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GlueX Experiment Document 276-v1

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GlueX two magnet tagger

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Guangliang L. Yang
Document Created:
07 Sep 2004, 11:34
Contents Revised:
07 Sep 2004, 11:34
Metadata Revised:
03 May 2005, 16:54
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03 May 2005, 16:55
By using TOSCA, the magnetic field map of the magnets has been calculated. Based on the calculated magntic field, a selection of beam trajectories have been calculated and the optical properties of the two magnet tagger has been determined. A preliminary drawing of the two magnet tagger and the vacuum chamber has been provided, and assembly procedures have been proposed.
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Associated with Events:
Collaboration Meeting, September 2004 held from 09 Sep 2004 to 11 Sep 2004 in Jefferson Lab - ARC 125
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