GlueX-doc-# | Title | Author(s) | Topic(s) | Last Updated |
670-v1 | Forefront Issues in Meson Spectroscopy | Curtis A. Meyer | Lectures Amplitude Analysis Partial Wave Analysis General PWA Analysis |
26 Jul 2006 |
323-v6 | Brief Summaries of Detector Systems | GlueX Collaboration | Hall D Project Review Particle Tracking UPV Tagger TOF Start Counter FCAL CDC Cherenkov BCAL Target FDC |
21 Apr 2005 |
381-v1 | GlueX Review | Mike Albrow et al. | None |
12 Nov 2004 |
275-v1 | The GlueX CDC | Curtis A. Meyer | CDC |
09 Sep 2004 |
111-v1 | Hybrid Mesons in the Flux Tube Model | Eric S. Swanson | Models |
08 Jul 2004 |
61-v1 | Accuracy Measurements of the Straw-tube chamber End Plates | Curtis A. Meyer | CDC |
28 May 2003 |
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