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Nilanga Wickramaarachchi of Old Dominion University is listed as an author on the following documents:

GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
4764-v1 Hyperon Spectroscopy with GlueX: Lambda(1520) -> Sigma0 gamma (DNP Talk) Grzegorz Kalicy et al. GlueX Physics
02 Nov 2020
4429-v1 Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry in $\gamma p \to K^+\Sigma^0$ at $E_{\gamma}$ = 8.5 GeV with GlueX Nilanga Wickramaarachchi GlueX Physics
16 Apr 2020
4066-v3 Talk for MENU-2019 (KSigma beam asymmetry) Nilanga Wickramaarachchi GlueX Physics
14 Jun 2019
3972-v1 APS April Meeting 2019 Talk- KSigma beam asymmetry Nilanga Wickramaarachchi GlueX Physics
19 Apr 2019

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