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GlueX Experiment Document 2060-v1

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JANA and Raw Data

Document #:
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Submitted by:
David Lawrence
Updated by:
David Lawrence
Document Created:
02 Oct 2012, 07:10
Contents Revised:
02 Oct 2012, 07:12
Metadata Revised:
02 Oct 2012, 07:12
Viewable by:
  • Public document
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Quick Links:
Latest Version

Status of interface of DAQ generated data with JANA
Files in Document:
  • PDF (20121005_lawrence_jana_raw_data.pdf, 891.3 kB)
  • PPTX (20121005_lawrence_jana_raw_data.pptx, 128.8 kB)
Associated with Events:
October 2012 Collaboration Meeting held from 04 Oct 2012 to 06 Oct 2012 in Jefferson Lab
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