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GlueX Experiment Document 264-v2

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Acceptance Study for the GlueX detector system

Document #:
Document type:
Hall D Note
Submitted by:
Joachim Kuhn
Updated by:
Joachim Kuhn
Document Created:
05 Aug 2004, 05:42
Contents Revised:
03 Sep 2004, 15:09
Metadata Revised:
03 Sep 2004, 15:09
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05 Aug 2004, 05:43
We have carried out a study of the acceptance for the GlueX detector system. We show the acceptance as a function of the angles in the reference frames used for partial wave analysis (PWA) for several different final states populated from the decay of varying initial meson resonances. The resonances are produced by the interaction of a photon with a proton target and their masses and widths follow values predicted from flux tube model calculations. We will also present values for the acceptance of charged pions and for photons from the decay of neutral pions and eta mesons. A discussion on where events are lost in the detector will be presented as well.
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Notes and Changes:
Fixed LGD geometry in HDFast and rewrote the document
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