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Jo Dudek of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is listed as an author on the following documents:

GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
2198-v10 An initial study of mesons and baryons containing strange quarks with GlueX Volker Crede et al. Proposal
25 Oct 2013
1731-v1 The Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD - APS Talk Jo Dudek GlueX Physics
02 May 2011
1730-v1 The Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD - GHP Talk Jo Dudek GlueX Physics
02 May 2011
875-v1 Information on the GlueX Physics Workshop Elke-Caroline Aschenauer et al. Workshop
18 Oct 2007
671-v3 Mapping the Spectrum of Light Quark Mesons and Gluonic Excitations with Linearly Polarized Photons : Phenomenology Jo Dudek PWA
Amplitude Analysis
Partial Wave Analysis
14 Aug 2006
595-v1 The Deck Effect in pi p -> pi pi pi p Jo Dudek PWA
11 Feb 2006

Number of documents found: 6

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