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GlueX Experiment Document 921-v1

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The GlueX Project at Jefferson Lab - Hadron 07

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Zisis Papandreou
Updated by:
Zisis Papandreou
Document Created:
27 Nov 2007, 06:15
Contents Revised:
27 Nov 2007, 06:15
Metadata Revised:
27 Nov 2007, 11:01
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One of the main scientific questions that remains unanswered in subatomic physics is the nature and behaviour of the "glue" which holds the quarks together. The puzzling feature of this construction is that quarks are never found free, a phenomenon known as confinement. Since gluons carry colour charge they cause the formation of chromoelectric flux tubes, which may yield unusual objects such as glueballs or hybrids. In certain models the latter can be produced with quantum numbers not allowed in the simple quark model and these are a powerful signature for hybrid meson spectroscopy. An international experiment (GlueX) at Jefferson Lab, Virginia, is being designed to search for such exotic hybrid mesons and thus elucidate the phenomenon of confinement. GlueX is considered a "discovery" experiment; its salient features and the planned methodology of amplitude analysis will be presented.
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This my submission to the Hadron 07 Conference Proceedings.
Associated with Events:
Hadron 07 held from 08 Oct 2007 to 13 Oct 2007
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Paper Link on Conference site:
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