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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000049Hall D OfflineGeneralpublic2011-02-25 16:052011-03-02 07:31
Assigned Todavidl 
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
StatusresolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Summary0000049: hdgeant crashing
DescriptionThis was submitted by Will Levine to the HallD-offline list. Here is his original e-mail:

"I keep running into a crash when I try to run hdgeant over a large
number of events. Is there anything I should do try to isolate or
identify the problem? I'm just using b1pi events from genr8 with the
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-  Notes
davidl (administrator)
2011-03-02 07:28

This was confirmed by running a freshly compiled executable using the same svn revision originally reported. The same input file and file were used. After ~36k events, the program crashed with a stack dump indicating gkbin to be the routine at the top of the stack.
davidl (administrator)
2011-03-02 07:31

Will reported that with a newer update of the source, the problem seems to have gone away. I confirmed this by repeating my earlier exercise that confirmed the crash, but using an executable updated to the current trunk of the source tree. It ran through all 100k events without crashing.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-25 16:05 davidl New Issue
2011-03-02 07:28 davidl Note Added: 0000060
2011-03-02 07:28 davidl Status new => confirmed
2011-03-02 07:31 davidl Note Added: 0000061
2011-03-02 07:31 davidl Status confirmed => resolved
2011-03-02 07:31 davidl Resolution open => no change required
2011-03-02 07:31 davidl Assigned To => davidl

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