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GlueX Experiment Document 602-v2

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FDC Status and FADC timing algorithms

Document #:
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Submitted by:
Simon Taylor
Updated by:
Simon Taylor
Document Created:
03 Apr 2006, 08:08
Contents Revised:
24 Apr 2006, 07:08
Metadata Revised:
24 Apr 2006, 07:08
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Other Versions:
07 Apr 2006, 09:25
Slides for GlueX electronic meeting showing current status
of position determination using the FDC prototype's cathode strips and recent progress in development of timing algorithms using FADC data.
Files in Document:
forward drift chambers
Notes and Changes:
Fixed table on p. 7.
Associated with Events:
April 2006 GlueX Electronics Meeting held from 06 Apr 2006 to 07 Apr 2006 in Bloomington, Indiana
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