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GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
3393-v1 Calibrations for charged particle tracking and measurements of omega photo production with the GlueX detector Michael Staib GlueX Experiment
Particle Tracking
GlueX Physics
Detector Hardware
Log-likelihood fitting
24 Oct 2017
3270-v17 dE/dx PID 1 Abdennacer Hamdi GlueX Experiment
18 May 2017
2326-v1 Controls Update for Oct-2013 Collaboration Meeting Dave Butler Controls
04 Oct 2013
1220-v2 Charge Division Measurement with CDC Prototype for GlueX Biplab Dey et al. CDC
08 Sep 2009
654-v3 Detector Models for GlueX Monte Carlo Simulation: A Status Report Richard T. Jones General
15 Jul 2006
Number of documents found: 5

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