File info

/gluex/release/0.1/fcal/parms/common/fadc250/rocfcal3_fadc250_ver2.cnf DB id=10628 Raw


# fadc250 config file - EXAMPLE
# this file contains settings for
# fADC250 - JLAB VXS Flash ADC 12-bit 250 Msps 16 ch
# format:
# ~~~~~~~
# CRATE             rocbcal1   <- ROC name, crate name, usually IP name
# FADC250_ALLSLOTS             <- just keyword - all settings after this line will be implemented
#                                                for all slots, till FADC250_SLOTS will be met
# FADC250_SLOTS     3  8  15   <- slot_numbers - in which next settings will be implemented
#                                                till file ends or next FADC250_SLOTS will be met
# FADC250_F_REV     0x0216     <- firmware revision  (0x0 Bits:7-0)
# FADC250_B_REV     0x0908     <- board revision     (0x0 Bits:15-8)
# FADC250_ID        0xfadc     <- board type         (0x0 Bits:31-16)
# FADC250_MODE      1   <- process mode: 1-4  (0x10C Bits:2-0)
# FADC250_W_OFFSET  50  <- number of sample back from trigger point. (0x120)
#                            (in Manual it is  PL=Trigger_Window(ns) * 250MHz)
# FADC250_W_WIDTH   49  <- number of ADC sample to include in trigger window. (0x11C)
#                            (in M:  PTW=Trigger_Window(ns) * 250MHz, minimum is 6)
# FADC250_NSB       3   <- number of sample before trigger point to include in data processing. (0x124)
#                            This include the trigger Point. (minimum is 2 in all mode)
# FADC250_NSA       6   <- number of sample after trigger point to include in data processing. (0x128)
#                            Minimum is (6 in mode 2) and ( 3 in mode 0 and 1).
#                            Number of sample report is 1 more for odd and 2 more for even NSA number.
# FADC250_NPEAK     1   <- number of Pulses in Mode 2 and 3.  (0x10C Bits:6-5)
#                   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 - channels ##
# FADC250_ADC_MASK  1  0  1  0  1  0  1  0  1  0  1  0  1  0  1  0   <- channel enable mask (0x110)
# FADC250_TRG_MASK  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   <- trigger enable mask 
#                                                (channel includes in global trigger, if bit set to 1)
# FADC250_TET       110        <- board Trigger Energy Threshold (TET), same for all 16 channels
# FADC250_CH_TET    0    110   <- channel# and TET_value for this channel
# FADC250_ALLCH_TET 111  222  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15   <- 16 TETs (0x12C - 0x148)
# FADC250_DAC       3300       <- board DAC, one and the same for all 16 channels
# FADC250_CH_DAC    0    3300  <- channel# and DAC_value for this channel
# FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3300 3280 3310 3280 3310 3280 3310 3280 3300 3280 3300 3280 3310 3280 3310 3280 <- 16 DACs
# FADC250_PED       210        <- board Pedestals, same for all channels
# FADC250_CH_PED    0    210   <- channel# and Pedestal_value for this channel
# FADC250_ALLCH_PED 210  220  210  215  215  220  220  210  210  215  215  220  220  210  215  220  <- 16 PEDs

CRATE 	 rocfcal3


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3355	3353	3370	3367	3393	3359	3384	3365	3372	3358	3367	3365	3371	3373	3383	3383	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3400	3367	3363	3377	3377	3364	3376	3376	3367	3361	3349	3355	3393	3358	3369	3379	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3349	3366	3369	3351	3369	3352	3363	3364	3371	3367	3354	3360	3371	3370	3350	3377	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3379	3387	3355	3358	3353	3387	3331	3354	3368	3358	3365	3369	3329	3404	3351	3375	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3356	3367	3361	3372	3363	3362	3375	3353	3382	3400	3333	3361	3350	3366	3366	3357	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3377	3395	3344	3373	3365	3347	3377	3377	3370	3381	3393	3377	3364	3381	3377	3386	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3343	3363	3354	3356	3361	3375	3353	3356	3363	3354	3352	3379	3382	3370	3355	3364	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3375	3383	3393	3387	3387	3409	3391	3379	3383	3375	3383	3361	3382	3396	3382	3377	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3356	3381	3378	3364	3364	3377	3376	3375	3317	3384	3366	3377	3352	3363	3359	3377	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3373	3356	3346	3341	3377	3350	3354	3339	3372	3374	3357	3361	3347	3346	3349	3342	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3388	3377	3343	3375	3349	3373	3350	3365	3356	3382	3388	3363	3356	3366	3375	3353	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3367	3346	3352	3347	3353	3351	3325	3354	3371	3373	3345	3374	3345	3352	3327	3351	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3355	3353	3362	3389	3372	3371	3347	3344	3379	3375	3404	3370	3367	3352	3356	3382	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3363	3367	3372	3370	3375	3379	3380	3385	3378	3377	3385	3390	3403	3403	3386	3391	


FADC250_ALLCH_DAC	3389	3365	3354	3362	3378	3368	3354	3328	3352	3360	3352	3349	3347	3354	3359	3370