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Gergana A. Koleva of University of Regina is listed as an author on the following documents:

GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
842-v1 BCAL Facts: What we know and how we know Alex R. Dzierba et al. BCAL
01 Jul 2017
824-v2 Beam Tests for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter Prototype Gergana A. Koleva Scintillating Fibers
08 Jul 2008
659-v2 Dependence of the Spatial and Energy Resolution of BCAL on Segmentation Mauricio Barbi et al. General
09 Feb 2007
271-v1 Surface scan of the two meter BCAL module Gergana A. Koleva BCAL
27 Aug 2004

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