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GlueX Experiment Document 668-v1

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Deflections of Cathode Planes Due to Electrostatic Pressure

Document #:
Document type:
Technical Note
Submitted by:
Simon Taylor
Updated by:
Simon Taylor
Document Created:
19 Jul 2006, 15:35
Contents Revised:
19 Jul 2006, 15:35
Metadata Revised:
19 Jul 2006, 15:35
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Other Versions:
17 Jul 2008, 16:42
When the anode wires are at high voltage, electrostatic pressure is exerted
on the cathode planes, which causes the planes to bow in towards the wires
near the center of the chamber unless they are supported by rigid backing
material. This note describes the formalism for
estimating this effect assuming that each cathode can be treated as continuous
conducting membrane and that the number of wires in the chamber is large.
For a given maximum allowed deflection, I estimate the minimum tension that
needs to be applied to the cathode plane before it is attached to its frame.
Files in Document:
forward drift chambers
Notes and Changes:
first draft
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