Beam Line Detectors Shift

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Active Collimator

Control and DAQ

The Active Collimator screens are here:

Main Action Bar -> Under "BEAM" select Monticello -> Select BPM -> Hall D Active Collimator Diagnostics (you may need to move the window to see the correct option as it tends to stretch onto another monitor)

The preamp gains, 1Hz data and averaging/digital gain are on that screen. Go to the Raw Wire Data button for the individual plots and Time Domain Graph HDACI/O for positions.

Changing preamp gains

Once Monticello is opened to the active collimator diagnostics page you'll be able to adjust the preamp gains. On the left side of the screen there should be two sets of 4 buttons labeled IAC5H01I Gains and IAC5H01O Gains. These are typically kept at 10E-10 A/V. To change these, click on one of the buttons and select a new gain setting.

  • Note: With increased radiator thickness and/or current, the preamp gains should go from 10E-10 A/V -> 10E-9 A/V and so on.

To determine if the preamps are saturated, look near the bottom left of the screen where it says IAC5H01L ADCs and IAC5H01O ADCs. If these numbers are approaching +/- 32k then the preamps are saturating.

Performing a collimator scan

Optimal transmission scans

  1. Move the active collimator to the 5 mm hole position
  2. For a 2e-5 RL radiator and 50 or 100 nA beam, use the 10E-10 gain setting (current default) for the active collimator. If using a different combination of radiator and current, adjust the preamp gains to prevent saturation. See above for adjusting the gains. If you aren't sure, contact the active collimator expert.
  3. Ask MCC to center the beam on the active collimator.
  4. Explain to MCC that an active collimator scan is in progress and the position will appear to drift significantly. Tell them not to adjust
  5. On the main CSS overview GUI, select "Motors" under the "Beam" section. This will open a new window
  6. Select "Collimator Scan GUI" AND "Collimator"
  7. In the "Collimator Scan GUI"
    1. Set the start value to be -116.700 and end at -106.700
    2. Set 0.5 mm steps
    3. Use a 2 s positioner settling time
  8. Once step 3 is complete and the scan GUI has been configured, in the "Collimator" GUI use the expert mode to move the colilmator to -116.700
  9. Start the scan in the "Collimator Scan GUI" by clicking SCAN
  10. When the scan finishes use the "Collimator" GUI to move the collimator back to the 5 mm hole.
  11. As HDOPS, go to /home/hdops/active_col_scans and execute the MyaViewer_plotter script.
    1. This script will display the active target rate, the PS and PSC coincidence rates and the inner x position of the active collimator
    2. ./MyaViewer_plotter <begin> <end>, where <begin> and <end> are in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
    3. From the plot, find the maximum of the active target and coincidence rates and compare it to the x position of the active collimator.
    4. This will be the optimal x position for the active collimator
  12. To get the optimal y position, as MCC to move the beam vertically to 1 mm, 2mm, -1 mm, and -2 mm and record the active target and coincidence rates at each of these positions
  13. From the recorded rates determine the optimal y position.

Calibration scans

  1. Move the active collimator to the 5 mm hole
  2. For a 2e-5 RL radiator and 50 or 100 nA beam, use the 10E-10 gain setting for the active collimator. If using a different combination of radiator and current, adjust the preamp gains to prevent saturation. See above for adjusting the gains. If you aren't sure, contact the active collimator expert.
  3. Ask MCC to center the beam on the active collimator.
  4. Explain to MCC that an active collimator scan is in progress and the position will appear to drift significantly. Tell them not to adjust
  5. On the main CSS overview GUI, select "Motors" under the "Beam" section. This will open a new window
  6. Select "Collimator Scan GUI" AND "Collimator"
  7. In the "Collimator Scan GUI"
    1. Set the start value to be -139.999 and the end position to be -80
    2. Set 2 mm step size
    3. Use a 2 s positioner settling time
  8. Once step 3 is complete and the scan GUI has been configured, in the "Collimator" GUI use the expert mode to move the colilmator to -139.999
  9. Start the scan in the "Collimator Scan GUI" by clicking SCAN
  10. When the scan finishes use the "Collimator" GUI to move the collimator back to the 5 mm hole.
  11. If performing a 2-d scan
    1. Ask MCC to raise the beam vertically by 0.5 mm to 1 mm, depending on the study. Repeat the process to the positive and negative vertical limit.

MCC will eventually have a hard time to move the beam at the extremes at which point the scan in that direction is done.

High Speed ROOT File Writer

An EPICS IOC server is set up on to write the raw waveform data to /gluonraid1/Users/ac directory on demand.

The control of this High Speed DAQ can be found in Hall-D's EPICS GUI:

  1. Open Hall-D CSS EPICS Control if not already available following instructions
  2. From Main Action Bar, open Active Collimator GUI.
  3. Start or Stop the High Speed ROOT File by clicking the button underneath the title.
  4. Once started, make sure the a new ROOT file is created and the File Size is increasing.

In very rare occasions, e.g. some one rebooted the AC DAQ server, the writer IOC needs to be restarted

Reboot using command lines
  1. Log onto gluon29 using hdsys account
  2. telnet localhost 26064
  3. Restart the IOC by keyboard combination Ctrl+X
  4. Exit the IOC proServer by keyboard combination Ctrl+]
  5. Exit the telnet by typing quit

Raw Data Analyzer

From Active Collimator GUI
  1. Click the Analyzer button in the PXI Fast DAQ section.
From a Linux terminal
  1. log onto a gluon machine, e.g., using account hdops: ssh -X hdops@gluon30
  2. enter acanalyzer directory: cd ~\acanalyzer
  3. start the analyzer script: ./run
  4. in the analyzer, open a collection of raw data files or a processed ROOT file and start the analysis.

List of EPICS PVs

How to move the active collimator between the 2 collimator holes

Before going into the hall:

  1. Call RadCon and have them come and survey the active collimator and surrounding area
  2. Move the collimator to the 3.4 mm hole position. This will allow access to the hole to use the alignment pin. There is a phone in the collimator cave to call someone to do this if you are already in the collimator cave. If you do not do this the beam profiler will prevent access to the 3.4 mm hole with the alignment pin.
  3. Wear EAR and EYE protection as there is vacuum and a thin window. Ear protection can be found in the counting house near the keybox.

In the hall:

  1. After rad con surveys the active collimator and surrounding area use the red-handled allen key sitting on top of the post-collimator beam line to unbolt the support bracket holding the active collimator to the collimator platform.
  2. Slide the active collimator and support bracket along the collimator platform to the other set of holes. The bolts should fall loosely into place.
  3. Before tightening the bolts, use the alignment pin to center the active collimator. This pin is located in a plastic bag on top of the post-collimator beam line, the same place the red-handled allen key was kept. For the 3.4 mm hole use the narrow end first and make sure the pin goes all the way in.
  4. While leaving the pin going through the active collimator and into the collimator, tighten the bolts.
  5. Once the bolts are tightened, remove and place the tools back on top of the post-collimator beam line.

Collimator and Radiators

Move Collimator

  1. Open Hall-D CSS EPICS Control, if not already available, following instructions.
  2. From Main Action Bar, click Motors in BEAM section.
  3. Click Collimator to bring up the Collimator Control GUI.
  4. Click the button corresponding to the desired location to move the collimator. Wait until the Motor is Done.
  5. If the communication to the motor is broken, e.g. pink fields showing, refer to instructions to reboot the IOC.
  6. Make a log entry to HDLOG.

Move Radiator

  1. Open Hall-D CSS EPICS Control, if not already available, following instructions.
  2. From Main Action Bar, click Motors in BEAM section.
  3. Click 'Amorphous' radiator to bring up the radiator Control GUI.
  4. Click the button corresponding to the desired location to move the radiator. Wait until the Motor is Done.
  5. If the communication to the motor is broken, e.g. pink fields showing, refer to instructions to reboot the IOC.
  6. Make a log entry to HDLOG.

Halo Counters

Beam Profilers

There are two beam profilers installed in the beam line to measure beam profiles in front of the active collimator and right before the photon beam dump. Each profiler has two planes scintillator fibers to give X-Y 2D information. Each plane consists of 64 fibers of 2 mm width and they are readout by eight Multi-anode PMTs.

Open Beam Profiler GUI

  1. Open Hall-D CSS EPICS Control if not already available following instructions.
  2. From Main Action Bar, click Beam Profilers in BEAM section.

Check Scaler Rates

  1. Open the Upstream Profiler or the Downstream Profiler to check the rates.
  2. In the GUI, one will see the scaler counts plotted as a function of X and Y axises. The updating frequency is controlled by the DWEL parameter. The update interval is DWEL×256.
  3. There are three modes of data presentation and we are currently using two of them: Raw and Accumulative.
    • The Raw mode update the plot with the new counts coming from the most recent interval.
    • The Accumulative mode keeps the sum of all hits until the Reset button is pressed.

Profiller epics screen.jpg

Adjust BP Voltages

The power used by the Beam Profilers includes both High Voltages and Low Voltages. The HVs are used to power the MaPMTs while the LVs are used to power the pre-amplifiers.

High Voltage
Each MaPMT is powered by its own HV channel. Therefore there are eight channels for each plane. These HVs can be adjusted through HV X/YPVU/D: Show X/Y HV Channels. As the threshold for the discriminator is embeded in hardware, adjusting the HV is the way to effectively change the threshold.
Low Voltage
Readouts from the same plane share two groups of Low Voltages. Each group needs two 5-V and one 1-V inputs. Always make sure that they are ON. No adjustment is allowed.

Expert Personnel

The individuals responsible for checking that the CDC is ready to take data and setting its operating parameters are shown in following table. Problems with normal operation of the CDC should be referred to those individuals and any changes to their settings must be approved by them. Additional experts may be trained by the system owner and their name and date added to this table.

Table: Expert personnel for the active collimator
Name Extension Date of qualification
Alex Barnes (570) 242-1844 June 4, 2014