15:41:38
        Modified :    2019-01-25 15:41:38
        Author :    124
        Comment :    Pointer to table containing current resource info
      • ccal_profile_data_v1.dat  ?
        DB ID::   614
        Full path :    /CCAL/profile_data/ccal_profile_data_v1.dat
        Created :    2019-01-25 15:42:58
        Modified :    2019-01-25 15:42:58
        Author :    124
        Comment :   
    • gains  ?
      DB ID::   599
      Full path :    /CCAL/gains
      Created :    2018-11-25 15:44:22
      Modified :    2018-11-25 15:44:22
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with gains
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   600
      Full path :    /CCAL/pedestals
      Created :    2018-11-25 15:45:00
      Modified :    2018-11-25 15:45:00
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with FADC pedestals
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   601
      Full path :    /CCAL/digi_scales
      Created :    2018-11-25 15:45:31
      Modified :    2018-11-25 15:45:31
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with FADC conversion constants
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   602
      Full path :    /CCAL/base_time_offset
      Created :    2018-11-25 15:46:18
      Modified :    2018-11-25 15:46:18
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with the global timing offset
    • timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   603
      Full path :    /CCAL/timing_offsets
      Created :    2018-11-25 15:46:59
      Modified :    2018-11-25 15:46:59
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with per channel timing offsets
    • adc_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   604
      Full path :    /CCAL/adc_offsets
      Created :    2018-11-25 15:47:31
      Modified :    2018-11-25 15:47:31
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table to account for fadc time per channel shifts
    • nonlinear_energy_correction  ?
      DB ID::   615
      Full path :    /CCAL/nonlinear_energy_correction
      Created :    2019-02-26 19:20:25
      Modified :    2019-02-26 19:20:25
      Author :    124
      Comment :    correction for nonlinear gains
    • shower_timewalk_correction  ?
      DB ID::   625
      Full path :    /CCAL/shower_timewalk_correction
      Created :    2019-03-28 17:48:42
      Modified :    2019-03-28 17:48:42
      Author :    124
      Comment :    full shower timewalk corrections
    • ccal_parms  ?
      DB ID::   658
      Full path :    /CCAL/ccal_parms
      Created :    2019-09-25 19:58:20
      Modified :    2019-09-25 19:58:20
      Author :    42
      Comment :    CCAL parameters
    • mc_energy  ?
      DB ID::   659
      Full path :    /CCAL/mc_energy
      Created :    2019-09-25 20:01:30
      Modified :    2019-09-25 20:01:30
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Parameters for energy resolution
    • mc_time  ?
      DB ID::   660
      Full path :    /CCAL/mc_time
      Created :    2019-09-25 20:03:20
      Modified :    2019-09-25 20:03:20
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Smear time resolution
    • hit_timewalk_correction  ?
      DB ID::   821
      Full path :    /CCAL/hit_timewalk_correction
      Created :    2024-07-18 10:15:25
      Modified :    2024-07-18 10:15:25
      Author :    298
      Comment :    timewalk correction for CCAL hits, meant to replace shower timewalk correction
  • DIRC   ?
    DB ID::   54
    Full path :    /DIRC
    Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:19
    Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:19
    Author :    122
    Comment :   
    • LUT   ?
      DB ID::   55
      Full path :    /DIRC/LUT
      Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:20
      Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:20
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
      • lut_commissioning_2019_v10.root  ?
        DB ID::   605
        Full path :    /DIRC/LUT/lut_commissioning_2019_v10.root
        Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:35
        Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:35
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • lut_map  ?
        DB ID::   606
        Full path :    /DIRC/LUT/lut_map
        Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:37
        Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:37
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • lut_production_2020_v01.root  ?
        DB ID::   695
        Full path :    /DIRC/LUT/lut_production_2020_v01.root
        Created :    2020-05-27 15:00:18
        Modified :    2020-05-27 15:00:18
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • lutcorr_analysis_2020_v01.root  ?
        DB ID::   770
        Full path :    /DIRC/LUT/lutcorr_analysis_2020_v01.root
        Created :    2022-01-05 10:18:57
        Modified :    2022-01-05 10:18:57
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • lutcorr_map  ?
        DB ID::   771
        Full path :    /DIRC/LUT/lutcorr_map
        Created :    2022-01-05 10:18:59
        Modified :    2022-01-05 10:18:59
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • lut_analysis_2020_v01.root  ?
        DB ID::   772
        Full path :    /DIRC/LUT/lut_analysis_2020_v01.root
        Created :    2022-01-05 10:19:09
        Modified :    2022-01-05 10:19:09
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
    • North   ?
      DB ID::   56
      Full path :    /DIRC/North
      Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:21
      Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:21
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
      • timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   608
        Full path :    /DIRC/North/timing_offsets
        Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:38
        Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:38
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • channel_status  ?
        DB ID::   610
        Full path :    /DIRC/North/channel_status
        Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:39
        Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:39
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • thetac_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   630
        Full path :    /DIRC/North/thetac_offsets
        Created :    2019-04-23 09:01:26
        Modified :    2019-04-23 09:01:26
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • channel_effic  ?
        DB ID::   700
        Full path :    /DIRC/North/channel_effic
        Created :    2020-07-03 16:09:51
        Modified :    2020-07-03 16:09:51
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
    • South   ?
      DB ID::   57
      Full path :    /DIRC/South
      Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:21
      Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:21
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
      • timing_offsets  ?
        DB ID::   609
        Full path :    /DIRC/South/timing_offsets
        Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:39
        Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:39
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • channel_status  ?
        DB ID::   611
        Full path :    /DIRC/South/channel_status
        Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:40
        Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:40
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
      • channel_effic  ?
        DB ID::   701
        Full path :    /DIRC/South/channel_effic
        Created :    2020-07-03 16:10:05
        Modified :    2020-07-03 16:10:05
        Author :    122
        Comment :   
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   607
      Full path :    /DIRC/base_time_offset
      Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:38
      Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:38
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
    • install_status  ?
      DB ID::   612
      Full path :    /DIRC/install_status
      Created :    2019-01-10 13:09:44
      Modified :    2019-01-10 13:09:44
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
    • led_ref_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   670
      Full path :    /DIRC/led_ref_time_offset
      Created :    2020-02-06 17:22:35
      Modified :    2020-02-06 17:22:35
      Author :    122
      Comment :    DIRC LED SiPM reference TDC and ADC timing offset
    • mc_parms  ?
      DB ID::   691
      Full path :    /DIRC/mc_parms
      Created :    2020-04-30 08:04:54
      Modified :    2020-04-30 08:04:54
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
    • thetac_offsets_bar  ?
      DB ID::   692
      Full path :    /DIRC/thetac_offsets_bar
      Created :    2020-05-07 17:41:16
      Modified :    2020-05-07 17:41:16
      Author :    302
      Comment :   
    • bar_rotation  ?
      DB ID::   693
      Full path :    /DIRC/bar_rotation
      Created :    2020-05-22 16:44:56
      Modified :    2020-05-22 16:44:56
      Author :    122
      Comment :   
  • TOF2   ?
    DB ID::   60
    Full path :    /TOF2
    Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:23
    Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:23
    Author :    124
    Comment :   
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   644
      Full path :    /TOF2/pedestals
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:23
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:23
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • gains  ?
      DB ID::   645
      Full path :    /TOF2/gains
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:25
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:25
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • adc_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   646
      Full path :    /TOF2/adc_timing_offsets
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:26
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:26
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • timing_offsets_NEWAMP  ?
      DB ID::   647
      Full path :    /TOF2/timing_offsets_NEWAMP
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:28
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:28
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • timewalk_parms_NEWAMP  ?
      DB ID::   648
      Full path :    /TOF2/timewalk_parms_NEWAMP
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:30
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:30
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • adc2E  ?
      DB ID::   649
      Full path :    /TOF2/adc2E
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:31
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:31
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • propagation_speed  ?
      DB ID::   650
      Full path :    /TOF2/propagation_speed
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:33
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:33
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • attenuation_lengths  ?
      DB ID::   651
      Full path :    /TOF2/attenuation_lengths
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:34
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:34
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • paddle_resolutions  ?
      DB ID::   652
      Full path :    /TOF2/paddle_resolutions
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:36
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:36
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • tof_parms  ?
      DB ID::   653
      Full path :    /TOF2/tof_parms
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:38
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:38
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • tdc_shift  ?
      DB ID::   654
      Full path :    /TOF2/tdc_shift
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:41
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:41
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • HitTimeCut  ?
      DB ID::   655
      Full path :    /TOF2/HitTimeCut
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:43
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:43
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • TimeSigmas  ?
      DB ID::   656
      Full path :    /TOF2/TimeSigmas
      Created :    2019-09-10 14:02:45
      Modified :    2019-09-10 14:02:45
      Author :    124
      Comment :   
    • channel_mc_efficiency  ?
      DB ID::   657
      Full path :    /TOF2/channel_mc_efficiency
      Created :    2019-09-10 17:29:55
      Modified :    2019-09-10 17:29:55
      Author :    124
      Comment :    data/simulation matching efficiencies
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   663
      Full path :    /TOF2/digi_scales
      Created :    2019-10-21 16:39:24
      Modified :    2019-10-21 16:39:24
      Author :    124
      Comment :    fADC/TDC scale factors
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   664
      Full path :    /TOF2/base_time_offset
      Created :    2019-10-21 16:40:54
      Modified :    2019-10-21 16:40:54
      Author :    124
      Comment :    base time offset for detector (ns)
    • timewalk_parms_5PAR  ?
      DB ID::   671
      Full path :    /TOF2/timewalk_parms_5PAR
      Created :    2020-02-10 09:37:05
      Modified :    2020-02-10 09:37:05
      Author :    34
      Comment :    first function with 5 parameter, second function with 2 parameters, chi2 of fits, start of fit1 reference point
    • walkcorr_type  ?
      DB ID::   673
      Full path :    /TOF2/walkcorr_type
      Created :    2020-02-11 15:31:42
      Modified :    2020-02-11 15:31:42
      Author :    34
      Comment :    walk correction type: 1=Integral ,2=AMP ,3=NEWAMP, 4=5PAR
    • timing_offsets_5PAR  ?
      DB ID::   674
      Full path :    /TOF2/timing_offsets_5PAR
      Created :    2020-02-11 19:30:23
      Modified :    2020-02-11 19:30:23
      Author :    34
      Comment :    tdc timing offsets for new walk corrections with 5 parameters
    • adc_bad_channels  ?
      DB ID::   816
      Full path :    /TOF2/adc_bad_channels
      Created :    2024-05-19 20:50:02
      Modified :    2024-05-19 20:50:02
      Author :    124
      Comment :    status for if we should ignore these channels
    • tdc_bad_channels  ?
      DB ID::   817
      Full path :    /TOF2/tdc_bad_channels
      Created :    2024-05-19 20:50:17
      Modified :    2024-05-19 20:50:17
      Author :    124
      Comment :    status for if we should ignore these channels
  • SANDBOX   ?
    DB ID::   65
    Full path :    /SANDBOX
    Created :    2021-08-23 10:13:04
    Modified :    2021-08-23 10:13:04
    Author :    3
    Comment :   
  • FMWPC   ?
    DB ID::   66
    Full path :    /FMWPC
    Created :    2022-04-14 17:16:58
    Modified :    2022-04-14 17:16:58
    Author :    210
    Comment :   
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   773
      Full path :    /FMWPC/base_time_offset
      Created :    2022-04-14 17:19:02
      Modified :    2022-04-14 17:19:02
      Author :    210
      Comment :   
    • timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   774
      Full path :    /FMWPC/timing_offsets
      Created :    2022-05-04 17:54:01
      Modified :    2022-05-04 17:54:01
      Author :    210
      Comment :   
    • wire_gains  ?
      DB ID::   775
      Full path :    /FMWPC/wire_gains
      Created :    2022-05-04 17:56:44
      Modified :    2022-05-04 17:56:44
      Author :    210
      Comment :   
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   776
      Full path :    /FMWPC/pedestals
      Created :    2022-05-04 17:58:00
      Modified :    2022-05-04 17:58:00
      Author :    210
      Comment :   
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   777
      Full path :    /FMWPC/digi_scales
      Created :    2022-05-04 18:02:00
      Modified :    2022-05-04 18:02:00
      Author :    210
      Comment :   
  • CTOF   ?
    DB ID::   67
    Full path :    /CTOF
    Created :    2022-05-11 16:08:42
    Modified :    2022-05-11 16:08:42
    Author :    26
    Comment :   
    • tdc_base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   778
      Full path :    /CTOF/tdc_base_time_offset
      Created :    2022-05-11 16:09:52
      Modified :    2022-05-11 16:09:52
      Author :    26
      Comment :    time offset in ns
    • adc_base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   779
      Full path :    /CTOF/adc_base_time_offset
      Created :    2022-05-11 16:10:02
      Modified :    2022-05-11 16:10:02
      Author :    26
      Comment :    time offset in ns
    • adc_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   780
      Full path :    /CTOF/adc_timing_offsets
      Created :    2022-05-11 16:11:29
      Modified :    2022-05-11 16:11:29
      Author :    26
      Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
    • tdc_timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   781
      Full path :    /CTOF/tdc_timing_offsets
      Created :    2022-05-11 16:11:40
      Modified :    2022-05-11 16:11:40
      Author :    26
      Comment :    timing offsets (ns)
    • adc2E  ?
      DB ID::   782
      Full path :    /CTOF/adc2E
      Created :    2022-05-12 16:27:34
      Modified :    2022-05-12 16:27:34
      Author :    26
      Comment :    conversion from ADC units to energy units
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   795
      Full path :    /CTOF/pedestals
      Created :    2023-11-16 12:13:38
      Modified :    2023-11-16 12:13:38
      Author :    34
      Comment :    mean pedestal values for top and bottom of paddle i
  • AI   ?
    DB ID::   68
    Full path :    /AI
    Created :    2022-05-13 08:35:56
    Modified :    2022-05-13 08:35:56
    Author :    4
    Comment :   
    • CPP   ?
      DB ID::   69
      Full path :    /AI/CPP
      Created :    2022-05-13 08:36:05
      Modified :    2022-05-13 08:36:05
      Author :    4
      Comment :   
      • 2022_05_07_MLP_Base_matched_background.tflite  ?
        DB ID::   783
        Full path :    /AI/CPP/2022_05_07_MLP_Base_matched_background.tflite
        Created :    2022-05-13 08:36:06
        Modified :    2022-05-13 08:36:06
        Author :    4
        Comment :   
  • ECAL   ?
    DB ID::   70
    Full path :    /ECAL
    Created :    2023-12-18 11:37:02
    Modified :    2023-12-18 11:37:02
    Author :    42
    Comment :   
    • gains  ?
      DB ID::   800
      Full path :    /ECAL/gains
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:42:17
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:42:17
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with gains
    • pedestals  ?
      DB ID::   801
      Full path :    /ECAL/pedestals
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:43:51
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:43:51
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with pedestals
    • digi_scales  ?
      DB ID::   802
      Full path :    /ECAL/digi_scales
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:44:13
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:44:13
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with FADC conversion constants
    • ecal_parms  ?
      DB ID::   803
      Full path :    /ECAL/ecal_parms
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:44:31
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:44:31
      Author :    42
      Comment :    ECAL parameters
    • mc_energy  ?
      DB ID::   804
      Full path :    /ECAL/mc_energy
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:44:48
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:44:48
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Parameters for energy resolution
    • mc_time  ?
      DB ID::   805
      Full path :    /ECAL/mc_time
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:45:08
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:45:08
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Smear time resolution
    • base_time_offset  ?
      DB ID::   806
      Full path :    /ECAL/base_time_offset
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:45:31
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:45:31
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with the global timing offset
    • timing_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   807
      Full path :    /ECAL/timing_offsets
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:45:53
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:45:53
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table with per channel timing offsets
    • adc_offsets  ?
      DB ID::   808
      Full path :    /ECAL/adc_offsets
      Created :    2023-12-24 20:46:13
      Modified :    2023-12-24 20:46:13
      Author :    42
      Comment :    Table to account for fadc time per channel shifts
Full path:/some/thing