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GlueX Experiment Document 6566-v1

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GlueX in the integrated global infrastructure for distributed computing

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Submitted by:
Richard T. Jones
Updated by:
Richard T. Jones
Document Created:
10 Jul 2024, 18:32
Contents Revised:
10 Jul 2024, 18:32
Metadata Revised:
16 Jul 2024, 08:40
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GlueX has an established track record of successful use of HTC resources on the Open Science Grid for Monte Carlo simulations. For real event reconstruction, which makes up the majority of the total GlueX computational needs, the collaboration relies on HPC resources, particularly NERSC. Over the past year, demand has outstripped allocations on available HPC resources, and the collaboration has renewed interest in the possibility of doing a portion of GlueX real data reconstruction on the OSG. Barriers to the fulfillment of this potential, both myths and realities, are discussed. Concrete progress within the past year has been made within the past year to overcome these barriers, which opens the door to a significant acceleration of the science of GlueX enabled by the real event reconstruction on the OSG.
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