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GlueX Experiment Document 3747-v2

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NERSC Update and Plans

Document #:
Document type:
Submitted by:
David Lawrence
Updated by:
David Lawrence
Document Created:
24 Sep 2018, 13:13
Contents Revised:
28 Sep 2018, 10:49
Metadata Revised:
28 Sep 2018, 10:49
Viewable by:
  • Public document
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Quick Links:
Latest Version

Other Versions:
24 Sep 2018, 13:13
Slides shown at Sep. 2018 GlueX Collab. meeting
Files in Document:
  • PDF (20180928_NERSC_testing.pdf, 1.5 MB)
Associated with Events:
held from 27 Sep 2018 to 29 Sep 2018 in Jefferson Lab
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