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GlueX Experiment Document 422-v1

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Mapping Hybrid Mesons & Confinement in QCD

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Submitted by:
Alex R. Dzierba
Updated by:
Alex R. Dzierba
Document Created:
12 Jan 2005, 06:55
Contents Revised:
12 Jan 2005, 06:55
Metadata Revised:
08 Feb 2012, 11:22
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Outline: 1. What are hybrid mesons and how is their spectroscopy related to understanding confinement in QCD. 2. Why producing mesons with linearly polarized photons is expected to be rich in exotic hybrid mesons. 3. Why 9 GeV photons will be sufficient for the required mass reach and why electrons of 12 GeV in energy are essential. 4. Why an amplitude analysis is required to identify exotic hybrid, non-exotic hybrid and conventional meson nonets. 5. Why a solenoidal-based spectrometer with excellent acceptance, resolution and particle identification is required to do the spectroscopy. 6. Status of the GlueX project.
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Notes and Changes:
Presentation to PAC27, January 10, 2005
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