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==[[Fall 2014 Commissioning Plan#Tune Electron Beam|Main Page]]==
==Tune Electron Beam==
* Goal: provide a clean electron beam through the center of the beam aperture to the beam dump in the tagger hall with acceptable radiation levels.
# Expected duration: Approximately a few days.
* Priority: High
# Goal: Get electron beam to the dump in the tagger hall with acceptable radiation levels.
* [http://opsweb.acc.jlab.org/CSUEApps/atlis/task/14423 Link to the accelerator test plan for electron beam commissioning (ATLIS)]
# Responsibility: Main: Accelerator, support: HallD, RadCon.
* Expected duration:
# Priority: High
# 4 days: Tune beam to Hall D line dumplette (Tagger Hall can remain open).  
# Conditions:
# 3 days:  Tune beam to Tagger Hall D (Tagger Hall and Hall D must be closed).  
#* Tagger hall equipment removed. This includes the microscope (TAGM) and the electronics.
* Prerequisites:
#* Hall D controlled quadrupoles turned off.
# Tagger microscope (TAGM) and all the crates with electronics removed from Hall D. <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#* Initially [https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Tune_mode pulsed beam] will be used, then CW beam.  
# Goniometer in the beam-open position. The goniometer will not be used during the 2014 run. <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#**Although CW beam has not been delivered yet to Hall D, it is unlikely that CW will not be achieved for this commissioning period. We can reasonably assume  in subsequent parts that CW beam will be available.
# Amorphous radiator ladder equipped and operational <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#* No radiator installed.
#* Responsibility: Hovanes Egiyan.  
#* Collimator blocks the photon beamline to Hall D.
# Beam lines under vacuum <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#* Backsplash detector (if available) installed at entrance of collimator cave.
# Tagger magnet operational <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
# Activities:
#* Responsibility: MCC
#* Tune beam to the dump, check the beam specifications (accelerator).
# Shielding walls installed <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#* Check radiation levels in the tagger hall (Hall D/RadCon).
# Radiation monitors installed and operational <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#* Check for photons (with backsplash detector) and radiation levels in the collimator cave (Hall D/RadCon).
#* Responsibility: Alexandre Deur (CARMS)/Hovanes Egyian (halo counters)
#* [https://hdops.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_read_temporary_CARMS Procedure to monitor CARMs]
# Upstream Profiler installed in front of the collimator <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
# Downstream Profiler installed in front of photon beam dump <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
==[[Tune Photon Beam]]==
* Conditions:
# Pulsed beam [https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Tune_mode pulsed beam] 4-10 &micro;A (average 60-150 nA) for the beam tune
# CW beam 50-100 nA at the final stage of the procedure
# Primary collimator block in the position between two holes, shielding the central area of the beam pipe <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>. Secondary collimator removed. <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#* Responsibility: Hovanes Egiyan.
#* [[Beam_Line_Detectors_Shift#Move_Collimator | Procedure for moving Primary Collimator]]
# Vacuum window covers removed (7 window covers)  <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
# No radiator inserted. <span style="font-size:21px">☑</span>
#* Responsibility: Hovanes Egiyan.
#* [[Tagging_Spectrometer_Shift#Move_Amorphous_Radiator | Procedure for inserting/removing amorphous radiators]]
# No shift workers in Hall D except if needed. RC and/or other Hall D personnel follows the beam tuning procedure at the MCC.
==[[One Week Pause in Running]]==
[https://hdops.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Fall_2014_Commissioning_Plan Back to main Fall14 commissioning page]
==[[Collect Beam Data for Detector Checkout]]==
==[[Optimize Detector Settings]]==
==[[Drift Chamber Alignment]]==
==[[Collect More Regular Data]]==

Latest revision as of 09:58, 22 October 2014

  1. 4 days: Tune beam to Hall D line dumplette (Tagger Hall can remain open).
  2. 3 days: Tune beam to Tagger Hall D (Tagger Hall and Hall D must be closed).
  • Prerequisites:
  1. Tagger microscope (TAGM) and all the crates with electronics removed from Hall D.
  2. Goniometer in the beam-open position. The goniometer will not be used during the 2014 run.
  3. Amorphous radiator ladder equipped and operational
    • Responsibility: Hovanes Egiyan.
  4. Beam lines under vacuum
  5. Tagger magnet operational
    • Responsibility: MCC
  6. Shielding walls installed
  7. Radiation monitors installed and operational
  8. Upstream Profiler installed in front of the collimator
  9. Downstream Profiler installed in front of photon beam dump
  • Conditions:
  1. Pulsed beam pulsed beam 4-10 µA (average 60-150 nA) for the beam tune
  2. CW beam 50-100 nA at the final stage of the procedure
  3. Primary collimator block in the position between two holes, shielding the central area of the beam pipe . Secondary collimator removed.
  4. Vacuum window covers removed (7 window covers)
  5. No radiator inserted.
  6. No shift workers in Hall D except if needed. RC and/or other Hall D personnel follows the beam tuning procedure at the MCC.

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