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Tegan Beattie of University of Regina is listed as an author on the following documents:

GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
3475-v14 BCAL pi0 calibration Tegan Beattie Calibration
30 Oct 2020
4088-v1 Measurement of the Beam Asymmetry for the Eta and Eta Prime Mesons with the GlueX Experiment Tegan Beattie Asymmetry Analyses
18 Jun 2019
3127-v10 Analysis of the η(548) → π+ π- π0 and η'(958) → π+ π- η channels using a 8-9 GeV tagged photon beam for the GlueX Experiment Tegan Beattie Analysis
14 Feb 2017
3097-v1 Feasibility of Michel Electron Calibration for the Barrel Calorimeter in the GlueX Experiment Tegan Beattie et al. BCAL
02 Feb 2017
2082-v2 bcal status: mechanical, beam tests, cosmics & simulations Fernando J. Barbosa et al. Readout
08 Oct 2012

Number of documents found: 5

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