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GlueX Experiment Document 2698-v1

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Gluex team nears needed throughput on the OSG

Document #:
Document type:
Journal Publications
Submitted by:
Richard T. Jones
Updated by:
Richard T. Jones
Document Created:
28 Apr 2015, 00:58
Contents Revised:
28 Apr 2015, 00:58
Metadata Revised:
19 Feb 2019, 23:08
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The Open Science Grid (OSG) is a consortium of research groups from laboratories and universities primarily located in North and South America, who use grid technology to enable high-throughput computing to solve forefront problems in science, engineering, and statistics. The OSG is composed of a set of "virtual organizations" (VO), each of which is organized around specific research goals related to some subfield. Each month the OSG publishes a newsletter describing the work of one of the VOs, and he February 2013 issue was devoted to the Gluex VO. The article was witten by a staff journalist, following an interview with UConn Physics professor Richard Jones. Prof. Jones serves as the primary OSG contact person for the GlueX VO.
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OSG grid computing Gluex VO
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