GlueX-doc-# | Title | Author(s) | Topic(s) | Last Updated |
1186-v1 | A summary of the optics design for the GlueX single dipole tagger spectrometer | Guangliang L. Yang | Tagger |
09 Dec 2019 |
1454-v1 | Rocking Curve Imaging for Diamond Radiator Crystal Selection | Richard T. Jones et al. | Production |
23 Mar 2010 |
435-v1 | The Selection and Performance of Diamond Radiators used in Coherent Bremsstrahlung Experiments | Richard T. Jones et al. | Production |
15 Jul 2006 |
276-v2 | GlueX two magnet tagger | Guangliang L. Yang | Tagger |
03 May 2005 |
70-v1 | Optics calculation for the Hall D tagging spectrometer magnet for a 12 GeV electron beam | Guangliang L. Yang | Optics |
01 Mar 2004 |
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