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GlueX Experiment Document 666-v1

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Likelihood Fitting

Document #:
Document type:
Hall D Note
Submitted by:
Curtis A. Meyer
Updated by:
Curtis A. Meyer
Document Created:
15 Jul 2006, 18:33
Contents Revised:
15 Jul 2006, 18:33
Metadata Revised:
19 Jul 2006, 10:13
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This note is a short survey of likelihood methods used in partial wave analysis followed by a longer discussion about using the resulting log-likelihoods as goodness-of-fit measures. While there are several approaches that can be used to give a goodness-of-fit measure, most of them suffer in the lack of an absolute calibration on the goodness. Rather, they provide a relative difference, and some guidance on whether the absolute value might be close to the best value.
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PWA amplitude analysis
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