Collect More Regular Data
From Hall D Ops Wiki
Collect More Regular Data
- Goal: Collect data for calibration and characterization of the detector.
- Responsibility: HallD
- Expected Schedule:
- Oct 20 - Oct 31 : 12 days
- Conditions:
- Tagger hall equipment in place and operating.
- Beam 50 - 100 nA CW
- Radiator is 0.2 - 1.0 10-4.
- Collimator hole is 5 mm.
- Solenoid 1200A.
- GlueX detectors are on.
- Commissioning targets at various positions.
- Activities
- Take data with the expected "low intensity" conditions of 10 MHz/GeV photons: 100 nA, 10-4 RL radiator, 5 mm collimator and the 10 mm plastic target at the regular position. These conditions are close to the "low intensity" settings of GlueX experiment. Verify the rates and backgrounds. 1 shift.
- Take data for preliminary calibration and alignment of the detector: the rest of the scheduled time.